MR Day Pack Lid on Kifaru Longhunter


Active member
Dec 6, 2004
I am trying to see if anyone has done this. I love my Kifaru pack, but the lids don't have as much as the MR ones. Wanted to see if anyone has done this.
20 of us have the superior MR pack.;):D

Just kidding, hope someone has some good info for you.
Seems like it is simply a matter of having the right buckles on the pack and lid. Do you need to know what the daypack lid has for buckles?
My logic in asking is simply that I see many people who are selling one or the other have at one point owned both and settled on one or the other for various reasons. My assumption then would be that I wouldn't be the first one to try this. In fact there was a guy with a longbow bag attached to an MMR frame the other day for sale on the Kifaru forums.

Oak, yeah, that would be great. I am pretty sure this is the route that I am going to go, I just can't fall in love with either of the offerings from Kifaru.

MtMiller, believe me, I looked long and hard at both sites before I settled in on what I wanted. Weight, and the customer service sold me(this is not to say that MR isn't good with their customers).
I just ordered my Longbow and will more than likely be putting the lid on it. Just knowing that the system would work if I needed it was what convinced me. An extra 900 cu in is hard to pass up.
Here are a couple of photos. The daypack lid has 2 sewn on 1" female locking buckles on the front, and two removable 1" male autolock buckles on straps on the rear.


I think I can make it work. Some of the guys on the Kifaru forums thought it could be done as well. Simple matter of switching out some buckles. Essentially, one set of buckles on the Lid, and one set on the EMR frame. Anybody have a lid they want to sell?
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