ND Game and Fish coming under fire for CWD Management

Blake I do not participate in forums, a matter of fact I cant remember the last time I was on here reading anything.

I encourage you to hang out here more often. I've yet to find another forum with as many people actively engaged in hunting and the outdoors as this forum. Many of the members have made their passion for the outdoors a career and are extremely knowledgeable on topics relating to wildlife and wild places.
My whole thing with it as I’ve stated before is if you’re gonna ban it then make it statewide . Fine . But some units open some closed makes no sense when food plots are legal statewide . And baiting is legal statewide as long as not using bait for hunting purposes . Game and fish only has the power to prohibit hunting over bait . So what good does that do except maybe take away some opportunities from youngsters and impaired folks or folks that whatever reason , don’t have ability to hunt much . So I guess I’m making a case to allow baiting statewide for hunting purposes , OR pass a state law making baiting and all food plots illegal . If the state is so worried about cwd then they better pass a law banning all baiting . Not just hunting over bait
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My whole thing with it as I’ve stated before is if you’re gonna ban it then make it statewide . Fine . But some units open some closed makes no sense when food plots are legal statewide . And baiting is legal statewide as long as not using bait for hunting purposes . Game and fish only has the power to prohibit hunting over bait . So what good does that do except maybe take away some opportunities from youngsters and impaired folks or folks that whatever reason , don’t have ability to hunt much . So I guess I’m making a case to allow baiting statewide . If the state is so worried about cwd then they better pass a law banning all baiting . Not just hunting over bait

Thanks for your honesty.
3) It would be a lot easier for others to get behind their agenda, if there was actually any data showing baiting spreads CWD more than natural congregation and social behaviors of deer.

I think there is some cutting edge information out there with humic acid and some other things that we could look at rather than just ban baiting.
John, could you explain how you can simultaneously hold both of these view points?

You want "data" for baiting but completely disregard "data" by citing humic acid (since there is no data to support that humic acid has utility on live or wild deer).
I think there is some cutting edge information out there with humic acid and some other things that we could look at rather than just ban baiting.

How would this work? Require bait to be coated in humic acid?
How would this work? Require bait to be coated in humic acid?
Not exactly sure but I know from what I have read and listened to; I will be using humic acid as a fertilizer on my food plots. If you watch the video attached, it has some great information.
John, could you explain how you can simultaneously hold both of these view points?

You want "data" for baiting but completely disregard "data" by citing humic acid (since there is no data to support that humic acid has utility on live or wild deer).

I have asked the Game and Fish and I will ask you the same. Show me the data that shows baiting speeds up the spread of CWD at a significant higher rate than the natural spread of CWD. There are close to 10,000 deer killed in ND by bowhunters and if only 50% of the kills were using bait that is 5000 deer being taken off the landscape The number one way to control CWD is by population control. So, without any data I find it kind of silly to take a way a tool to control the problem. This isn’t about not believing data on CWD exists. When you think about this whole argument it really is ridiculous. Either way baiting or no baiting hunting will continue and so will the spread of CWD. Hopefully someone will come up with an answer that will help everyone.
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I have asked the Game and Fish and I will ask you the same. Show me the data that shows baiting speeds up the spread of CWD at a significant higher rate than the natural spread of CWD. There are close to 10,000 deer killed in ND by bowhunters and if only 50% of the kills were using bait that is 5000 deer being taken off the landscape The number one way to control CWD is by population control. So, without any data I find it kind of silly to take a way a tool to control the problem. This isn’t about not believing data on CWD exists. When you think about this whole argument it really is ridiculous. Either way baiting or no baiting hunting will continue and so will the spread of CWD. Hopefully someone will come up with an answer that will help everyone.
So, are you going to answer my question? A youtube video is not data or proof.
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Not going to argue with you Brock, as I know it is a lost cause.
Have a good day.
You and the bill proponents are willing to wager the public's deer herd on a youtube video. I don't think it's argumentative or unreasonable of me to ask for data and proof before placing that bet. Nor do I believe my question was argumentative, moreso just curious on your thought process. But if you can't or wont defend your stance. I respect that and will leave it alone.
Not exactly sure but I know from what I have read and listened to; I will be using humic acid as a fertilizer on my food plots. If you watch the video attached, it has some great information.
For anyone curious about this video. This is what I know to be fact.

Apple Creek Whitetail Ranch is the only CWD positive deer ranch or deer farm in Oconto County Wisconsin based on the published map from the Wisconsin DATCP we site. Blue arrow points to apple creek ranch.

I also know that they have registered 605 CWD positives since September of 2016. All positives were post mortem.
I also know that between 4/20/2022 and 11/23/2022 they registered a 148 new positives from the previous report issued by WI DATCP.
View attachment 262491

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I also have an Email from Alberta's Dr. Aiken. He performed the study below. That study is the basis of their humic acid "experiment" according to the video John posted above.

His email.
I also know that the United Deer Farmers of Michigan and Whitetails of Wisconsin funded that study.

I also know that the VP of Whitetails of Wisconsin is Laurie Seale. She owned Maple Hills Deer farm and is also in the video John posts above.
I also know that she had to depopulate her deer farm (301 deer) on July 25-28 of 2022.
Brock from what I gathered from listening to and talking to the gentlemen is his deer are CWD positive but not dying. So, if his deer are showing that they resist the disease enough that they live a full life isn't that good? They are on their 5th year of their study. From what I understand it takes five years before it is a scientific study, but I may be wrong on this.
I also know that Dennis Simpson (the "researcher" with the beard in the video) is not a researcher or a scientist at all. In fact he is the owner of Simpson Whitetails in Michigan. Another Deer farmer.

He announced on his FB page for Simpson Whitetail Genetics that he is no longer testing as of July 22, 2022. I find it interesting to note that he also appears to be selling all of his pen materials and gates on that FB page.

Sure would be a bummer to lose bait sponsor money and the ability to shoot critters on it to help produce a tv show…
The only critter I have shot over bait in the past 15 years has been a bear and just recently I hunted Mexico where I killed a deer and two pigs. So, it will not or does not affect me.
I also had an interesting phone conversation with one of people that video claimed to be involved in that project and listed in the credits of that video. However he refutes that claim and says he wants no involvement with this project and did not give permission for his name to be listed or attached to that video.

He also stated that he told Scott Follet (Owner of Apple Creek) that he needs to depopulate because their CWD cases were going to blow up if he didn't. This was back when they only had 10-20 CWD positives (remember we're now at 605).

For now I will keep his name to myself....but it will come out in due time. ;)
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The only critter I have shot over bait in the past 15 years has been a bear and just recently I hunted Mexico where I killed a deer and two pigs. So, it will not or does not affect me.
So you just “feed” then with all the big and j posts on your IG? How are you determining that it does anything to improve the health of the critters eating it?
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