Looking for CO otc Elk partner


Active member
Jan 4, 2021
I made a post on the Elk thread I’m looking at doing an archery otc hunt in CO my ol lady not a super fan of me wilderness hunting on my own looking to pack in for a few days gonna bring my pop up from northern NV so I have a mobile base camp to rotate back to if needing to jump from spot to spot or if weather gets a little crazy. I’m in shape and have done plenty of back packing and camping but never hunted that way as I’m new to the west. If interested drop me a line let me know what you are thinking of doing and maybe we can work something out.
In the same boat man, got an ole lady that wants me not hunt alone, but can’t find the right people willing to pay non resident prices
Very true I did get a response from a good member on here who offered to help a newbie out if we can get our schedules lined up and a couple other guys looking for partners as well so now it is just time to wait on the draws and see what pans out
I’m going to CO this fall, took the week of the 13th off for muzzleloader. I haven’t applied for the draw yet and would be open to archery. I’ve been on a few solo diy hunts but it would be nice to pair up with someone, plus it would keep my wife happy knowing I’m not alone. I have 0pts but it looks like there’s still some decent units to apply for on gohunt. If anyone is interested feel free to reach out.
I’m going to CO this fall, took the week of the 13th off for muzzleloader. I haven’t applied for the draw yet and would be open to archery. I’ve been on a few solo diy hunts but it would be nice to pair up with someone, plus it would keep my wife happy knowing I’m not alone. I have 0pts but it looks like there’s still some decent units to apply for on gohunt. If anyone is interested feel free to reach out.
I’m looking for someone interested in otc archery elk for this year as well. Pm me if you’re still looking
We’re looking for a 3rd/4th person (we have a maybe 3rd) for a CO OTC drop camp 9/10-18 if anyone is interested.
I’m looking for someone interested in otc archery elk for this year as well. Pm me if you’re still looking
I am an experienced archery elk hunter who does everything DIY in the backcountry. I plan on hunting September 13th - September 18th near Fraser, CO. I will provide most of the equipment and an amazing experience. There is so much land to cover and I have been hunting alone for the past 5 years. This is a super tough hunt at 10,000 ft and requires you to be prepared physically. It would be great to make a new connection. Let's talk. The tag is about $700 for an out of state, over the counter, either sex archery tag. Todd
I am an experienced archery elk hunter who does everything DIY in the backcountry. I plan on hunting September 13th - September 20th near Fraser, CO. I will provide most of the equipment and an amazing experience. There is so much land to cover and I have been hunting alone for the past 5 years. This is a super tough hunt at 10,000 ft and requires you to be prepared physically. It would be great to make a new connection. Let's talk. The tag is about $700 for an out of state, over the counter, either sex archery tag. Todd

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