Lesser Prairie Chicken

Otto Matic

Well-known member
Jan 3, 2021
Is this about the bird, or is it another liberal attempt to put more of America under the control of gummint bureaucrats that wouldn't know a cockle bur from a pine cone under the guise of Climate Change and "what's best for America"?

It appears to be another Obama era BLM, EPA, WOTUS, alphabet soup land grab.

Another take on the listing.

Your article says the LPC is "endangered" and is alluded to in my link.

The link I posted says the LPC population has increased significantly over the last 8 years.
Who gathered the data for each article?

So, which is it?
Your article says the LPC is "endangered" and is alluded to in my link.

The link I posted says the LPC population has increased significantly over the last 8 years.
Who gathered the data for each article?

So, which is it?
Actually the population has remained stable according to WAFWA, it has not increased significantly.
Actually the population has remained stable according to WAFWA, it has not increased significantly.

WAFWA also says not to take the short period of stability as a metric for overall species health: https://wafwa.org/aerial-surveys-document-stable-lesser-prairie-chicken-population-trends/

With large gallinaceous birds, it comes down to habitat. With only about 36,000 birds left, when would we feel that they deserve the kind of protection that the states have refused to provide in terms of overall species health?
What land did they grab?
I know that the BLM is currently engaged in an attempt to take control of several thousand acres of land along the Red River that has been under deed and taxed for over a hundred years.

The "guise" is the land is in a flood plane.
The reality is that the city of Fort Worth, Texas wants to build a reservoir on Red River somewhere around Nocona, Texas.
If the BLM can get their bureaucratic claws on the land, they will give it to the city and Fort Worth won't have to buy it.
I know that the BLM is currently engaged in an attempt to take control of several thousand acres of land along the Red River that has been under deed and taxed for over a hundred years.

The "guise" is the land is in a flood plane.
The reality is that the city of Fort Worth, Texas wants to build a reservoir on Red River somewhere around Nocona, Texas.
If the BLM can get their bureaucratic claws on the land, they will give it to the city and Fort Worth won't have to buy it.

That was settled over 3.5 years ago: https://www.texastribune.org/2017/11/08/texas-red-river-land-lawsuit-ends-settlement/
Pretty sure that this is just a liberal cabal hellbent on pushing every white man, woman & child out of the plains and hand it back the first peoples.

Christ, you're good @Otto Matic.
No, even a blind sow stumbles into an acorn if she roots around long enough! LOL!

...and I don't disagree with you!
Ben Lamb, thanks for that info. I had been trying to keep up but fell down on the job.

Little background:
....and you won't find anything about this in any BLM reports.

I worked for the Fort Worth Water Dept.
In 2001, I was working when the city hit a new record "Daily Usage" of 325MGD (million gallons per day).
The city's maximum available raw water was (it's been increased I'm sure) was about 350MGD. Maximum pumpage capacity (delivery of treated water to city) was 350MGD.

We moved to OK in 2002. About 2004 or 2005, I was flipping through a local newspaper and found an article that stated the City of Fort Worth had bought the water rights to any water that emptied out of Cache Creek into the Red River.
I knew right then that the city had another reservoir in mind.
The last reservoir that the TCWCID #2 (Tarrant County Water Control and Improvement District #2) had completed was Richland-Chambers Reservoir near Corsicana, Texas. TCWCID #2 pumps the water through a 108" pipeline to the Kennedale Balancing Reservoir where the water is divided among several different water utilities.
Richland-Chambers Reservoir was conceived around 1946-7-ish when TCWCID#2 realized they were going to need a LOT more water.
Between conception and the first blade of dirt for the dam, TCWCID#2 bought farms, houses, churches, cemeteries, oil wells, family farms and who knows what all else.

In 1992-93, the Rolling Hills Water Treatment Plant in south Fort Worth recieved the first inflow of raw water from Richland-Chambers Reservoir.

I'd wager that within the next 50 years, the City of Fort Worth will be using water out of the Red River.
There is already a "Lake Ringgold" on the drawing board, but it isn't on Red River.
I know that the BLM is currently engaged in an attempt to take control of several thousand acres of land along the Red River that has been under deed and taxed for over a hundred years.

The "guise" is the land is in a flood plane.
The reality is that the city of Fort Worth, Texas wants to build a reservoir on Red River somewhere around Nocona, Texas.
If the BLM can get their bureaucratic claws on the land, they will give it to the city and Fort Worth won't have to buy it.
What a fairy tale. Why would the BLM do anything for Ft Worth? When was the last time they gave any land to a city that size? The fact is the federal land in question was squatted illegally during the early part of the 20th century and the local Texas govt attempted to legitimize it by issuing fake deeds for the squatters' benefit. The BLM was only attempting to get back property that always rightfully belonged to the public. Or at least get the rental fees due the public. The aggrieved so-called landowners should have take up their claim for damages against the state for issuing the deeds in the first place. This is a potentially a backdoor way for Sagebrush Rebellion states to swipe federal land. Simply issue bogus deeds to anyone who wants to pay for them. Settling with the Red River families set a terrible precedent. BLM should have stuck to their guns and forced the families to go after the state for damages, including all taxes paid. Backing down opens the door to more of the same. And whose administration allowed that "land grab" of public land? Guess. Wasn't Obama.
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