More Public Land Politics

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
This crap drives me nuts. But, I am posting it, as it gives a good picture that is not always reported in the daily news wires/shows. It has to do with the struggle within the Republican party for controlling voice on public land issues. I think the recent mid-term elections have raised public land issues to a point where folks in DC are paying attention.

We all know a continuing spending resolution is going through Congress. The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee has asked Senate Majority Leader McConnell (R-KY) to add the public land provisions to the continuing resolution. In this article, it mentions Montana Senators Tester (D-MT) and Daines (R-MT) as pressuring McConnell to add the lands package. Not as prominent in the article is the fact that other Rs, Burr (R-NC), Murkowski (R-AK), Gardner (R-CO), and Sullivan (R-AK) are pressing. As is Heinrich (D-NM). These are some rather powerful Senators when added as a group.

In spite of that effort, Mike Lee (R-UT) has held his anti-public land caucus hostage and they are pressuring McConnell to not allow it. McConnell is listening to the Lee contingency and denying any public land add ons. That internal struggle is the important part missing from the article. Lee doesn't give a crap about those Rs who know that they need some good scores on public lands to defend some key seats in 2020.

This is one of the more colorful behind the scenes inter-party struggles I've heard of in a long time. I hope these Rs can convince McConnell to tell Lee to pound sand. And I hope that public lands end up as the winner. If nothing else, it is foreshadow to an upcoming showdown in the Republican Party on public land policy.

If I was putting money on it down in Vegas, the smart money is that Lee has leverage on McConnell and will prevail in his effort to deny these positive public land provisions.
................"Scientists are still unable to prove how Republicans can continually lower the bar".

"....those Rs who know that they need some good scores on public lands to defend some key seats in 2020".
What a concept it would be if "R's" could actually come by a public lands conscience honestly vs. as a necessity to garner votes. The whole bunch can pound sand.
Keep voting for 'em sports fans......................................
Great post, grim news. It sucks to see how the sausage is made. No matter how well-informed individual opinions are, they mean nothing compared to what goes on behind the curtain. We must cooperate to advocate for our public lands. We must face the realities hidden from us, once they are revealed.
Seems crazy to me. Literally working against their own interests if they hope for any chance to keep the Senate during the next election. Those Republicans trying to fund public lands are vulnerable BECAUSE OF THAT ISSUE. The ones opposed aren't going to lose votes for letting it go forward. I guess "mineral lobbies" are pressuring them but McConnell needs to look at the bigger picture.
Lobbyist= corruption. D's or R's... Modern-day politics. Extremism on both ends and no give in sight.
Lobbyist are an unfortunate necessity to represent the various interests.
Sad our public lands and funding get the boot.

Lobbyist are the true destruction. Politicians are merely their puppets.
Well, the Senate was the only hope for this public lands package being attached to the continuing resolution. Senator Lee (R-UT) won. The Senate package was passed and did not include the public lands package. Daines, Gardner, Murkowski, Sullivan, Burr, Tester, and Heinrich lost. Public land users lost.

Not a chance the House will add such a thing. Another chance to reinstate the most successful public land program in our history shot down, again, by an anti-public land zealot from Utah.
You're letting a whole lot of voters and their choices off easy by attaching blame to one idiot..............................................
Sounds like things are in flux. Maybe while Chump is busy stewing in his own juices, the GOP controlled Senate is readdressing the public lands deal while they're stumble%$#*ing their way through the current little spending bill problem. Just a little fun musing with equally little chance of happening.
How does this pertain to hunting, etc? Some Fed employees in my life are looking forward to some paid time off during the season of wonder - upland and waterfowl seasons are still open and they'll get paid to go hunting:D.
A taxpayer funded vacay for 100's of thousands.
What a joke.
I'm going to keep on it. You won't be rid of Mike Lee sitting in Montana(BHA), or running to Colorado(Outdoor retailers). Mike Lee checks off all the boxes in Utah. Deep family connections, R, "member in good standing". He will easily beat another Kristy Snow or any dem.

Utah is the battleground. BHA Rendevous, OR, RMEF elk camp, etc need to get their collective azzes to Utah, create a ton of very public pressure. The Salt Lake media that isn't church owned will give tons of exposure. Lee needs to have very bright lights on him, let him explain in public, on TV, that he plans to sell off public lands. Most folks here don't read Sutherland institute speeches, they don't know. The just see Lee on Fox grandstanding.

The fight is here.
A taxpayer funded vacay for 100's of thousands.

The joke is on us. The govt shut down doesn't hurt anyone in the govt - not the legislators or govt employees, just the public land owners that will be locked out of National Parks, Museums, etc.
Daines told us we would have LWCF before the new year. Hope he delivers.

Actually Schaaf, I recalled something close to what you are so proudly supporting Daines as saying, I had to go back to find his specific quote... I hope this doesn't let you down...

Lame duck congresses happen every two years (and) history shows they’re a very productive time to move legislation, particularly on public lands. There’s an opportunity to get things done before the end of the year.
Jeezus Sytes.
I can freely admit that I am anti GOP, the party who blatantly, consistently, and proudly assault everything that is "hunters who prefer to hunt without guides, on public lands".
Can you freely admit that you pose as a concerned "anti-extremist nonpartisan" while either being blatantly just pro GOP or just as much blatantly anti DEM?
You do provide an interesting humor............
Hedging bets, t'is all... :)

I publicly posted my 2016 and most recent 2018 ballots... While you may seek to proclaim me an R, as an avid extreme Democrat may desire, my proof is out for you to view. I'm no R nor a D.
Actually Schaaf, I recalled something close to what you are so proudly supporting Daines as saying, I had to go back to find his specific quote... I hope this doesn't let you down...

You’re right, I thought it was more pointed than that.
I publicly posted my 2016 and most recent 2018 ballots... While you may seek to proclaim me an R, as an avid extreme Democrat may desire, my proof is out for you to view. I'm no R nor a D.
I will attest to Syte's non-partisan ballot, as I viewed it with interest. Much to his credit, he engaged in lively discussions on this forum, likely as well as elsewhere, and in my perspective, he was willing to consider viewpoints not necessarily consistent with his own initially. Sytes obviously was open to healthy political debate and respect for others' views.
I'm a lurker and not much of a contributor, but I want to address this:

The joke is on us. The govt shut down doesn't hurt anyone in the govt - not the legislators or govt employees, just the public land owners that will be locked out of National Parks, Museums, etc.

I am a low level federal seasonal employee who is currently in the middle of trying to initiate winter field work. The threat of a shutdown is absolutely creating problems. We are trying to hire workers who have no idea if they will actually have a job to go to in January, people who have been hired and are in a bunkhouse (are they going to be kicked out/lights turned off?), private vendors and small local businesses that we are trying to contract with don't know if they should proceed with agreed upon work, we lose out official means of communications. These are just a few examples.

The shutdown ultimately costs more money than actually funding the work being done. Employees will likely get back pay, but money is lost on unfilled and cancelled contracts, engagements and reservations. The rapport that many of us try to build with the local businesses is can also be squandered.

The shutdown will hurt those involved in this winter's field season.