Maping managment - GPS waypoints & printed maps


Active member
Oct 24, 2002
Question for those that manage waypoints on a regular basis as well those that print out maps off the OnXmap from your computer.

Background: I've been running a Garmin 60c handheld GPS (bought in 2007) using a hacked in topo map. I haven't done much of waypoint administration, I just keep adding to the list. Well, I use to. The GPS is starting to falter (locking up and taking forever to sync up to satellites). I've also been at the max storage for waypoints for a while. So before every trip I have to play the bouncer and remove an old waypoint that I hopefully won't regret before I can add a new one in.

For printing I've been using National Geo TOPO on my computer for years. I have been able to print out 8x10, 11x17 and ARCH D (24"x36") sized maps. The key items is being able to scale the TOPO area to fit on the size paper I'm printing to. So I might need an entire unit on the ARCH D but other times I just want one canyon. So I can magnify or shrink to fit on my needs.

Both the GPS and Nat Geo are showing their age. Thus I've been researching both a new handheld GPS and something I can use to print off custom topo maps. I'm leaning towards OnXMaps solution at this point. I've been testing out the OnXmap App on my cell phone but I'm coming to the conclusion I want a GPS still. (I blame the cell phone not the OnX). Picking the GPS is the easy part and I'll get an OnXmap chip for it when that time comes. I'm curious to hear how folks use the OnXmap solution for managing waypoints and the pro's - con's of it.

Call me old school but I still like to review a large printed topo map when learning new country. I use them side by side with my GPS and it seems as my eyes age more, I look at the printed out map more that that tiny screen. In searching around I haven't found many talking about what options you get for printing out custom maps from the Desktop Onx viewer access that comes with the Chip. As I said before I like to outline an area and print it on various sized paper. The neat thing of National Geo TOPO is that I can reduce the magnification of the map but keep the scale of the topo map the same. Thus getting more area at a set topo scale printed out on my paper. I've found that I can still read a 7.5min map that's printed out at 50% magnification which gives me a lot more coverage of the area on the paper.

Thanks in advance. - cmc

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