Ludicrous things you've cooked in camp

After taking care of my hunt bud's morning rifle bull we finally had time to eat. Cooked 2 lbs of bacon...fried toast, a dozen sunny side up eggs, and the thinly sliced heart in the bacon grease...the two of us ate every bite. Memory tells me it was the best breakfast ever.
We did thanksgiving dinner in a wall tent once, more appropriately, thanksgiving lunch. But instead of a full turkey, did turkey meatloaf. We then went out that evening I shot a mulie buck. I was so bloated and sick packing that deer out.
I made a Thanksgiving dinner for some sad hunters in AZ last year.
Ranch hog loin roast and gravy with mashed taters.
Beanie wienies is un American on T day.

My ex made me venison roast ala wellington ,gravy, roast root veggies and berry pie one year .
It was waiting after a tough deer free hunt day.
I filled the tag the next day.
She's still a good woman.
What's something you went all out on for a meal while in hunting camp? Was reminiscing about past hunts and remembered a year where we did a full Thanksgiving meal, including a fried turkey, made me wonder what other people have put together in the wild
Dutch oven enchiladas.
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