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Midwest whitetails - Restart

Way to go Randy. Pretty nice buck, sounds like conditions were tough to say the least.
Nice work Big Fin. Glad your hard work paid off. Thanks for posting the play by play.

I had no doubt you would stick it our and make it work. Congratulations. I will be waiting anxiously for the next story from Iowa.
Just in from my first day of scouting in Iowa. Went to a public management area where the final day of the first shotgun season was coming to a close.

I saw thirty deer today. Six were bucks, and none of them were very big. The biggest was a small three by three. The others were all spikes or forkies.

They were chasing does like crazy. This must be the second cycle. Three bucks were chasing one doe, two bucks chasing another, and the three by three chasing another. I could have shot any of them, as they were oblivious to me.

This is strange to watch. I have never seen this behavior in December. I wonder if it is just the young bucks participating in this, or if there are some big bucks that will join in.

I did stop for lunch in a little town today. I visited with some guys who filled their tags this morning. They had two nice bucks and one real whopper, with 8" brows, over 12" G2s, 10"G3s, and amazing mass. The guy wanted something wider - this one was "only" fifteen inches wide. I am sure it is a 170" gross buck. I don't think I need to worry about seeing one that size.

Tomorrow I will try to find the "spot on the spot." I think I know where most these deer are moving along a deep river bottom, but when the pressure starts on Saturday, things could change a lot. I need to find "the place" to set up.

I better quit having so much fun. I'm not going to know how to act when I get back to the realities of life (work) when I get done next week. :p:p:p
Big Fin, all the bucks are involved in the second phase of the rut. any bigguns will be out chasing. maybe not quite as brave as the smaller ones, but they will be out. let them smell it, and they will come.;):D
Glad to hear you saw deer already and some bucks as well.Its not to uncommon to see bucks chasing does late into the season like this.What I've observed that it is mostly the young of the year does but not always.I believe over half of this years fawns will get bred and they seem to come in heat late or just don't get bred the first cycle.I have seen numerous nice bucks laying with a lone doe this time of year waiting for the right moment.
As for Saturday, the deer should be moving all day with the start of the season.Some areas more people go first season and some areas they like to go the second season.Either way they will be moving, just need to stay warm and have a little luck on your side doesn't hurt either.Good luck.
Way to stick to it and get er done. Great job!! Good luck this weekend and keep us in the loop. I'm sure I'm not the only one that looks forward to these posts all day long.
Uggghhh, tried to post a few decent Midwest WT pics, but nothin'. Thried photobucket, not sure how to post pics.