MR Pop-Up 28...How Do You Carry Your Gun?


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2018
MN for now
Title says it all. I’m looking at 1-3 miles hiking to a few of my spots. It doesn’t appear to have a spot to carry the gun.
How about the big pod tri-pod?
I’ve been wondering this same thing With mine. I thought about the MR QuickDraw sling but reviews are all over the place on it.
One thing to consider when looking at the ones that hold your gun vertical is that if you’re walking through thick/dense cover, that barrel sticking up above your shoulders gets caught on everything. When you duck, it doesn’t. At least not much. My pack came with a carrier that carries the gun vertically on the outside of the pack, and that’s what I’ve used up to this point with varying levels of frustration with it getting caught up in stuff. Also don’t really like that it’s not accessible without taking my pack completely off. For this season I’m going to try out the Kifaru to see how that works. Having the gun angled and under your arm means that it’ll duck when you do and the barrel will be in front of you and below your headline - so getting it caught up in stuff shouldn’t be a problem. I’m just not sure yet about the comfort of having it come up under the arm while hiking. It doesn’t seem to bother most people who have posted reviews, so I’m hoping that’s the case. Just feels a bit awkward to me.
I don't carry much when I'm out stalking elk or deer (or uplands). Everything I need fits in a daypack or the game bag of my vest. I have found skinny slings work best. The pack strap will keep it between the strap and my neck. Fatter slings resting atop the backpack strap have tendency to wander off and slide down the shoulder.
I don't carry much when I'm out stalking elk or deer (or uplands). Everything I need fits in a daypack or the game bag of my vest. I have found skinny slings work best. The pack strap will keep it between the strap and my neck. Fatter slings resting atop the backpack strap have tendency to wander off and slide down the shoulder.

That is a good tip. I have a ton of slings, including a skinny one. I'll throw the pack on and see where she sits.
I have the Kifaru Gunbearer on mine as well. Last fall was my first time using one, and I now know why they are so popular. It was especially nice when packing out a full load.
I took a look at the gun bearer. The site I looked at was sold out but had a few video reviews. Is it a bit awkward to carry the gun like that at first? I'm so used to having it on a sling or just carrying it, that it seemed like it would be in the way between my torso and arm.
I just put a gunbearer on my Pop-up 28 yesterday for the first time. Have not carried in the field yet, but I think i will like it. Seemed a lite awkward under the arm, but i don't think it will be a big deal.
It took me about a 100 yards of walking to determine I made the right choice getting the gunbearer. I found it is smoother and faster to get the gun to your shoulder too if you bump an animal.
I took a look at the gun bearer. The site I looked at was sold out but had a few video reviews. Is it a bit awkward to carry the gun like that at first? I'm so used to having it on a sling or just carrying it, that it seemed like it would be in the way between my torso and arm.

Another vote for the Kifaru Gun Bearer. It is a little adjustment, but after you attach it and pull it off a couple times it is hardly noticable. As far as getting in the way, it is very easy and natural to reach ahead and hold branches out of the way. I even set my binos on top of the barrel to glass (empty action!). I still end up carrying my rifle in my hand a far amount when still hunting, but it comes to hand very quickly and easily out of the gun bearer as well.
I’m not a western hunter, but I bought a Kifaru gunbearer and like it pretty well. Scopes rifles sometimes want to roll over with it, but that is something that you can easily fix as needed
I use the MR quick draw sling. I carry my rifle with the muzzle pointing down. I prefer to carry this way in general but if you go muzzle up the rifle will want to roll off your shoulder more.
Does anybody know where to purchase one of these universal Kifaru gun bearers? I can’t seem to find it in stock anywhere. Thanks in advance!
Does anybody know where to purchase one of these universal Kifaru gun bearers? I can’t seem to find it in stock anywhere. Thanks in advance!
That was the problem I found. That said, I didn't look too hard for one yet.