Moosie Needs help...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
SO I'm kicking of fa Radio Add (60 Second clip) as a Marketing Test run on the Local Country station. I'm going to give a blurb About and this and That about it.

Does anyone have any good Idea's ? :confused:

I listen to other adds and see what they do, So people throw out the name ALOT, like :

Looking for a place to talk hunting "" is the Place. "" has hunters from around the world shareing hunting stories. Looking for Elk hunting info ? "Hunttalk" has the answers. BLAH BLAH BLAH

Some have a Catchy Jingle, some in a ctchy song. Some talk in a serious voice and some catoring to the Youth too with saying like "Hunttalk is Of fthe Chain...."

I'm jsut not sure thats the Avenue I'm going down.....

Anyways.... Any Idea's Please Help out with any ideas !!
KICK it one time boooooyyyyy ;) I won't be rapping, Trust me :D

I'm writing the DHI Promotion for the BAnquet and also a Public Safety anouncement, I will be doing the Hunttalk comertial at the same time.

ALL slots are in 1 Min Incraments. even 1 second over gets Cut. Reading has to be done precise so each word needs to be thought out.

The other 2 are in the works but out Fall safety one was recorded like this :

My Winter one is like this :

Hi, This is Oscar Williamson with Deer hunters of Idaho and Winter has set in. With snow covering the mountains there will many folks spending their time in the outdoors. We’ll be driving to hills, jumping on our sleds, and hitting the trails. We’ll be binding up the cross country skis and going cross country. Along the way we will encounter Wildlife in the wintering range : Deer, Elk, moose and more. The wintering range is were the animals go during the winter to find crucial food to survive through the winter. Future populations depend on winter survival. Our organization promotes education to the General public on Habitat and conservation with responsible Wildlife management. We would also like to state that the Animals this time of year are under some Harsh winter climate in Critical Habitat locations. It should go without saying that chasing or harassing game (Yes, even predators) is NOT Acceptable and Illegal. In any sport there are bad apples which give the rest a bad name. We want to encourage everyone to do the right thing this winter while having fun. Deer Hunters of Idaho would like to ask that you act responsible this winter and still have fun. You can learn more or ask questions at out Website Have a great and safe winter.

The BAnquet one is like this :

Attention hunters, It’s that time of year when most seasons are closed and you’re looking for something to do. We have your solution. Hi, this is Oscar Williamson with Deer Hunters of Idaho. We are having our Annual banquet and fund raiser on Sat Feb 26th at the Nampa Civic center. This function will kick off at 4PM with Dinner at 6 and a live auction to follow including: An Alaska Fishing trip, a Sturgeon trip, taxidermy mount, a Bear hunt with hounds, Truck tires , Lodge furniture, and lots of Firearms to win. We’re also focusing a lot on the youth including an Antelope hunt, Goose Hunt, Turkey hunt, deer hunt, and Much more. There will also be Silent auctions, Raffles, door prizes, games, and a Whole lot of fun for the entire family. The evening will run $70 per couple and $20 for 16 and under plus there will be a raffle bonus for all those that sign up before Jan 31st. Join us for the Annual Deer Hunters of Idaho Banquet and Fundraiser Feb 26th. Help support a Wildlife organization were your money will stay right here in Idaho. Tickets can be purchased by calling 463-2442. Or by going to Deer hunters of


Any comments ?

The HEY be safe and come to our Banquet ones are Easy.... This other one is not.

Thanx for all the "serious replies" in advance ;)
Don't chase the game,

it would be a shame,

and you would be the blame,

if one of them got lame,

they might never be the same!

And you would be to blame.

Happy New Year!
"Thanx for all the "serious replies" in advance "

I need help for the Hunttalk one, not the DHI one, But thanx Tom, you're posts are always enlightening !!!!!
Come to the hunting party! We've got things for the whole family at the Idaho Deer Hunters annual banquet at the Napa Civic Center on Feb.26, saturday from 4pm on!

Great food to start off. Silent auctions of gear, youth hunts, ...

Start out upbeat, that was the idea on that one. Good luck!
I say have a woman do the promo (not me). Get the hunter's attention.
Once again........I need help for the Hunttalk one, not the DHI one, But thanx Tom, you're posts are always enlightening !!!!!
Don't make the ad Treasure Valley specific. Make it general and maybe one of our members with media connections (dgibs hint, hint) might be able to get it on somewhere else too.
Moosie.....put your money where your audience is.....on the internet......Google will give you the biggest bang for your buck. I think some of their adds are as low as $50.00 and will get to the people that you really want to get to. When they search for hunting, your add will be right there on the right of the screen.....far more hits than a radio jingle will give, and more serious ones also......Good Luck!
Why don't you get one of the Hunttalk admins to send an im to everybody?

Who, what, when, where, why?

Isn't that what they teach people in journalism?

There must be some journalism people here, maybe marketing people, make a committee.

I can do statistics, somebody else must do this stuff. Add that to our registration, what we do for a living. Mojave has a good idea, can you put a picture, with motion, and a voice, in some tight fitting camo? Let me know if you want help with the interview process or something like that.
I think I finally figured out what you're doing. You're going to recruit new hunttalk members on the radio, am I right?

Those other two have nothing to do with this.
Moosie, I think that you should bag the lame country radio station idea and go with television. A few still photos of you doing handstands in the snow shirtless along with a clip of you chasing that armadillo (texas hunt) should just about do the trick. Add in a used car salesman type of voice over and you can just about guarantee that your membership will double overnight. Good luck.
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