Musician Hunt Talkers

I play guitar and sing. Used to be in a band. We played a "battle of the bands" one time and lost to a bunch of skinny kids with long hair wearing wranglers in a Metallica cover band called "The Four Horsemen". They're now called Blistered Earth, considered by some to be even better live than Metallica was back in the old days. They've been praised by Metallica themselves. A few years ago their gear was stolen at a show, and Metallica replaced it for them

Anyway, music is amazing. And playing it is even more amazing than listening
I play guitar and sing. Used to be in a band. We played a "battle of the bands" one time and lost to a bunch of skinny kids with long hair wearing wranglers in a Metallica cover band called "The Four Horsemen". They're now called Blistered Earth, considered by some to be even better live than Metallica was back in the old days. They've been praised by Metallica themselves. A few years ago their gear was stolen at a show, and Metallica replaced it for them

Anyway, music is amazing. And playing it is even more amazing than listening
We opened up for them once in East Wenatchee when I was playing bass in a band about 13 years ago. They were very good. We also opened for LA Guns in Wenatchee around the same time, also a fun show. Lots of gigs in Seattle and Spokane area too but it all fell apart when the lead guitarist slept with the rhythm guitarists ex girlfriend too soon after they split. There's some stuff on YT I'll dig up and post sometime. Now I mostly play acoustic guitar at home or occasionally electric with my brother drumming just for fun.
I play guitar not that great and sing had a garage band called Bad Parents
Funny story never wanted to sing but we had the Pa set up with computer to practice so I said lets figure out some tragically hip songs, love those guys RIP Gordy
And started to sing along the other guys all said I sang better than I played felt like they cut up my man card that day
That’s awesome. When I first started playing bass I was real into the jazz big band swing stuff. Tons of fun playing in the HS jazz band. Haven’t really dabbled in it much since.
It's really fun music to play :)
The older I get the more I wish I had a talent. I see you guys that can play music, sing, paint, draw, etc.

Other than getting into pickles and betting on long shots I’m devoid of talent.

If you wanna bet on a long shot and get into a pickle I’m your guy though.
The older I get the more I wish I had a talent. I see you guys that can play music, sing, paint, draw, etc.

Other than getting into pickles and betting on long shots I’m devoid of talent.

If you wanna bet on a long shot and get into a pickle I’m your guy though.
That how I feel when I look through the woodworking & metalworking threads.
I got my first acoustic guitar at 12 and played off and on for several years. (I'm 34 now). I could play along with a couple dozen songs but never got great. It seemed liked I'd get to a certain level of playing and plateau, so I'd get bored with it. I didn't touch it for about 5 or 6 years and when covid happened I figured it was time to get back to some of my old hobbies, I started playing again and haven't stopped since. I've significantly improved from where I last left off, but I wouldn't call myself a musician by any means.
i can play dust in the wind and sweet child of mine.


Alright thought more people would have stuff to post on this thread, so here's what I dug up.

Started playing guitar in 4th grade and my brother was in 6th grade and started drumming. Played with some friends from school, 9th grade I broke my arm in football and started playing bass cause it was easier as my arm was healing slowly over time. We had a bunch of songs punkish songs my friend wrote, and we'd play stuff like Enter Sandman and Smells like Teen spirit and Would. By the end of high-school I was pretty good at both instruments, jammed with a few people in college but never really got much going.

Moved to Wenatchee in 2001 and my brother was jamming with some guys he'd met. He introduced me to Brian who shredded a version of Eruption that would have made Eddie grin. I was blown away and was lucky enough to have him let me try to play rhythm with him. At some point the bass player left so of course I had to switch to bass, but it wasn't a bad thing as my brother and I were really tight with me on bass and the three of us could jam for hours.

At some point my brother moved to Kentucky, and Brian and I spent a lot of time trying out drummers and singers. We had a decent band going around 2007 and recorded a couple demos at a local studio. We weren't very happy with the final product for the price, although we didn't pay much, so I guess big surprise.

Definitely some sound quality and tempo issues, but not too bad when I hear it years later. Like always Brian's guitar leads are my favorite part.

Around this time we brought in a rhythm guitar player, who then introduced us to a musician he knew who had about 3 albums worth of songs he had composed and recorded entirely himself for all instruments, about half with lyrics. His name was Tyler and he came and blew us away with his drumming, so we had to make the switch.

We had a gig and the rhythm guitar didn't show and at that point Tyler brought in a guitar player he'd worked with for a while, and the singer ended up having "creative differences" with the new guys, mostly because he had trouble being coached and Tyler couldn't help but coach everyone to improve their parts. So we brought in another guy who we'd tried before who'd been around Wenatchee for ever.

Brian's songs we'd played for ever, with Tyler's recording touches, done in 2009 in his bedroom:

A couple of Tyler's songs that he recorded all the parts for before we played with him that we would play live:

Songs written mostly by Brian and Tyler both, all recorded at Tyler's house:

By early 2011 the band drama brought a split, I stuck with Brian since we'd jammed together for so long, but the personal problems eventually became too much. The singer eventually went down to LA thinking he could make it, and ended up overdosing and died. RIP Knemeyer.
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Old thread but does being a middle school band director count? Primary is trumpet but can play most things at a 6th or 7th grade level.
Heck yeah it counts. I’d say playing a mean kazoo oughta count, so being able to be a band director is a cut far above the entry threshold in my book.
Somebody said they have no talent. Neither do I but that doesn't stop me hacking away at an acoustic. Butchering Shady Grove at least every other day really helps with arthritis. Also it makes the wife n kids groan. So there's that.
I used to shred. Played guitar and bass (and piano) from a wee lad thru college. Jammed in a punk band and metal band (🤘) in college. Havent touched a musical instrument since leaving school.

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My mom was a music teacher so I was pushed through the ringer with piano, guitar, and finally trumpet.
Hated piano, preferred skateboards.
Got so far as the first chords of "Smoke on the Water" with guitar.
Played trumpet for four years. Marching in the band was one of the most demoralizing experiences I've ever done.

I was more of an outside kid.
My mom was a music teacher so I was pushed through the ringer with piano, guitar, and finally trumpet.
Hated piano, preferred skateboards.
Got so far as the first chords of "Smoke on the Water" with guitar.
Played trumpet for four years. Marching in the band was one of the most demoralizing experiences I've ever done.

I was more of an outside kid.
Long live brass and woodwinds...

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