Litter amongst us.


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2011
I have to vent a little regarding this year. I have and continue to hunt the Missouri Breaks for archery, as well as rifle. This year there seems to be a lot of toilet paper blowing across the landscape. It is pretty appalling. I bury my bodily function(s) and the toilet paper. It takes a little more effort, but I don’t like to see toilet paper left out in the open and lying on the ground. One camp/group was so bad that I called MT FWP and reported them (whether or not FWP actually did anything I have no clue). This particular camp was BAD ... toilet paper and garbage everywhere blowing in the wind. It was so bad it pissed me off. These guys had no respect for the land or the resource.

Anyway ... I had to vent. It seems there are more hunters out this year and I am wondering if others are seeing stuff like this issue, as well? I am a strong believer in that we need to “police ourselves” or these “bad apples” will ruin it for everyone else.
We were in SW Montana First and second week for archery Elk, Packed out a little bit of trash found on the trails, candy bar wrappers Etc., We triple checked our camp site and left nothing, I Hate Littering
SAD that people have NO respect for themselves to pick up after they make a mess of OUR country . It not just the woods it is even more along our highways and it gets worse the farther east you go. OH AND California.
Everytime I go out I pick up any piece of trash I see. No matter how small/big. Can't stand people who don't respect these wild areas we have to enjoy.
Lot of scumbags out there,I manage 40,000 acres of land the public is allowed to hunt ,fish, ride horses on and you should see some of the messes I clean up. Whats with these low life"s ?
I help maintain 25 areas throughout Ne Ia. The boat ramps are the worst. I live on a 2.5 mile long gravel road. I walk or drive the length of it everyday. I could pick up empties everyday. Mostly Busch light.
The worst place I've ever been was Four Corners area of New Mexico a few weeks ago. My blood was boiling at the HUNDREDS & HUNDREDS of beer cans on the side of the roads. Not a water bottle or soda can to be seen. ALL BEER CANS!

I've never seen anything so ridiculous in my life!

My best guess is there's not much to do there at nights and on weekends so they drive dirt roads and drink but don't want to be caught with empties.

Not much I hate more than littering and drunk driving.
Hiked in to a nice high ridge and lo and behold... found somebodies open-air latrine two miles back...dampened the mood of discovery for a few minutes.

At camp, I made sure to pick up as much broken glass as I could, seems the prior occupants had a good time with the .22 and a bunch of bottles. Whenever I see stuff like that, I envision someones poor kids running around without shoes in the summer, or someones dog getting their pad sliced open. People... THINK!
this is probably my biggest pet peeve while hunting or fishing. It just doesnt make any sense to me, do these same people like to see cans or garbage while walking in the woods or while fishing? Everytime my kids and I are walking around and they see trash, they'll yell "Dad! Look, litter! Lets pick it up. Why do people do that" But I have to check on what they are picking up every once in while to be sure they dont pick something nasty...

The surface chitting isn't really an issue around here, but I've heard the Rinella crew vent about it a few times on their podcasts.
Hiked in to a nice high ridge and lo and behold... found somebodies open-air latrine two miles back...dampened the mood of discovery for a few minutes.

At camp, I made sure to pick up as much broken glass as I could, seems the prior occupants had a good time with the .22 and a bunch of bottles. Whenever I see stuff like that, I envision someones poor kids running around without shoes in the summer, or someones dog getting their pad sliced open. People... THINK!
Fire pits and bottles are my pet peeve
I see the same TP issue in the hiking community too. They are a group that "leave no trace" has been preached to for decades with a good deal of success. So why TP? It makes no sense to me to bury your poop but drop the paper on the ground. Personally I burn my used TP at the scene of the crime when fire conditions allow and bury it otherwise.
Sucks. I found a giant pile of poo in the trail one day. It was obvious no one could pack that thing around for long but the guy couldn't get off the trail a ways? So ridiculous.

So annoying seeing trash everywhere.
An archery elk hunter in SD this year was camped legally just off the road for about 10 days. We drove the trail scouting after he left and there were 10 plus piles with toilet paper blowing in the wind. Had everything else in camp except a shovel I guess. At least it wasn't visible from the main road but it was disgusting.
In all honesty toilet paper is the least of our worries. It bio degrades rapidly.
Beer cans, mountain house pouches, spent batteries, cellophane, plastic bags, etc do not.
This must be a nationwide issue, because in spots in northern Wisconsin it is bad, bad bad. Beer cans (and Busch Light must be beer of choice for folks who litter), fishing line, tires, junk furniture. Folks also seem to like to take a dump right in the middle of trails, one time RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of a boat launch parking lot. I have no idea what some people are thinking.
I always haul more out then i haul in. Ticks me off the laziness of people. But the TP issue is getting really bad and people aren't even getting to the end of the roads anymore. Its on the side of just about every road you drive now. Doesn't take much to kick a little hole before you drop then bury and toss a few rocks on just in case a critter wants to snack on what you left. I thought NV was bad but turkey hunting in southern UT in a few small towns there were large piles of trash stacked around on a bunch of the roads. Just looked like household trash tossed out of the truck/car. Crazy the lack of respect for anything or anyone.
Feels to me like it's been worse this year. Obviously more people recreating outdoors, no doubt. My five year old reminds me to bring a waste bag every time we go hunting, hiking, etc. Proud of him, but ashamed of so many others.

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