My admiration grows for Big Fin


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2013
I just read Randy's write-up on hunting with Llamas and one thing struck me - Marcus shot a bull and Randy didn't. How many hosts and personalities go hunting with their cameramen and then give the camera guy first shot? I've also been watching lots of YouTube videos while in the gym getting ready for the steep and deep, and I've been struck by how much Randy's hunting is that of a normal guy or gal. Some animals are big some are not by score standards but Randy always manages to highlight the fun, the experience, and generally downplays score and in turn really underscores why we hunt. Many shows make me feel that whatever I might be doing isn't quite worthwhile or the animals I enjoy hunting and my limited success might not be worth savoring. Randy makes me feel good about it. And all this in a guy who is a tireless advocate for public lands and the way I like to hunt. So thank you for being a real person who makes real mistakes and shares what you enjoy.
I agree with all that and I think that's why everyone likes his shows so much. He's just a down to earth guy who likes to hunt. Much like most down to earth people out there. He's very relatable
Yeah, maybe Randy was being a good man with his camera guy, or maybe he was off snapping selfies with his new buddy Marshall the llama when the hunting heated up.
I chuckle every time I see him stumble and barely avoid face planting into the creek in the intro sequence of the older show (On Your Own Adventures). Who among us hasn't done the same, and been quite happy it wasn't recorded for Americas Funniest Video........or your own hunting show.
Having hunted with him many times now I can tell you that is how he is. It's not an act. We recently hunted elk together a couple mornings and traded off who was out front with out any thought of who was getting the most action. Glad this resonates on tv in it's pure form.
He does it real, meaning public land unguided. That also means to do a show you can have a hard time drawing enough good tags to make the shows interesting so of course friends that will draw and be part of the hunt help keep the show going. Randy is like many of us and has as much fun hunting with a buddy or a kid and seeing them fill a tag as he would filling a tag himself. I think a lot of times that comes in later stage of hunting with some people, and having a child to take hunting is a big first step and realizing just being there is as much or more fun that being the shooter. The guys that always feel they have to kill something huge themselves to measure up to expectations are the ones that get into trouble with breaking the laws to do so. You see it happen every year with some idiot on a crappy hunting show but you wont see it with Randy.
Very good post. Like the OP stated..."thank you for being a real person who makes real mistakes and shares what you enjoy."

I feel the same way. Hope to run into the whole crew someday in NM or AZ. CO and WY are in the long term plan. lol.
Thanks for the kind words, guys. It means a lot, more than you can ever imagine, especially to hear it on the days when I'm gone from home, leaving Mrs. Fin to tend to so many things, worrying about keeping the operation afloat, etc. These kind of comments are even more gratifying, and motivating, on the days when critics are grinding on me to a point where it causes a person to wonder why the hell you even bother.

I am blessed with so many things. My wife, son, family, and friends are beyond what I could ever dare ask for. The supporters of these platforms have made them what they are and continue to impress the companies that financially support our efforts. I am just the lucky guy, who by some divine hand, gets to be the mouth piece for the self-guided public land story I am so passionate about.

This might sound strange, but sometimes a life event is also a blessing. Many know I have a rare liver condition, which I now see was another blessing in my life. Before the condition was properly diagnosed, and for a couple years of recovery, I was convinced my hunting days were done, maybe even my breathing days. Months of recovering on the couch that sits about four feet from where I am typing this, I spent a lot of time making promises to myself. One of those promises was that I would not take a single day for granted. I would tell my wife and son that I loved them every time I talked to them. I would take advantage of every hunt I could physically do and use those stories to tell about what hunting means to me. I would take advantage of the many relationships and opportunities my advocacy efforts had created and leverage those to become a louder advocate for the things I loved, mostly public lands and a future in America where anyone who so desires can be a hunter. If I could make even a small difference it would be worthwhile and fulfilling.

It is during that time when this idea was crafted. It was in that time, probably the darkest time of my life, when I realized who and what meant most to me. The Mayo Clinic docs had told me the CPA career would be short-lived and I had best start thinking of ways to occupy my time and energy. With the support of my wife, son, family, a few close friends who wanted to be minority investors in this crazy idea, and all of you who watch, listen, and support our sponsors, this is where I find myself twelve years later.

Some of you who have hunted with me know that I often proclaim to be the luckiest many alive. I strongly feel that is true. Not many people have a medical event force them to do something they always dreamed of, learning a lot about yourself along the way. Not many people have the support to follow their dreams as I have at home.

This is my passion in life. It is what I do out of love for hunting. It is something my wife and son are heavily invested in, both financially and emotionally. To hear the kind words from all of you have special meaning beyond what any "job" could provide.

Thanks for saying so and thanks for the support you give these platforms.
The hunt reports and the shows are not only entertaining, but more importantly inspirational. Keep doing it as long as you can/want and we'll keep watching.
In this day and age it is refreshing to hear and read the well thought out, yet spontaneously frank, honest and open expressions of someone with so much influence and high profile status. Big Fin's expressions and productions are entertaining, educational, uplifting, and extremely valuable to hunting and to public lands and wildlife advocacy. To say, "Good on you, Randy!" is certainly appropriate ... but doesn't even begin to adequately express appreciation.
I hope to meet Big Fin someday so I can shake his hand and thank him for all he has done. Would be a small gesture, but a sincere meaningful one.
Thank you Randy for all you do. I don't know all the work that goes on behind the scenes, but I reap the benefit of all that work you do. Thank you for being such an advocate for us. This forum is such a blessing as I have been able to enjoy many peoples' stories, meet some great people, and learn. Because of the efforts you have gone through, I have gone on many trips out west. I have shared many great experiences with my dad thanks to the help I've gotten here. Though we haven't gotten an elk yet, it has been a lot of fun trying and learning. Thanks again for your efforts and the amount you care. It continues to impress me and show me how you are different from most others in seeing that you read and respond to most everybody's stories on here. Keep up the good work!
Thanks, Randy. As real as it gets. Gonna think of this when I feel like wussing out at times this Fall. mtmuley
Hunting done right and offers up coaching tips on how to apply, plan and hunt. I am sure outfitter and private landowners dangle all sorts of chip-shot hunts in front of Big Fin for both near and far if he would just promote them rather than the do it yourself style. I am sure various product companies beg him to promote the use of things such as the cough silencer but Big Fin promotes and used products and services we, for the most part, can afford and the items would help us be more successful.

When there are so many things about hunting that can grind us down whether it be rising fees or tag creep or fuel prices, etc, it is nice to know Big Fin is looking out for us and helping show the way.
I'm proud to call Randy my friend and can honestly say what you see on his show is 100 percent real. He truly is just as excited when is friends are successful as when he is. Through all his success he's never forgotten about our little town in Mn where he grew up.
I'd love to have a beer with Big Fin! The stories he could tell! I always learn a lot when I watch or listen to Big Fin, keep it up man!

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