PEAX Equipment

Love and lechery in the western US/#skihillcuteboys2021

Thirty years US Army grunt; two tours Vietnam ... I have a PHD in the language of men! It works great in the proper context.

Yes, it is colloquial and sometimes highly appropriate ... but more often a distracter in effective writing generally appreciated as interesting, entertaining, and creatively expressive. You gotta admit the f-word lacks creativity.

DouglasR has a story telling gift. He can do better IMHO. That's all I'm saying. Don't pick a fight. I'll "figure it out".
With all due respect my good sir, George Carlin is rolling over in his grave.
I'm an old English language miner, so you lost me at using such poor adjectives as the f-word. Seems you have a knack for entertaining and interesting writing, so you can do better.
Yep, I'm an old school guy who keeps telling his grandson to use modifiers and emphasizers of which his great gramma and his English teacher would approve.
Just sayin.