Kodiak island black tails


New member
Jan 6, 2007
Big Lake Alaska
heres a couple pics from this past november on kodiak island.
one client with his second deer and my brother and his wife with her first deer of her life...great day that was. dropped all three and the fox right together..she's hooked!


just thought you'd enjoy something different.
i talk to alot of deer hunters from the lower 48 and they all refer to them as "little" deer, but then they come up and shoot a big buck, grab it by the antlers and all say the same thing..."wow".
they are a very dense deer. the whitetails i've shot have been light and drag pretty easy..blacktails off kodiak aren't like that. we've killed bucks that clients and i are sure were up around 200lbs..most aren't that size but they get heavey. not really big overall..just heavy. probably from eating kelp....
......just thought you'd enjoy something different.

Will enjoy it even more when I am standing their on the mountain. Thanks for sharing some cool pics of a different hunt than what we get "down here."
I would love to go chase those deer sometime. At the top of my list for hunts i want to do out side of this state.
BRWNBR...you booking hunts for Sitkas this year?

If so, What would the hunt include? One deer or two?
They are fun to hunt...and theres just nowhere quite like Kodiak Island.

I still rate my hunt for blacktails there as one of the top 3 hunts I've ever done.
What BRWNBR said

Thoughts of those little things till they have to pack one.
Reminds me of an outfitter in Wyoming who would bait spring Black Bear. He would buy an old nag for cheap, walk it in a ways kill it and then build a blind.
So once he had a dude from back east. On the final day he's encouraged to shoot this Bear. Upon arriving at the scene he's shocked at how small it is. The guide is trying to pick out all the qualies to steer him from the size. "Look at those claws, Look how shiney the coat is "
The dude would not have any of it. So, the guide ties a rope around the bear's head and hands the rope to the dude. After a short distance, winded, he says "you know THAT is a pretty big Bear ":hump:
fowl, ya i'm booking hunts for this november, i've got one hunt lined up, but can probably fit two more in. usually i do a family hunt at the end but funds don't look like i'll be able to this year.
you can shoot two deer, the limit is three but i tell guys just to bring two tags, other wise guys start shooting at deer that they won't mount or dont' really care about just to blast stuff. i want them to shop around and try to find something that'll look good on the wall. we got some ducks to hammer on and of course the foxes...prettiest foxes you'll ever see and some will rival a regular size coyote. seven day hunts.

I talked with a outdoor writer here in alaska once and he told me"jake" he says,"you'll hunt everything alaska has to offer, dall sheep, brown bear, bull moose, mt goat, you name it. you'll hunt it. but," he added, "you'll find your self coming back to two things every year...snowshoe hares and sitka blacktail..."
dang if he wasn't right. black tail are one of the funnest hunts in ak...them and mt goat.

heres a fox from this fall...
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Great pics!! I'd like to get back and give that a try again. My trip was pretty good, but I'm thinking I'd do it differently if/when I go back.

PS- I'd bet PS is the initials of the gunwriter you quoted, no? ;)
That's pretty funny. IIRC, Phil Shoemaker has said about the same thing as well. Guess that means it runs pretty true...
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