
New member
Mar 4, 2001
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Went up to the lodge this weekend to do a little shed hunting. Turned out to be the only area in Alberta with snow! Took the quad out anyway to have a look around. Naturally, we took Bo and Max (our dogs) along. Stopped and walked a good trail but found no sheds.

Then went back to the quad and started down the pipeline again in search of a new game trail. Well, much to our surprise out walk two moose right in front of us. I guess they were as curious as we were! They stood there staring at us and we stopped and stared back. Max was running ahead of us and he stopped and turned back just as Bo, who had been following behind in the quad tracks up until then, swung around us and spotted the moose. Well, the race was on. She made a beeline for the moose, they ran into the brush, and Max followed Bo. The snow was quite deep so when we got to where the moose exited the pipeline path, Greg jumped off and ran after the dogs shouting at them to come back – to no avail. This was too much fun! So we had a small convey running through the woods — two huge moose, two excited dogs, and one not-so-happy shed hunter. Was quite the sight. Made my weekend! And all I had to do was sit on the quad and watch. FUN!
That sounds great. I wish I'd been there doing that instead of here doing what I was doing. You're very fortunate.

Dan AZ
sherry are them dogs trained to find sheds?
I know of a man that trained a retriever to find sheds.He would fill a small barn with deer and moos sheds each winter. That dog would smell them through 2' of snow and dig them out. All he did to train him was start right from a pup with a peace of moos and deer horn for his toys, and would play with him and the horns.

We having fun yet//Tobey
No, Tobey, sadly not. They are supposed to be trained to come when called though! They failed big time this weekend.

That's too cool. What a great idea. My dogs are shepard crosses but I imagine that even if they aren't retrievers they could be taught. I suspect that Bo is part golden retreiver. Her mother was a shepard but her dad was a travelling man so we really don't know! Max is part border collie and part shepard but he's of the solid opinion that he is the world's biggest lap dog! They are quite the pair, those two.

Next dog I get I will definitely try the "shed" training - couldn't hurt. I think your buddy had a great thing going there.


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