Caribou Gear Tarp

Leupold vs. Vortex Warranty work


Active member
Aug 7, 2014
In the past month I had a leupold spotting scope that needed some warranty work and then a pair of Vortex binoculars that also needed to be sent in. Here is an outline of the service I received from both companies. Certainly this is just one experience, but I thought it was worth posting, since this is about a close as I can get to a back to back comparison. With both companies I sent all my contact details in the box with an explanation of my concerns. I don't believe either company "owe's me anything for free", so I alway note I can pay for anything beyond warranty work.

Leupold (Sent in a Gold Ring 12-40x60 scope to have the eyepiece fixed after it took a tumble on my tripod)

- Called Leupold to tell them what happened and see what form if anything was needed to send the item in. The tech on the phone was very helpful and walked me through the simple process; at closing he said "If you have damaged the eye piece, you should anticipate they will simply send you a new spotter".

- A few days later I called back, the scope was showing some other signs of wear and I wanted to see if I could pay Leupold to clean up the outside scope body (Mainly the plastic piece on the front of the scope with the leupold logo was broken and I wanted to get a new one). The tech said that they would contact me after they received the scope and would tell me what was under warranty and what it would cost to fix anything else. Again, In closing he said something to the affect "if the eye piece is damaged, I bet you will just get a new scope so don't worry about your old one"

- A few days later I get notice from Fedex that the scope arrived at Leupold. A few days go by and I never get any feedback from leupold. I call back and ask if there is any update on the scope. The tech tells me it must not be logged into their system, but once it is I will receive either a phone call or an email letting me know they are working on it. A few more days pass with no contact, so I call back again. This time the tech tells me they are working on the scope and I should see the scope in 2-3 weeks. The tech confirms that they have all my contact info in their system.

- A couple days pass by and a get a box delivered to my office. I open up the box and there is my scope with a new eyepiece incorrectly installed and none of the cosmetics issues have been addressed. I call Leupold and tell them what I have discovered, they are very polite and immediately send me an email with a free shipping label to send the scope back in. I ask the tech to put a note on my file to have them please call me, I would like to pay to have the scope exterior cleaned up.

- I send the scope back in, never receive any communication from Leupold, and then receive the scope back about a week later. This time the eyepiece is correctly installed and the scope appears to be good. Again, no attempt was made to clean up the exterior nor was I ever offered a chance to pay for that service.

- The next day I take the scope to the range to do some shooting. The chromatic aberration of the scope is extremely bad. I can barely make out my bullet holes at 100 yds because the target has a huge purple halo around it. I called Leupold again to ask what might be up, they offer a few suggestions but tell me to send it back and they will take care of it. Then I hear the famous words again - "If the scope has issues, I bet we will just send you a new one"

- As I type this, I am waiting to see what happens. Yesterday I got an email confirmation from fedex that they have the scope.... still no communication from Leupold. I did however just receive a small package from Leupold today that contains the little plastic piece I had asked to be repaired, so someone at Leupold is listening! :)

- Every time Leupold shipped back my scope it was nicely packaged, I got a letter explaining the services they performed and I also got a survey card to tell me how they did. I am waiting to send the survey back in until I get the scope back working.

Vortex (I sent in a pair of Razor HD 10c42 bino's to have the collimation checked, I believed I knock them out last year elk hunting)

- I filled out the form online and printed out the information. Send the bino's off to Vortex and within a few days I had an email from Fedex confirming delivery, plus I got a email from Vortex letting me know they got my bino's and to expect a 3-4 week turnaround.

- about a week later I got a box in the mail from Vortex with my old bino's. My bino's were nicely packaged and I had a list of what service they performed. They cleaned them up and checked the alignment and focus to make sure it was all within tolerance. Bino's seem to be working better.
Got to love the customer service world! I had a thread on here about Cabelas and everyone had different experiences with warranty work. I am sure you will get replies to people who had similar experiences and they ones who received way better service. For me if I was running a company of the size that Leupold does and Cabelas for that matter I would want a certain set of steps for each return.

Yes every case is different but how they approach it should be the same in terms of responding back to the customer or how they "send new ones" out. If you had that many reps tell you that you will most likely receive a new one goes to show that they are inconsistent with it. It is frustrating as a customer with honest accidents to their equipment and receive subpar service and those free loaders who intentionally break the tip of their fishing rods off to get a new one.

I just think they should have certain set of steps to go through so that most of the customers experience the same treatment and fix the areas of customer service that are subpar.
I've had warranty work done by Vortex, scope I borrowed my rifle to a new hunter and when I got it back the scope was bent Vortex fixed scope and had it back to me in 3 days no charge. I live near their factory mounted and bore sighted my rifle too. Leopold , cleaned a spot on lens in a scope( I won scope in contest) fast turnaround and no charge. Bushnell spotting scope fogged up charged me for cleanup and shipping took a long time to get spotter back over 3 months. Zeiss, one of my farmer/hunting buddy's gave me his beat up binos to send in for repair (missing lens among other things). Zeiss sent brand new binos within 1 week no charge.
After my first Vortex experience, you could not GIVE me anything they offer. Leupold? Customer for life. mtmuley

Until you have the experience the OP had with the Leupold folks :O LOL

I have a scope on my original rifle and I believe it's a Bushnell...way over 25 years old and never had an issue. The issue is quality. We all pay for this horrible quality no matter who makes it. Sooner or later any one of these manufacturers tick you off and you buy someone elses stuff and it's only a matter of time before they tick you off as well :)
I only have 2 experiences, both with Leupold and both positive. One was a VXII, 1-4 on a muzz gun while hunting in below zero waether. The power change was not working right & causing a visible shift in the reticle! Leupold replaced the erector assembly.

2nd issue was a VX3, 1.5-5 I bought used on Ebay. It appeared blurry in a section of the field of view. Looking through the scope backwards, I could see a smear of a clear grease type material. Returned to Leupold, they cleansed it and it was fine thereafter until I sold it to a guy in Australia, also on Ebay!

I have no other experience with other companies. Likely because I am a Leupold diehard! :)
On May 5th I sent in a pair of Leupold Pinnacle 12x50 binos cause I was seeing double through them. I didn't receive any confirmation that they had received them or what they were going to do, but last night, May 12th, the UPS man brought a box from Leupold with a brand new set. Years ago I sent in a pair of Wind River 10x40 binos. They were disassembled cleaned and new rubber coverings put on and returned as good as new. I am please with Leupold warranty service.
I had a very old leupold scope start fogging up. Sent it in, and told them if they couldn't fix it, it would be no big deal since it was so old. They called the day they received it and gave a couple options of which new scope I wanted (for free). I told them I didn't want a new scope because the old had sentimental value, being on the old lever action Savage 99 I inherited from my grandpa. And if they could just send it back that would be fine, even if they couldn't fix it.
They ended up fixing the scope, free of charge and sent it back.
I was very impressed.

I have a Vortex spotting scope. I like it, for the money. No experiences with their warranty.
I have never had the need to send anything to Leupold, even though that's all I use for rifle scopes. However, I just had a Vortex spotting scope repaired. My experience was just like the OP's. Not only did they fix the issue I sent it in for, they included a list of checks and repairs they did other than that. What their list didn't include was the fact that they even repaired a couple small imperfections in the paint! My scope looks like new and performs like it! Plus, after I received an email telling me to expect a 2 week turnaround, I had the scope back in my hands in like 5 days. I shipped the scope May 2nd, got it back May 12th!...all at no charge
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I have never had the need to send anything to Leupold, even though that's all I use for rifle scopes. However, I just had a Vortex spotting scope repaired. My experience was just like the OP's. Not only did they fix the issue I sent it in for, they included a list of checks and repairs they did other than that. What their list didn't include was the fact that they even repaired a couple small imperfections in the paint! My scope looks like new and performs like it! Plus, after I received an email telling me to expect a 2 week turnaround, I had the scope back in my hands in like 5 days. I shipped the scope May 2nd, got it back May 12th!...all at no charge

Awesome to hear, It's amazing to think that we do NOT typically expect this type of service anymore though.....Good to see a few still care about their customers.

Swaro and Zeiss have been awesome for me as well.
I sent my Vortex talon binos in two years ago as the eye piece was all gummed up and I couldn't adjust it anymore. After a long delay (they said they were swamped and actively trying to hire more people) they just sent me new ones. I will say they don't appear to be built as well as I initially thought. I'm starting to have the same issue only this time it's not dirt, the eyepiece in lose and I can't managed to tighten it enough to stay tight, I'll probably sent them in this summer
UPDATE: I just got an email from Leupold letting me know that they received my spotter.... They must have got my message from this post!!! :)
Until you have the experience the OP had with the Leupold folks :O LOL

I have a scope on my original rifle and I believe it's a Bushnell...way over 25 years old and never had an issue. The issue is quality. We all pay for this horrible quality no matter who makes it. Sooner or later any one of these manufacturers tick you off and you buy someone elses stuff and it's only a matter of time before they tick you off as well :)

Maybe if I buy a Leupold product that is broken new in the box it would change my mind. Maybe. mtmuley
The rest of the story....

After getting an email notification that leupold had my scope, I waited a few days and then called in. The last tech I spoke with had requested I send the scope to his attention so he could do the work for me. When I called I was sent to his voicemail, and I left him a detailed message. With the scope having a chromatic abberation issue I wanted to get his two cents, this wasn't a simple "I need a specific bolt replaced" type of concern. I never heard back from the Leupold tech. Today I received the scope in the mail. The sheet says the customer complain was "Bad image" and these are the service activities:

Visual Inspection 100%
Mechanical Inspection
Complete Internal Inspection
Adjusted Parallax

So what they really did, I am not sure. I haven't had a chance to use the scope so time will tell if they made a difference. I assume the parallax is suppose to fix the chromatic abberation problem, but I don't know. So Leupold does live up to their claim that they fix stuff for free, however compared to some of their peers I think they can improve.

So my original question still remains... does this scope show a purple halo on a paper target out at the range (chromatic abberation) because the glass is poor, the design of the scope causes this, or was my scope simply out of whack? Once I can test it I will be able to tell if it improved, but I still didn't really learn anything, and I guess that is what frustrates me the most.
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Hope it works out for you. The one and only Vortex product I've ever purchased was defective, new out of the box. Nothing they can do will ever convince me to take another chance. Marketing and big stickers don't make an optics company. I am glad they seem to have great warranty service. ( since I need it) A lot of practice I'm thinking. mtmuley
I only have had good experiences with Leopold customer service/repairs. I think we could find good and bad experiences with most manufactures if we get enough input.
I have had nothing but excellent service from Leupold. Dropped a pair of binoculars one day in the creek and bent the eyepiece on a rock. Still functional but the eyepiece would not move in or out. Sent them a email explaining what happened and they told me to send them in with a note explaining what needed to be fixed. Did what they asked explaining that it was 100% my fault and told them to send me an email on what it would cost to repair. About 10 days later I get a box via the big brown truck with a BRAND NEW in box set of binos,free of charge. Next day I received an email from their customer service saying they decided to replace my pair rather than repair them. Customer for life here after that.
My rifles have never worn anything other than leupold, dropped my VX-R on to a boulder in NZ, little scratch and ding but still works so I haven't bothered replacing it.

My first came with my first rifle dad gave me. it was a set 6x m8. Clarity was poor in low light. I put that thing through hell out hunting almost hoping it would stuff I so it could be fixed. But it kept working until I finally sold it, bought second hand after spending near on 20 years in our family.
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