Looking for Montana hunting partner(s) from 09/18-09/25


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2018
Just found out yesterday that my hunting partner inadvertently didn't draw the MT general elk tag that he thought he did. I'm currently headed out by myself. I'm flying into Bozeman on 09/17 and plan to be in the mountains that Sat (9/18) afternoon and hunt until the following Sat. I will have a 4-wheel drive truck and plan on truck camping.
I'm primarily interested in finding some folks that might not mind me joining their elk camp. I don't mind camping/hunting alone, but would greatly prefer not to do so in GRIZZLY country. Moreover, I really enjoy the camaraderie and someone to trade stories with over a campfire. I'm happy to take turns calling and more than happy to help pack an elk out. I don't mind hunting on my own, but don't really want to be navigating in the dark by myself. I'm 42 an in good shape and will definitely do my share around camp/while hunting. I've been lucky enough to kill a few elk so I know the extreme amount of work that's involved with breaking down and packing out an elk. I do enjoy filming my hunts to share with others, but I'm not looking to get Youtube famous or anything.
As far as units, I'm primarily interested in units in the Sapphires, Beaverheads, or Pioneers. I'm trying to stay in Western MT, generally South of Missoula and West of Bozeman, but could be persuaded otherwise.
Shoot me a PM if you might be interested.

I won’t be in MT but your buddy’s accidental bailing on you is a common theme over the years. Especially so for out-of-staters headed from points east.

Here is my bit of wisdom. Any adventure where others want to go also though costs me more if one or more of those people bail for any reason then I am the treasurer and all shared costs are estimated PRIOR to me spending a cent. Then, each person has to pay in in advance 100% of those shared costs.

Refund only in case of death. So, we all know if you lose job, divorce, baby on the way, cancer, did not draw, twist an ankle, prison, etc., that we held a spot for you.

Amazing how committed a fellow or gal is when has skin in the game. Separates the truly committed from the dreamers.
I’ll roll if you’re in reasonable distance.. I live in Belgrade and hunt over toward Boulder butte townsend Helena quite often. Idk that I’d be good to roll til the 19th but if we can make plans coincide I’m always looking for a hunting buddy. Find twice as much game with twice as many eyes most times..
I guess everyone wants to have a tag to travel. I, on the other hand would love to just experience it even if I don't have a tag. I've got a few years on you, though at 55 I can hang (not off the cliff or sheer climb though). So if you want to have the hunting buddy to watch your 6 and vice versa give me a shout. That goes for anyone who reads this. Anything that I can do to get out of the desert called Los Angeles. PS, don't mind the zero history here. My account got messed up and they had to reset it. So I lost all my previous threads and messages.
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