Caribou Gear Tarp

Liberal pansies at it again…..


Sep 30, 2016
Just kidding, about the pansies.

When I first started posting to this forum, I said that the liberal blues states would be on the tip of the spear when it comes to taking on the Public Lands assault by Zinke and the DJT administration. The blue states have the motivation, the finances and the legal horsepower to blunt and hopefully turn back this administrations misguided policies.

I know that it just twists some of the folks on this forum into a knot to even say the word liberal, but I give them a pass as they are constantly bombarded by State Run TV and Radio talk shows from outer space.

What cracks me up is some think a state like California is full of a bunch of wimps and tree huggers. Well, that is probably true. But, California is also full of surfers who will paddle out in 15 foot waves, mountain bikers who banzai down almost any single track, snowboarders and skiers who not only take on double black diamond, but also the backcountry. Rock climbers and mountaineers who have put up many first ascent in the US and around the world, (that includes Yvon Chouinard that evil liberal who started Patagonia outdoor gear), fly fishermen and women, bass fishermen, sport fishermen who catch 300 lb Yellowfin Tuna. Kayak fishermen who paddle miles off shore to fish. Scuba and Skin divers harvesting fish and abalone. Thousands of hikers who routinely hike to 14,000 feet in the Sierras. Runners who are crazy enough to run from Death Valley to Mt Whitney portal. Dirt bikers who can climb hills that I can hardly walk up. 4 x 4 and buggy drivers that scream across the dunes of Glamis. Paraglider and Hang glider pilots who fly off the sea cliffs of Torrey Pines or thermal out of Owen Valley. And on and on.

So, for those who want to sit in front of State run TV and badmouth the Liberals, that is fine, it is your right.

Myself, I am a going to join the liberal blue states and take the fight to Zinke and the DJT administration. I am not afraid and neither are the pansies.....

And now to an interesting article from Politico:

Trump administration sues California over state law on federal land transfers

The new lawsuit intensifies a legal war between feds and the Golden State.

The legal war between the Trump administration and the state of California expanded Monday as the Justice Department sued to block a new state law that limits transfers of federal lands.

The suit, filed in federal court in Sacramento on Monday, contends that the state law is unconstitutional because it interferes with Congress’ right to control the sale of federal property.

California’s Legislature adopted the law last October at the urging of environmentalists concerned that the Trump administration was readying plans to sell off federal land for real estate development, mining or drilling.

The new suit was filed by the Justice Department less than a month after the federal government sued California over three other state laws widely viewed as enacting “sanctuary” policies aimed at blocking aggressive immigration enforcement by the Trump administration.

That suit grabbed headlines, but lawyers for the state and attorneys for the federal government have been battling in court for months over more than two dozen lawsuits California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has brought on issues ranging from the president’s so-called travel ban to rollbacks of birth control coverage under Obamacare to efforts to ban transgender people from serving in the military.

Justice Department officials expressed frustration Monday with the tactics California’s legislators and Gov. Jerry Brown have used to register their disagreement with Trump policies

“California has, once again, passed an extreme statute found in no other state to obstruct the federal government, this time by interfering with the conveyance of federal lands,” acting Associate Attorney General Jesse Panuccio told reporters. “This is another example of California ignoring federal law. No state legislature can, statute by statute, undermine the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution.”

In a statement, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said California officials are not only ignoring the Constitution, but also the very terms under which California became a state in 1850.

“California was admitted to the Union upon the express condition that it would never interfere with the disposal of federal land,” Sessions said. “The Justice Department shouldn't have to spend valuable time and resources to file this suit today, but we have a duty to defend the rightful prerogatives of the U.S. military, the Interior Department and other federal agencies.”

A Justice Department official said he and his colleagues aren’t singling out California but are responding to an unprecedented series of legal provocations from the state.

“To the extent it looks like we’re focusing on California, that is really a product of the extreme nature of the laws California is passing in recent days,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “They are passing laws no other state is passing or has thought to pass and that's because they’re unconstitutional.”

Justice Department officials said they did not discuss legal concerns about the bill with the state before the suit was filed Monday. They said, however, that state officials are well aware of the legal problems, because the state Legislature's official analysis of the bill issued prior to its passage noted a “strong possibility” that the measure would be found unconstitutional.

Becerra vowed to defend the California law, and he said the state will continue its aggressive legal campaign against Trump policies.

“California didn’t become our nation’s economic engine and the sixth-largest economy in the world by just sitting back,” the California attorney general said in a statement. “Our public lands should not be on the auction block to the highest bidder. We’re prepared, as always, to do what it takes to protect our people, our resources, and our values.”

The state law, known as Senate Bill 50, requires that the California State Lands Commission have right of first refusal on any land transfer planned by the federal government. Federal officials say the law has already scuttled or bogged down planned transfers of several federal properties to developers, often under plans that were the subject of extensive negotiation with local officials.



Ye Shall Be Free To Roam…..

It would take Mark actually being part of this forum to actually know that there was a good discussion already taking place.
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If the liberal panzies are successful in California at having a state dictate to the federal government how it can manage or dispose of federal lands, the wingnut rightwingers of Utah will have precedent to force the federal government to sell lands in it's state.

It's a well-intentioned bad idea. Bad ideas are bad, whether they are labeled liberal or conservative.
Just kidding, about the pansies.

When I first started posting to this forum, I said that the liberal blues states would be on the tip of the spear when it comes to taking on the Public Lands assault by Zinke and the DJT administration. The blue states have the motivation, the finances and the legal horsepower to blunt and hopefully turn back this administrations misguided policies.

I know that it just twists some of the folks on this forum into a knot to even say the word liberal, but I give them a pass as they are constantly bombarded by State Run TV and Radio talk shows from outer space.

What cracks me up is some think a state like California is full of a bunch of wimps and tree huggers. Well, that is probably true. But, California is also full of surfers who will paddle out in 15 foot waves, mountain bikers who banzai down almost any single track, snowboarders and skiers who not only take on double black diamond, but also the backcountry. Rock climbers and mountaineers who have put up many first ascent in the US and around the world, (that includes Yvon Chouinard that evil liberal who started Patagonia outdoor gear), fly fishermen and women, bass fishermen, sport fishermen who catch 300 lb Yellowfin Tuna. Kayak fishermen who paddle miles off shore to fish. Scuba and Skin divers harvesting fish and abalone. Thousands of hikers who routinely hike to 14,000 feet in the Sierras. Runners who are crazy enough to run from Death Valley to Mt Whitney portal. Dirt bikers who can climb hills that I can hardly walk up. 4 x 4 and buggy drivers that scream across the dunes of Glamis. Paraglider and Hang glider pilots who fly off the sea cliffs of Torrey Pines or thermal out of Owen Valley. And on and on.

So, for those who want to sit in front of State run TV and badmouth the Liberals, that is fine, it is your right.

Myself, I am a going to join the liberal blue states and take the fight to Zinke and the DJT administration. I am not afraid and neither are the pansies.....

And now to an interesting article from Politico:

Mark, next time you provide this kind of intro to one of your posts, your privileges will be done here. I've hammered folks on the other side of the spectrum who had to use those kind of diatribes to stir the pot and eventually banned some of them.

It is not the content, links, or opinions, rather how you post them and the manner in which you represent your opinions. Get over it, as I have requested in the past, or move along. And if you don't get past it, I will help you move along. I'm done with the blatant politicization with which you start every post.
, fly fishermen and women, bass fishermen, sport fishermen who catch 300 lb Yellowfin Tuna.

Not quite sure I understand your post...

Are you suggesting that women don't bass or sport fish... seems sexist....not sure I agree.... seen quite a few ladies pull up 300 pond tuna looking down the rail......

By the way tuna make great sushi...Which also happens to be what's for dinner.... One thing California does have figured out.. sushi.. anyone who thinks that the two sushi places in Bozeman are good... should take a trip... carry on....
It's a well-intentioned bad idea. Bad ideas are bad, whether they are labeled liberal or conservative.

Very well stated Gerald.

To the OP, being an antagonistic dick, whether well intentioned or not, and conservative or liberal, is still just being a dick.
Just curious what the point of trying to stir the pot is? Haven't we seen what it has done to this country already? Love coming onto this forum to get away from all of that crap.
Pejorative infobotics is the new Tokyo Rose for both sides. Craft an argument with just enough common interest or 'close enough' truths and you can sell soap to everyone....except you and I of course. Because 'we' are never wrong. Right..

..more coffee.
Where's Tom Skerritt been hiding, JWill? Good clip. Fitting. :)

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I had Toasted Seaweed snacks, french press coffee, and icelandic style yogurt for breakfast. Lunch will be Caldo Tlalpeno. Dinner is Elk Taco lettuce wraps with a very small glass of $6 Costco Rioja. I've discovered that as I lose weight I crave spicy foods.
I had Toasted Seaweed snacks, french press coffee, and icelandic style yogurt for breakfast. Lunch will be Caldo Tlalpeno. Dinner is Elk Taco lettuce wraps with a very small glass of $6 Costco Rioja. I've discovered that as I lose weight I crave spicy foods.

Toasted Seaweed Snacks and Icelandic style yogurt? You sure you don't live in Dillon, California?:rolleyes: