Caribou Gear

Major Climate Change Rules the Trump Administration Is Reversing

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Sep 30, 2016
The DJT administration continues its assault on our Public Lands and our environment. Their goal remains to monetize, exploit and consume as much of OUR resources as possible in the shortest time. They are about earnings per share, stock dividends, and CEO bonuses.

You, the Public Lands owner, must fight back. Call your congressional leaders, give money to organizations that are taking the fight to the robber barons, resist the propaganda, lies and disinformation that this administration spews, and above all, become a public lands voter.

Vote the bums out!

Here is a partial list of important environmental issues that the DJT administration is working to destroy. The list comes from an article in the NYT

The move to rescind environmental rules governing emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, brings to 84 the total number of environmental rules that the Trump administration has worked to repeal.

Here are some of the most significant climate-related reversals:

Leaving the Paris climate agreement

One critical effort by the Trump administration was its announcement in 2017 that it would withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement. The process of withdrawing cannot be completed until 2020, but the move sent a strong signal to the world that Mr. Trump, who has scoffed at climate science, would be taking action at many levels of government to reverse climate policies created during the Obama administration.

Weakening methane regulation

Thursday’s decision to remove restrictions on methane leaks from oil and gas wells is only one administration effort on behalf of fossil fuel producers. Burning natural gas produces half of the carbon dioxide that burning coal does, but methane, the chief component of natural gas, has a powerful effect on climate change. Though it does not persist in the atmosphere as long as carbon dioxide does, it has 80 times the heat-trapping power of carbon dioxide during 20 years in the atmosphere. The Obama administration had passed many rules to reduce methane leaks. An early effort by the E.P.A. under the former administrator Scott Pruitt to reverse Obama-era rules on leaks from new oil and gas wells was declared illegal by the courts in 2017.

Freezing fuel efficiency standards

Transportation is the United States’ biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions, and fuel efficiency standards were a signature Obama administration proposal for reducing those emissions, as well as other air pollution created by vehicles. Earlier this month, the Trump administration proposed freezing antipollution and fuel-efficiency standards for cars. The proposal puts the administration on a collision course with California, which sets its own stringent tailpipe standards — and even with automakers, who wish to avoid the complexity of dealing with two car markets with different emissions standards.

Eliminating the Clean Power Plan

The Clean Power Plan, President Obama’s effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by regulating carbon dioxide from existing fossil-fuel-powered electricity plants, was a big target for Mr. Trump, who campaigned in coal country on a promise to revive the ailing industry. He called for the E.P.A. to dismantle the Clean Power Plan in 2017. The planned substitute, unveiled in June as the Affordable Clean Energy Rule, is the administration’s most sweeping plan to extend the lives of coal-burning plants and shore up the mining industry — an industry more threatened by economic change than regulation.

Promoting drilling on public lands

In December 2017, President Trump embarked on the biggest land protection rollback in United States history when he squeezed two national monuments in Utah by some two million acres. The move shrank Bears Ears National Monument by 85 percent, and reduced Grand Staircase-Escalante by about half. The two monuments had received protection in the Obama and Clinton administrations. Subsequent reporting on the Bears Ears decision showed that it was guided by hopes for oil drilling.

Similarly, the Trump administration is rushing to clear the way for oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Helping offshore drillers, as well

The Trump administration has said it will allow offshore oil and gas drilling in nearly all coastal waters of the United States, including the California coast, the Arctic and the Eastern Seaboard, as part of its “energy dominance” agenda. The decision reversed an Obama administration ban. It also repealed offshore drilling safety regulations put in place after the Deepwater Horizon spill. The administration delayed the release of its formal proposal, however, after a federal judge decision declared the initial executive order about the plan unlawful.

Boosting fossil fuel companies by weakening protections for endangered species

The fossil fuel industry and other businesses have long bristled at the Endangered Species Act, which can restrict their ability to mine, drill and conduct other activity where threatened flora and fauna can be found. Earlier this month, the administration said it would change the act in ways that will make it harder to protect wildlife from climate change and other threats. The changes would make it easier to remove species from the endangered list, would allow a protection decision to be influenced by economic assessments, and make it more difficult to factor in effects of climate change that may be decades away. Even before that, however, the Interior Department opened nine million acres of Western land to oil and gas drilling by weakening habitat protections for the sage grouse, an imperiled bird beloved for its elaborate mating dance.



And only our rivers run free…
It is for Mark. Interesting stats for the non partisans to digest.
Interesting data for sure. However, rather than merely link voluminous information for us to slog through, please provide your brief take and highlight the points you define as "interesting stats". Then the HTer may determine if he or she will find value in investing the time to jump into the depth of that data and develop his/her own conclusion(s). Thanks for sharing numbers ... please share meaning.
Interesting data for sure. However, rather than merely link voluminous information for us to slog through, please provide your brief take and highlight the points you define as "interesting stats". Then the HTer may determine if he or she will find value in investing the time to jump into the depth of that data and develop his/her own conclusion(s). Thanks for sharing numbers ... please share meaning.
I just find the lease numbers interesting and Mark's hyperbole funny. I'm sure a lot of factors weigh into the numbers like price of oil during each year ect. that would explain the lease interest for those particular years.
Interesting data for sure. However, rather than merely link voluminous information for us to slog through, please provide your brief take and highlight the points you define as "interesting stats". Then the HTer may determine if he or she will find value in investing the time to jump into the depth of that data and develop his/her own conclusion(s). Thanks for sharing numbers ... please share meaning.

Look at;
Number of new leases by state by year

Number of new permits issued by state by year.

I in no way blame either the Trump or Obama Administration because I think of you made this data into a graph and then graphed the price of a barrel of crude oil, you would see an undeniable correlation.
Solar activity is responsible for something along the lines of 99% of temperature variability on Earth. We had ice ages and warming periods long before man ever burned a hydrocarbon. Methane is not going to destroy the climate. If warming does happen(due to a period of increased solar activity), you won’t see vast desserts and droughts. You’ll see an expansion of tropical and sub tropical climates with increased precipitation.

A great example of “shifting baseline syndrome” is the idea that the climate we have today is the norm and that any deviation from that means something is wrong. Climatic change has been the norm on earth since it acquired an atmosphere. Sometimes changes are more dramatic, sometime less.
You guys are goint to be the reason we have climate refugees taking over all of the intermountain west.

They'll be skinny jean hipsters from the coasts, and they're going to take your guns away.

So, keep up the denial on climate change. Because you deserve that future.
New twist in scare tactics Ben. You are good. ;)
New twist in scare tactics Ben. You are good. ;)

Not a scare tactic. It's your brave new world.

It's already happening. Look at Gallatin Co voting trends. Even the Bitterroot is seeing double digit increases in skinny jeans & soy latte drinking, ironically mustachioed doofi.
Not a scare tactic. It's your brave new world.

It's already happening. Look at Gallatin Co voting trends. Even the Bitterroot is seeing double digit increases in skinny jeans & soy latte drinking, ironically mustachioed doofi.

They’re climate refugees??

Silly me, this whole time I’ve just thought they were people that can’t afford to live in the ‘progressive’ utopia they recently moved from.

You’re making me feel bad for my generalizations I’ve made about them. If only had I known the poor folks in the Audis paying cash for $700k homes in Bozeman were forced there after losing their previous pads to a rising ocean.
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