Caribou Gear

Moving to Montana

Southern Elk

Well-known member
Nov 3, 2015
A dream that I've had for pretty much all of life is about to come true. My family and I will be moving to Ennis, MT around July 1. We are excited to start this new chapter in our lives. Are there any hunt talkers who live in the Madison Valley? I'd love to get together and talk hunting or maybe do a little scouting this summer.
Congrats! Ennis is an awesome place with tons of opportunity. I love about 45 minutes north of there but travel to ennis a lot.
Any farther north and I would need a passport to come see you. Ah !

Nice down there but a ton of people, and tourist...
Congrats!! One of my dreams, as well.
I live 2,074 miles away but visit Ennis at least twice a year - I guess I'm one of the tourists :cool:
One of my favorite places...someday......
Any farther north and I would need a passport to come see you. Ah !

Nice down there but a ton of people, and tourist...

A town with a population of less than 1,000 is a ton of people?

I know there are a lot of tourists in the summer. They are visiting for the same reasons that I want live there.
Congrats!! One of my dreams, as well.
I live 2,074 miles away but visit Ennis at least twice a year - I guess I'm one of the tourists :cool:
One of my favorite places...someday......

Let me know when you're in town Festus. I'd love to meet you.
Yeah I mean with two gas stations in the town it's basically a burb of NYC you are going to feel overwhelmed with the mass of humanity in Ennis.

In all seriousness I hike and biked a ton around Ennis and hardly ever saw another person. I hunted just north of Ennis last season and didn't see another hunter the entire yeah
Living in Ennis is even a dream for most of us that already live in Montana. Congrats.
Welcome! You will love it.
Welcome to the Big Sky Country ... and you can really experience it in the Madison Valley. Living less than an hour away, I often have hunted, hiked, fished, and enjoyed the areas near Ennis. There is enough really great outdoors just outside your town to keep you happily occupied for a lifetime. The school system is great; medical care is excellent, and the history of the surrounding area is fascinating. I am excited for you ... and envious of you, as I envision the excitement of your family exploring your new neighborhood of Ennis.
Love Ennis and the surrounding area. I would move there without question but due to my job I have to live in one of the bigger cities. Its a short drive so I am lucky in that sense. Living in Montana is a blessing, Ennis even more so.
That's awesome man. Every time I've gone through Ennis it's had that sort of magnetic pull that must have drawn you there too. An absolutely beautiful place. Always cool to see someone chasing a dream. We just bought seven acres out in Central Oregon on the Deschutes. Going to be years before we can build on it, but it's ours now. The land's undeveloped and needing attention and gorgeous. It's still raining like crazy where we live here in Washington, and all I can think about is that the salmon flies are hatching on the Deschutes right now...
Welcome to the Big Sky Country ... and you can really experience it in the Madison Valley. Living less than an hour away, I often have hunted, hiked, fished, and enjoyed the areas near Ennis. There is enough really great outdoors just outside your town to keep you happily occupied for a lifetime. The school system is great; medical care is excellent, and the history of the surrounding area is fascinating. I am excited for you ... and envious of you, as I envision the excitement of your family exploring your new neighborhood of Ennis.

I agree with being envious of the future exploration....I remember when I moved to my new home and country called Montana....For years my family and I have explored our "new neighborhood", an adventure for sure, its still a "hidden secret" in a way, something special for those that enjoy the gift the outdoors has to offer. Truly one of the wildest places left in the lower 48...Ennis is a perfect western town depending on what you are looking for.
Why aren't you moving to the Bitterroot like everybody else? mtmuley

Jerk. lol. Obviously, he didn't get the memo Montana is full.

@Southern Elk, I'll be in Ennis later this summer fishing the Madison. I'll send you a pm so you can buy me a beer.
I know your excitement.
We left the Madison drainage 25 years ago to chase our dream of living in Alaska, finally settling on the coast of the Olympic Peninsula.
We're now moving Sheridan, over the hill from Ennis. Less wind and closer to our kids and grandchildren in Dillon, and the rest of our family scattered throughout the Gallatin and the Madison.
Really looking forward to spending our remaining years there

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