Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

More Ted Cruz


Apr 22, 2012
So Ted wins Idaho and now Wyoming. I don't get it, here is the guy who would sell off public lands to private parties and he wins 2 of the states that stand to lose out the most. I have hopes for Montana, Arizona and Utah but I will likely be disappointed. Utah won't surprise me much as many there so blindly vote republican and their lawmakers are largely responsible for some of this land grab attempt, not to mention they have SFW who only has sportsmens best interest in mind :rolleyes:
You would be amazed at the amount of voters who vote not having a clue as to what the candidate's stance of verious issues really are. I'd say more than half.
Wyoming has a caucus, not a primary. Keep that in mind. (everyone doesn't vote)

Plus like the above poster commented, Wyoming is made up ranchers. Ranchers like what Cruz is selling, land. They've got the $$$, want the land, and Cruz wants to sell it off. Then they wont have to hang "private property" signs on public land anymore, or attempt to chain off public roads/gates to keep people out. Its a win win for them.

Heck they'd probably vote for ol Cliven if he was running.
Thankfully these states have about as many delegates as their voters do common sense.
Wyoming has a caucus, not a primary. Keep that in mind. (everyone doesn't vote)

Plus like the above poster commented, Wyoming is made up ranchers. Ranchers like what Cruz is selling, land. They've got the $$$, want the land, and Cruz wants to sell it off. Then they wont have to hang "private property" signs on public land anymore, or attempt to chain off public roads/gates to keep people out. Its a win win for them.

Heck they'd probably vote for ol Cliven if he was running.

Exactly JWP, Wyoming's republican base is composed of wealthy ranchers/outfitters/oil & gas men/mineral interests/realtors and foreign citizen ranch owners. All have plenty of moola and would jump at the chance to buy up the federal ground. Our "Citizen" legislature is rancher top heavy and Governor Mead himself is a rancher. So now you know what we Wyoming peasants are up against. Cruz and Ryan would hold a Fire Sale of BLM & National forest lands, and all our Wyoming representatives are 100% for the land transfer...Both Senators and our One Congresswoman. It's a stacked deck.
Sick - Conservatives are masters at convincing the average guy to vote against his own interest.

All constitutional conservatives have to do is play on gun fears and socialist fears and the fox owns the henhouse.
Sick - Conservatives are masters at convincing the average guy to vote against his own interest.

All constitutional conservatives have to do is play on gun fears and socialist fears and the fox owns the henhouse.

Yep, especially to those who just vote Red and don't pay any attention to who is running and what they stand for. This is all very scary. I don't even want to imagine a U.S. after the public lands have been dismantled and bought up by big money...
The majority of people in Idaho I have talked to either fall under this category

Wyoming is made up ranchers. Ranchers like what Cruz is selling, land. They've got the $$$, want the land, and Cruz wants to sell it off. Then they wont have to hang "private property" signs on public land anymore, or attempt to chain off public roads/gates to keep people out. Its a win win for them.

Or this one

Public land=big gubmint
Big Gubmint=Bad
Public land=Bad

Pretty much sums it up for those folks.
Wyoming has a caucus, not a primary. Keep that in mind. (everyone doesn't vote)

Plus like the above poster commented, Wyoming is made up ranchers. Ranchers like what Cruz is selling, land. They've got the $$$, want the land, and Cruz wants to sell it off. Then they wont have to hang "private property" signs on public land anymore, or attempt to chain off public roads/gates to keep people out. Its a win win for them.

Heck they'd probably vote for ol Cliven if he was running.

I agree with you there
NOT everyone is a "single issue" voter. Many people look at "MANY" factors which may influence their vote. Examples: Land, abortion, illegals, economy, defense, supreme court, and I could go on and on.

I would be disappointed if the voters of this country were "single issue" voters. What may be important to you may not be so important to another person. If I ever find a candidate that believes in everything that I believe in...... It will be a MIRICLE :)

good luck to all
the dog
NOT everyone is a "single issue" voter. Many people look at "MANY" factors which may influence their vote. Examples: Land, abortion, illegals, economy, defense, supreme court, and I could go on and on.

I would be disappointed if the voters of this country were "single issue" voters. What may be important to you may not be so important to another person. If I ever find a candidate that believes in everything that I believe in...... It will be a MIRICLE :)

good luck to all
the dog

Careful now, you wouldn't wanna encourage a Hillary disparagement thread round these here parts.;)

...and I think you meant muracle.:)
NOT everyone is a "single issue" voter. Many people look at "MANY" factors which may influence their vote. Examples: Land, abortion, illegals, economy, defense, supreme court, and I could go on and on.

I would be disappointed if the voters of this country were "single issue" voters. What may be important to you may not be so important to another person. If I ever find a candidate that believes in everything that I believe in...... It will be a MIRICLE :)

good luck to all
the dog

Ya folks from Albany county and Teton probably voted for the commies for the greater good...in their hemp sandals.
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Yep, especially to those who just vote Red and don't pay any attention to who is running and what they stand for. This is all very scary. I don't even want to imagine a U.S. after the public lands have been dismantled and bought up by big money...

You nailed it. I don't want to imagine it either but sadly it kind of looks like that's where we're heading, probably sooner than later if folks don't wise up and I see no indication they are. Look on the bright side though, at least we'll have our guns, all the guns you can imagine and no place to hunt, hell of a deal huh?

I'll do all I can to stop this but it isn't looking real good from my perspective, but I won't stop trying.
NOT everyone is a "single issue" voter. Many people look at "MANY" factors which may influence their vote. Examples: Land, abortion, illegals, economy, defense, supreme court, and I could go on and on.

I would be disappointed if the voters of this country were "single issue" voters. What may be important to you may not be so important to another person. If I ever find a candidate that believes in everything that I believe in...... It will be a MIRICLE :)

good luck to all
the dog

Exactly. Last time I checked, the president doesn't get to make the laws, he must convince the House and Senate, which gives the voters a chance to provide their input. I sure as hell wouldn't vote for Hillary or Bernie because I was afraid the president would sell all the public land without the consent of congress.
Congress is getting closer and closer to having a majority in favor now give them a commander-in-chief that also wants it and see if it happens? Good strategy.
You don't have to be a one-issue voter what you need to be is a voter who looks at what politically could actually happen then pick your poison.

It's all political smoke and mirrors. They're going to bring up emotional issues and religious issues to get you to turn your head away while they rob us blind.
So Ted wins Idaho and now Wyoming. I don't get it, here is the guy who would sell off public lands to private parties and he wins 2 of the states that stand to lose out the most. I have hopes for Montana, Arizona and Utah but I will likely be disappointed. Utah won't surprise me much as many there so blindly vote republican and their lawmakers are largely responsible for some of this land grab attempt, not to mention they have SFW who only has sportsmens best interest in mind :rolleyes:

Well he ain't gonna win Illinois today. I sure as hell didn't vote for him. More delegates here than both those states combined. Pretty mind boggling these western states would go for him. I bet 90% of the voters don't know his stance on this issue.
Well he ain't gonna win Illinois today. I sure as hell didn't vote for him. More delegates here than both those states combined. Pretty mind boggling these western states would go for him. I bet 90% of the voters don't know his stance on this issue.

I agree!! Watching Fox News now. Trump just won Florida but I don't understand why Cruz has so much support from these western states? They project him to carry several more western states and these are the states that have the most public land to lose. He won ID and WY already(Cruz). I guess what it says is there's a lot of ppl in these western states that don't hunt or use these public lands for recreation? I can't understand it. I would figure these would be the states that are admittedly opposed to Cruz?

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