Caribou Gear

(Moose Babble) What do you want to be.......


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
....what you wanted to Be when you grew up ? Or is it always Changing ? I'm looking at what I do right now and Although I get made fun of .....alot.... for not focusing on one thing and running a dozen projects aty one time.... ;) ..... I'm always looking for something else to do, make, or work on. Things in General and work too. As a kid I had no clue as to what I was gonig to do and I'm not sure that it's ever changed. Things are always popping up and I think... "I can do that". Then think it's too much work or takes too long or I might not like it. Work is the same way. I have a Smoking job and jut re-negotiated a good rate , yet I'm still always looking for another way to make a living. On a vote, should a Guy just be happy with what he's doing ? or should he keep looking and Changing untill he's happy ?

Thats actually a Wrong question because I've always been happy in what I'm doing, Hell working outside, Digging, Inside computering.... I could probably have fun in a Sewage treatment plant shoveling poop... Hehehe.....So, Why would I even think of doing something else....... HUMMMmmm....

I wanted to go to Highschool bad as a Kid but when I got there I realized School Sucked. It was for People that needed to have a Paper, not for go-getters, so I took a Test and Graduated early (Age 16) (Never finished the 10th grade, Look at my typing/spelling skills.. go figure :p ), Went to Switzerland and Wanted to do Carpentry work, got there and Did metal construction. Mostly Aluminum sunrooms and some shop stuff.

Came back to Idaho and wanted to get into Computers, Yep, Computers Sucked. Opened up the Vo~tec (2 year vocational school) book and opened it up to the Mechanical Drafting page and thought, I could do that. Whats the odds that the page I turned too ? Glad I didn't open to hair dresser..... Although that would be fun too I bet !!!

So Signed up for 2 years. I worked in Construction building houses and Thought that might be cool but Couldn't see me out in the Cold in the winters and doing alot of lifting when I was older so I opted not to stay in it. I was Tiered of School and before I graduated I left and Went to work full time drafting for food proccessing plants. Came back to take my final and I think I passed ... ;) (I got this Deploma thing but it was mailed to me and I don't really know were it is, hell, I'm not a School fan, can you tell ? *SMILE*)

SO here I was with a 2 year Mechanical Degree and was working on comveyors and hoppers for Food proccessing plants and was hired out to a Civil firm to help on a Roadway job. So, I did a Roadway Project. YAH, roads are cool. Got into Civil design and did that. So I decided to do that. I learned all the Programs, Learned Autocadd, Microstation, Inroads, Acad LDD, Right of way.... the works. Jack of all, great at nothing.....

This last year I went on Vacation to Mexico with some Friends that did Lease-to-owns and Rentals. They told me about it and I though... "I can do that", and Came back, Refinanced my house and next thing I know I own 5 more Houses and 2 pieces of land. Nice.... I guess. So I think, I like houses maybe I should do realestate. But I'd have to take a Class and I hate School and I make good "bones" were I work.....

So, Here I sit, 18 days from my 33rd Birthday not knowing what I want to be when I grow up ....... :D

No, I'm going through a Mid life Crisis. At least I'm pretty sure I'm not. I don't feel the Need to Buy a Sportscar or go tanning and buy Rings for my Pinky toe or anything .. but I'm wonding what I want to do for a living. I dare not say I have enough money because that's always relative. I'm still a Paycheck to Paycheck guy, but thats if I make 20k a year or 100k. It's jsut a lifestyle difference. I have some Offers on Being a Partnership in "this", or doing "that" ("This" and "that" are still secret so it will stay "this" and "that" for awhile .. ;) ). But I don't know what I plan to do............

It's not the Money, Hell, I make enough right now, and I have an Awesome Boss and good job, why would I look elsewere for whats out there ? I guess I'm just wonding if thats Normal (Like I should find out whats "normal" with this Fetching Crowd.. HAHA !!) but jsut wondering if people are Happy with what they are doing ? And if so, are you still looking or is that just because it's in my nature to alway look at opertunities.....

My wife says I should stop doing things and do my 8-5 job and quit all the other things I'm doing, but that would be boring. Hell right now I don't do much, coach 2 soccer teams, run a website, President of DHI, do a Newsletter for DHI, spend time with my 4 kids, look after my mom in Nampa, buy and Research houses to buy and sell, fix up 5 rentals, work full time, hunt ..(A little ;) ), (Someone bring up my Unfinished shed and Fence please .... *Smile*

I'd rather not get anything completely done, then have all the time to do something by not doing anything because then I'd be doing nothing...... (WOW, that was deep...).

Anyways, I think there might have been a Question in there or maybe It's late and I'm rambling. Anyways, Someone else tell me a story :D
Moosie said:
. , Went to Switzerland and Wanted to do Carpentry work, got there and Did metal construction. Mostly Aluminum sunrooms and some shop stuff.

So Signed up for 2 years. I worked in Construction building houses and Thought that might be cool but Couldn't see me out in the Cold in the winters and doing alot of lifting when I was older so I opted not to stay in it.

, (Someone bring up my Unfinished shed and Fence please .... *Smile*

I'd rather not get anything completely done, then have all the time to do something by not doing anything because then I'd be doing nothing...... (WOW, that was deep...).


Dude, the best thing about you is that you can hide your Skilz really welll... :cool: I have seen you with a hammer and a saw..... :BLEEP:
Remind me which door in my Shop "we" had to re-do 3 times before "we" got it right ??! :D

YAh, Don't want to swing a Hammer for a living. I'm sure that would get old quick. Now, running a crew that swings hammers.... maybe :) Went for a Ride with Deadeye tonight, We might go back to plan "A". :D
Moosie you never know until you find it.. I was heading for law school ,after my high school mentor... told me i was great at debate and would argue with a stop sign!

My dream was to play in the NFL. Blew out a knee in J.C. ball . ended that dream early

Worked several jobs, ended up at Sperry Flight Systems at age 20... worked my way up from Machining,to Tool Design,to Engineering.. retired at age 40 [disability]

Life is great... i still dabble in things from time to time but i love having the time to do whatever i want.... I am not a "rich" man but i am comfortable.....Its not about money... I have a real good friend who is worth millions! and he has had 4 high maint. wives and is miserable most of the time.. you do not have to have money to be happy. [ it helps] but isn`t the #1 factor.

Enjoy your kids and your life... have fun laugh alot, be you as there is no answer for everyone to be happy.... you sound like a type A busy,busy....go with it ....
Lifes eternal question "Can I be better than I am right now" We all ask that question from time to time. I can't tell you how to define yourself as a "Successful Person" that is what gives us each something to bring to the campfire. Right where you are now is one of the most confusing times, you know you want to be the one on top, but at what? I was delivering the mail as a 17 year old at a Gas Utility company and as I was delivering the mail one day I joked with one of the Draftsman that I could draw picture for a living! One month later I was Drawing pictures through their apprentice program, been doing that for 31 years or better, the last 14 as the owner of a Drafting firm I own..and have yet to take a Drafting course. I have looked at buying into Franchises, anything to switch careers until it finally dawned on me that after working my butt off forming my own Drafting firm that I was at the top in what I do in this area and that has helped me to concentrate on one thing, MY business and it has paid off. Is that the feelings that you have? Dude I hate to say this about you, but your Normal!!!!!! John
It all sounds pretty normal to me, for a guy with such diversified interests and so much unbridled energy. Some men find thier life's work when they are kids. Then there are those of us who spend the younger years bouncing around like a fart in a wind storm trying everything that comes along that looks like fun or that shows some potential for something. I bounced from the Army, to the Sherriff's Office, to being a bodyguard, to working on airplanes, to running a boat, to several other little endevors that don't need mention. It was not a profitble life, but it definitely had it's moments. High adventure and experimentation. You never know until you try..

Keep on trying but never lose sight of the important things.. I think you have six of them now?? There is nothing in the world as important as family.. and that's the truth..

Funny story about Moosie, when he was a kid and grown-ups would ask him what he wanted to be when he grew up he had only one answer -------- rich. :D That's a true story.

I always thought that was a hoot.

BHR makes a good point though (and lordy I never thought I would say that :rolleyes: ). This entire family, and I very much include myself, has a serious lack of attention span. ADD doesn't begin to desribe it. I've bounced from job to job all my life too. A week after I started this latest one I was already hemming and hawing on whether I had made a bad decision in taking it. :rolleyes: Of course the nice thing about that is, my family doesn't go hungry if I act foolish. I have a hubby who picks up my attention span slack. Either way, I've challenged myself to stick with it for at least 6 months.

BTW, not to be all Freud but you don't think Dad had anything to do with all this do you? ;)
Ok, im sitting here reading this and it all makes perfect sense. Since I have met you, you have been one of those people who have to "git - r - done. I think what your refering to in your post isnt "A-DD" I believe its "ambition".. which in the dictionary is described as "A cherished desire; "his ambition is to own his own business", and "A strong drive for success".

That being said, I also think you wont stop thinking about other things until you have either won the lottery or become wealthy. I dont think I will either. I think everyone who doesnt have monitary values wishes for them. So, there is a difference between you and alot of people I know. You can be happy no matter what... Alot of people I know wont be happy until they have monitary value. Something I noticed a while ago.

I believe the answer to your question is yes, its normal to have "big dreams". You are one of those people who chases them and in all reality, can catch them.
Moosie life and its needs change daily. When I was in high school all I wanted to be was a contract lineman. I got out of school and became one, chased around the country building, rebuilding and putting shit back on poles after storms knocked it down. After a couple of years we started our own company. We did that for about 20 years, then the market started drying up. Tried a couple of other business ventures, but none could turn the profit I wanted. I was getting older and wanted some kind of security, I started driving tractor trailer cross country. I drove for other companies, the money I wanted just wasn't there, and I was never home. An opportunity came along for me to go to work for the state as a Bus Operator (thats the technical PC name, really a bus DRIVER) that offered early retirement, good pay, and great health benefits. I HATE the job, but it will do for the next 7 years 3 months and 24 days, just to get the early retirement and pension. If I would have done the Bus driving thing when I got out of school, I would be retired right now. But then I wouldn't have seen as much of America as I did, or have the experiences or memories that I do. Just do what you think is right for you at this you don't already.
I've watched your growth over the last many years...

Always looking for the new experience that would set the rest apart or add to that already full resume...

I say do it while your young and that way you never have to look back and wonder if…

I see a few others have taken the same steps in their own ways.

I love new experiences and am always on the chase for the next.

I am in the middle of a big one right now, I just heard last night that I am in the single digits out of a few hundred applicants for a new position else where.

I will have to see how this one pans out if I make the last round; I have an interview tomorrow on the subject...

If not, when I'm done with this project I'm currently working with, then I should be seeing a larger part of the United States on a regular basis...

Well see...

I see life as some thing to always chase, let’s see what’s on the other side of the hill so to speak...

Babble away Oscar... :)
Growing up I was dead set on being a rancher just like my dad. Dad sold all the cows and the lands in the early 80's and "retired". Couldn't see borrowing money and going into ranching back then so I went to college for a year and hated it. Walking back to my apartment one day I decided I needed get out of Montana. Walked right past my apartment and headed to the recruiting station and joined the Army. Told the recruiter I wanted to leave as soon as possible. Signed my contract on December 26th and left for basic a week later. Trained to be a combat engineer but got to Germany and was pulled out of my MOS and retrained in logistics, because I could type. Was 20 years old, 6,000 miles from home and in charge of about $60 million in inventory. Grew up fast after that. Got married to my high school sweetheart while I was still in Germany and extended my tour with Uncle Sam. Spent a total of 6 years in Nurnberg Germany. Uncle Sam sent me to the Persian Gulf on Christmas day 1990 and after a quick three country tour of Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Kuwait I decided that I had enough of being GI Joe.

Went back to school and decided to be a teacher, graduated in three years and then student taught and decided teaching wasn't for me. Kids were great but I didn't like the parents at all.

Saw an ad to get into the insurance business and decided to give that a try and loved it. Been at it for almost 11 years. Now I am thinking about buying a ranch and being a Cowboy in my spare time.

Looks like a lot of folks were like myself…happy feet!

See if I can match Moosie (not his spelling) with a long babble... :D My pops was a gypo logger but after high school I decided to try the “other side” and go into forestry. Put myself through college as a pole climber for a phone construction company. Graduated and went straight to work for the USFS but after a few years became disenchanted with the Government way of doing (or not) things. Was a contract compliance inspector at the time so thought “Hey why not become a contractor myself?” Formed a business partnership with another forester and began bidding jobs across the west. Work was challenging, saw fantastic country, and made great dollars. Usually contracted back to the USFS, BLM, or various State agencies (Primarily in OR, ID, WA).

Only draw backs about it were 1- when you didn’t get bids, you didn’t eat!
2- Spending 3-1/2 weeks at a time or the road wasn’t very conducive to being married.

Moved back to Northern California in the middle of a nasty winter in 1986. Had to help take care of an ailing father at the time and couldn’t get to my units (other than snowshoe) to work anyway. Got bored while waiting for the “weather to clear” and took a “temporary” job as a (very POOR) waiter in a newly opened restaurant. Either they knew I wouldn’t cut it as a waiter or they wanted a forester on staff because before I left 6 years later I was the Gen. Mgr. over operations and had 70+ employees.

I ABSOLUTLEY HATED THAT JOB!! But the positives were that I got a good price for selling my portion of the contracting business to my partner and I had gotten remarried to a GREAT lady!

Left that place for greener pastures and ended up at the City of Redding working on the line crew doing transmission and distribution work. Decided that looking up a pole when it was 115 degrees out or doing storm damage in the middle of the night wasn’t something I felt would be fun in my 40’s so I took a job as a purchasing agent when the City bought a power plant in the early 90’s. After the plant was built and running, went into power contracts as an analyst. Saw the guys in power trading having more fun and making more $$ so I went into the power trading and scheduling realm. Now after 15 years I’m the Supervisor of that department and enjoy the Mon-Fri schedule and being home to spend time with my family by 2pm every afternoon!

Sooo… Logger>Phone construction>College>USFS>Self-Employed Contractor>Restaurant Manager>Line Crews>Power plant construction>Contract analyst>Power Trader>Trading/Scheduling Supervisor! That’s the first 46 years..hmmmm, wonder what I should do next?
Damn Moosie, a couple more years and we can call you Forest Gump :D
My story.... Hated school, couldnt keep from day dreaming all day of hunting, hot cars, and hot pu##y. Held down an average of just barely passing with a D. Mom called school to see if she was going to have a graduation party for me or not, it was that bad. I refused to do homework and when i was grounded for a 9 week school quarter twice... for bad grades they just gave up. They knew i was smart, too smart that i just got an F one quarter and then pulled out a little better the next to get my D average.
Everyday on the way home from school the bus dropped me off close to work and i walked to the meat cutting plant and cleaned the place up every night for 4 hours to make enough to buy my car and hop up my 70 Mach 1 mustang. Anyway, after school (yes i graduated) I went to work as a Painter of new construction for a summer. Didnt like it much. quit and went to work for a Paint supply store for a year. Then got a job as a tool grinder and fabricater at a local tool and die shop. Got really good at it and it was what i liked to do(spent my free time in school in the metal shop) but I was young and the bosses took advantage of me and didnt pay me as much as the older guys because "they had a family to feed" and i didnt. discrimination all the way... so i quit and went to school for a degree. Majored in automotive applied science. Worked as Mr. Goodwrench specializing in drivability and electrical work at GM dealerships for 12 years (4 dealerships) and got burned out on flat rate pay. Made killer money for a while but began to hate it. Saw an ad in the paper for the experimental Mechanic job at Harley-Davidson and applied, took the 6 hour skills test... and passed. Then waited, and waited... nothing.
Saw another Harley ad for a tech assistance rep and went to that interview and aced it with all my high tech auto background (harley was in the stone ages compared to cars). Only problem is they already hired the spot by the time i was interviewed. The guy kept calling me back every month for almost a year and said for me to hang in there for the next opening. In the meantime i saw another ad for the mechanic job and this time i got hired. I was there for a week and the other guy called and wanted to hire me! told him i already had a job with the company :p . And thats about it. been there for 6 years now
Heck, I say do what you enjoy, as long as you can look after the family at the same time. My goal is to make enough money to retire and be a high school baseball coach in the spring and run an outfitting business in the fall/winter.

Law school wasn't my first choice either, just kinda fell into it on a dare....I gotta stop taking people up on dares.
What a load of ........

Hey, quite messing with everyone old timer. I gotta ask everyone does this look like a guy that doesn't now where he is headed or what he wants?


I've known you a long time, you have made some crazy decisions in my opinion from time to time, things that I wouldn't have taken on. :eek: With that being said, every one of them have worked out for you, :D I have yet to see something fail that you have turned your attention to. Some how things work out for you, I like to think it is the people that you surround yourself with. :D But alot of it is attitude, so I've upped my attitude, so...... hump .
Gesh Wylee, A guy can't take a Dump in the snow any more without someone taking a picture ... Is this payback for the "Territory marking" pictures of you ?!?! *SMILE*

With that being said, every one of them have worked out for you,

HAHA, yah, thats what I worry about. I'm not used to things not going as planned. I'm sure it's bound to happen some day though. I think it's funny how when effort is put into things they seem to work. NOW, that being said, I do have a Lucky rabbits foot too ;)

I do think alot has to do with attitude and I do like doing new things. My thinking is if I can't do something and have fun doing it, It better be something for a friend and helping them, or It's not getting done. Work, is jsut like that too. HAve fun or change.

I used to think MAN, I'm making $4/hour under the table doing construction MAN this is the life. HAve everything I need, but I could be doing a little better. Now I'm making....well, almost 2 times that.... or so.. and thinking, I can do more. I guess as long as the ballence of fun and work come into play we're good to go...

Poker ? YAH, I have a freind that says he makes $300 a week playing poker around here. I could get into a gig like that !! Problem is, when I play, I'm usually the one funding the winner, although I'm not an Accountant, I do know if that was my only meens of Cash, a constant outflow like that = negative check books ;)

Whats funny is how people decide what to do. That amaises me. I mean really, a guy can do anything and be successfull f he tries. I bet I could pick up a gutter rake and get a job raking gutters and make good money. Hell, With the right sales pitch and a Friendly attitute a guy could get some good contrats. It's just amaising what some people do for a living and how they decided or got directed into doing it.

Finish the fence, then the shop and you won't be such a quitter.

I could, but right now I have those incase my wife wants to go on a silly trip to her sisters or something, I bring out the, I need to work on the Shed/fence card ;)

Funny story about Moosie, when he was a kid and grown-ups would ask him what he wanted to be when he grew up he had only one answer -------- rich.

HAHA, yah, I remember I used to have that answer, but never had a clue how to get there. Heck, I still don't have a Clue but I figure if a Guy throws enough darts at the dartboard he either hitts the bullseye or runs out of Darts. I figure at 33 I still have many darts left to throw ....

I have got to admit, that with as much as I've learned by trying new stuff I'm learning to work Smarter, not harder. Hell, Just ask the guys around the office about me working harder ;)

BTW, not to be all Freud but you don't think Dad had anything to do with all this do you?

Well, maybe.You think that moving every year as a Kid and dad always changing jobs looking for the almighty dollar has anything to do with me always looking for somethingn new and exiting ...HUmmmm :D

ADD ? Attension span ? What, I can pay attension and focus on stuff for a long time. Heck, just yesterday I was playing lord of the Rings with the kids and Got through 2 hard levels. Man I'm focused ..... OHH look, NEMO !!!! Ok, ok, sometimes I'm like Dorri on Nemo but it's not my fault shiny objects go by me sometimes.....

Anyways, Everyone that has been following my adventures over the last few years should take out a New pen. I'm thinking I'm in the mood for a new Chapter soon. I got one more Rental I'm working on then....when all thats final......DUN...DUN...DUN......

...Git-er DUN !!!!!!!!!
Gesh Wylee, A guy can't take a Dump in the snow any more without someone taking a picture ... Is this payback for the "Territory marking" pictures of you ?!?! *SMILE

Did you pack it out?.. :D . pack your shit or i will tell the Gunner. hump
Remember that thread? :D
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