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KNEE Tendonitis, and Bursitis 5 weeks before sheep hunt


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2018
Jordan, Minnesota
Im 28 and have been dealing with tendonitis in both of my knees along with bursitis and also an inflamed fat pad in my left knee since march. i have done 4 months of physical therapy and been on anti inflammatory pills for 3 weeks twice and that did not help much. i have gotten about 25-50% better but i am still not close to 100%. My orthopedist wants me to come in for cortisone shots on monday, would you guys try a shot or stay away from them and just keep doing physical therapy and taking loads of advil? I leave fro my sheep hunt on september 10th for 12 days.
Im 28 and have been dealing with tendonitis in both of my knees along with bursitis and also an inflamed fat pad in my left knee since march. i have done 4 months of physical therapy and been on anti inflammatory pills for 3 weeks twice and that did not help much. i have gotten about 25-50% better but i am still not close to 100%. My orthopedist wants me to come in for cortisone shots on monday, would you guys try a shot or stay away from them and just keep doing physical therapy and taking loads of advil? I leave fro my sheep hunt on september 10th for 12 days.
I've never dealt with tendonitis, just carpal tunnel, but cortisone shots helped get me through for about 6 months until I could fit surgery into my schedule. The shots really alleviated the pain and let me accomplish my daily functions without much problem. Like I said, I've never dealt with tendonitis bit that's my .02 cents on how cortisone helped me. I'd especially be willing to do it if it was going to get me on my sheep hunt.
I get the shot every 5-6 months in my left shoulder. Anything to avoid more surgeries!!
Get. The. Shot.

I finally got my doc to admit that my shoulder really can’t get worse, so I’m really not doing and MORE damage by just numbing and moving on.

Not saying this is the case for your knees, but it will let you get on with the business of your sheep hunt. Deal with the damage later.
There can be a big advantage to the cortisone in that the management of the inflammation and pain is localized, thus not medicating the whole body with NSAID's. If the inflammation can be reduced/eliminated it may not even come back if you incorporate all of the PT/overuse modification to allow for normal functioning.
I had my knees flare up on a multi-day horseback ride up and down mountainsides. I had previously had issues on hiking downslopes. Was fine on up slopes.

I got this style of knee brace and the hole is padded and isolates the patella (knee cap). I barely get tender knees when wearing these. I work out aggressively on an elliptical, ride horses and carry a heavy backpack on uneven trails and these braces are amazing for my situation.

Your situation may be an entirely different issue and these braces not help a bit. For me, miracle devices.

I'd 100% get the shot.

I'm concerned that 4 months of PT only got you to 50% recovery. Was there surgery involved?
I'd definitely get the shot, but I'd do it no more than a week before your hunt, they sometimes don't last that long. Good luck
Im 28 and have been dealing with tendonitis in both of my knees along with bursitis and also an inflamed fat pad in my left knee since march. i have done 4 months of physical therapy and been on anti inflammatory pills for 3 weeks twice and that did not help much. i have gotten about 25-50% better but i am still not close to 100%. My orthopedist wants me to come in for cortisone shots on monday, would you guys try a shot or stay away from them and just keep doing physical therapy and taking loads of advil? I leave fro my sheep hunt on september 10th for 12 days.
Im 28 and have been dealing with tendonitis in both of my knees along with bursitis and also an inflamed fat pad in my left knee since march. i have done 4 months of physical therapy and been on anti inflammatory pills for 3 weeks twice and that did not help much. i have gotten about 25-50% better but i am still not close to 100%. My orthopedist wants me to come in for cortisone shots on monday, would you guys try a shot or stay away from them and just keep doing physical therapy and taking loads of advil? I leave fro my sheep hunt on september 10th for 12 days.
I am sorry for your struggles. I am not a Doctor but have some suggestions to consider. A few years back I suffered from a slight micro tear in my meniscus. I know that steroids like Cortisone aren’t a good fix. It’s like giving your knees an Ibuprofin, it helps you think the pain is gone but it is actually still there. I chose Prolotherapy instead. It worked great! I have completely healed and in fact have strengthened my knees more. Have you tried getting advice from A ND? Something is causing your inflammation other than the obvious. Gut Biome, diet, hereditary, other prescriptions etc. Just throwing it all out there. Hope you find relief soon!
Only do what you can. You know your body better than anyone. Compression sleeves will help along with a wrap. Just listen to your knees. If they're done they're done.
I am sorry for your struggles. I am not a Doctor but have some suggestions to consider. A few years back I suffered from a slight micro tear in my meniscus. I know that steroids like Cortisone aren’t a good fix. It’s like giving your knees an Ibuprofin, it helps you think the pain is gone but it is actually still there. I chose Prolotherapy instead. It worked great! I have completely healed and in fact have strengthened my knees more. Have you tried getting advice from A ND? Something is causing your inflammation other than the obvious. Gut Biome, diet, hereditary, other prescriptions etc. Just throwing it all out there. Hope you find relief soon!
How many injections over how many weeks/ months? Op has 6 weeks until his hunt. I agree that cortisone is not a fix whatsoever, but it'll get him through his hunt until he can get a permanent solution. Everything I read about prolotherapy is that it's typically a 3-5 month cycle of injections
I've had the juice in both knees, one hip, one elbow, and both shoulders; the pain never came back.
They don't like to give you enough prednisone to really do much, usually prescribing a dosepak. I go straight to the juice now.
How many injections over how many weeks/ months? Op has 6 weeks until his hunt. I agree that cortisone is not a fix whatsoever, but it'll get him through his hunt until he can get a permanent solution. Everything I read about prolotherapy is that it's typically a 3-5 month cycle of injections
Your correct on the average 3-5 months. However I only needed 2 injections(1 a week for 2 weeks) along with hot and ice compresses for about 2 weeks. Right at about the 3rd week I started noticing less swelling and less pain. 4-6 week I was strengthening doing light training (hiking with 40lb pack 2-3 miles 3x a week.) Once the season started (7th week) I really paid attention to my knee for any weird things. By the 3rd day of Elk it was back to normal. I shot a decent Bull and packed him out in 4 trips. Disclaimer is: This worked for me and is not necessarily what will work but some version of it could?
I am sold on cryo ice therapy for tendonitis. I have been using Polar Active Ice system. This system circulates ice cold water plus provides compression on and off cycling which feels incredible. I have used mine for shoulder and knee and has eliminated pain meds. Some have 12v capability too. This may help reduce your inflammation etc
Going after the ram in your profile picture? He’d be a real monster by now.
Im 28 and have been dealing with tendonitis in both of my knees along with bursitis and also an inflamed fat pad in my left knee since march. i have done 4 months of physical therapy and been on anti inflammatory pills for 3 weeks twice and that did not help much. i have gotten about 25-50% better but i am still not close to 100%. My orthopedist wants me to come in for cortisone shots on monday, would you guys try a shot or stay away from them and just keep doing physical therapy and taking loads of advil? I leave fro my sheep hunt on september 10th for 12 days.
cortisone and then gradually load in slow heavy non-painful range. Try tempo sets for 5-7 counts
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