Montana mask mandate

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Well-known member
May 20, 2009
Three Forks, Mt
No surprise the new Governor is dropping the mask mandate and opening Montana doors to business. Our family was doubly excited to hear that teachers are getting dropped a tier for the vaccine. Nice !
Can't say how excited I am for the whole friggin country racing back to Montana in 2021....just come on in and don't worry about a thing.
Fortunately , it is consoling to know that all people have the sense to self regulate.
We should be fine.
Send me to the box, boss.
all people have the sense to self regulate.
Some do; some don't. But fortunately enough do and with eventual inoculation to "herd immunity" life will improve for all.

Anecdotal illustration: My wife wearing Covid mask, walked into the York Bar to pick up the burgers and take out back to the sunny deck to enjoy, when two unmasked gals said, "Don't worry, we won't give you Covid." Her replay was, "I'm from Gallatin County; the mask is for your protection." To which they replied, "Oh!"

Party on!
No surprise the new Governor is dropping the mask mandate and opening Montana doors to business. Our family was doubly excited to hear that teachers are getting dropped a tier for the vaccine. Nice !
Can't say how excited I am for the whole friggin country racing back to Montana in 2021....just come on in and don't worry about a thing.
Fortunately , it is consoling to know that all people have the sense to self regulate.
We should be fine.
Send me to the box, boss.
Most of this state, outside of Bozeman and Missoula, isn’t enforcing it anyway. Hell, even in Bozeman it’s hit or miss. People are going to do what they want. If you are concerned where a mask.
No surprise the new Governor is dropping the mask mandate and opening Montana doors to business. Our family was doubly excited to hear that teachers are getting dropped a tier for the vaccine. Nice !
Can't say how excited I am for the whole friggin country racing back to Montana in 2021....just come on in and don't worry about a thing.
Fortunately , it is consoling to know that all people have the sense to self regulate.
We should be fine.
Send me to the box, boss.
Yes, as expected when he took office. I can understand based on the dichotomy between population density and exposure risk in Dixon vs. Missoula. In Gallatin, Missoula and Yellowstone counties, I also expect the mandate to stay in place.

In places where people elect to not protect themselves from transmission until this herd immunity is achieved... natural selection will prevail.
Re vaccine distribution:

Though I appreciate front line workers and first responders, I think a very sound ethical case can be made that we should be giving the vaccine to those in high risk categories first instead of educators and first responders. It sucks for some sure, but the objective we should aim for is to reduce years of life lost.
More mixed messages from leadership. And just in time for new COVID variants that spread faster (UK now in US and Canada) and may be resistant to vaccines (South Africa). Go ahead and wait till the hospitals are full to shut things down. Then it's too late. When I was in Montana I was shocked at the number of people volunteering to be herd immunity casualties. Why not play on the freeway at night in black pajamas? Maybe the cars will miss you ... maybe they won't.

Wearing a mask is such an inconvenience. Small "freedom" to give up for your neighbour's or family's health ... if not piece of mind.
If we're gonna stir the pot, can we find a topic that hasn't been beat to death, buried, dug up and beat again a million times? I mean, I have fun reading these dumpster fires, just seems a waste of the intelligence on this board.
Re vaccine distribution:

Though I appreciate front line workers and first responders, I think a very sound ethical case can be made that we should be giving the vaccine to those in high risk categories first instead of educators and first responders. It sucks for some sure, but the objective we should aim for is to reduce years of life lost.
I think teachers are recognized as high risk because of the large number of close contacts each day. First responders are most likely to be exposed to infection and they are critical for treating those who are ill. Pretty hard to hook yourself up to a ventilator when you can't breathe.
Yeah. I know. Redundant topic. Better to just ignore it.
I care about all Montanans. I care about First Nation Indigenous people.
Obviously there are folks that need the vaccine first and foremost.
Ever consider the concept of being in a confined space and exposed to 100 different people...every day. Most of us don't have that to worry about.
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