"Killing Animals Helped Me Make Peace With Death" by Nicole Qualtieri

Ugh, poets.

I’ve tried to get through this article, but I just can’t stop rolling my eyes. The spirituality woo-woo-ness of it all is too much for me to stomach.
So this fella I know hits a deer. It's over there flopping around and bleating on the side of the road. He hops out, looks at the deer and decides to stop its suffering. He grabs a knife out of the glove box and slits said deer's throat. The deer continues to flop, but now it's gurgling. Being a carpenter, he falls back on what he knows. He goes to his toolbox, retrieves a hammer and proceeds to beat the deer to death.
So this fella I know hits a deer. It's over there flopping around and bleating on the side of the road. He hops out, looks at the deer and decides to stop its suffering. He grabs a knife out of the glove box and slits said deer's throat. The deer continues to flop, but now it's gurgling. Being a carpenter, he falls back on what he knows. He goes to his toolbox, retrieves a hammer and proceeds to beat the deer to death.

It was either that or watch it try to hobble across the field on the stumps of two broken back legs. I still feel sick about it after 15 years. The brutality was from necessity of ending it as soon as possible, not because of being callous.

I know you weren’t referring to me and in my situation it was a hammer and then the knife because that was all there was to work with. It was still horrible and I hope I don’t have to ever do it that way again.
"STOP <whack> SUFFERING <whomp> RIGHT <crunch> NOW!" .... <stab>

I'm dying over here. Just thought I'd do a blow by blow for greater comedic impact. I retold that one at the supper table tonight. Gets me every time. The boy-child laughed so hard he pooped himself. Granted, he has the flu and for some reason ate half a jar of pickles today, but still. Good story.

Anyhow, if you deflate both lungs with a knife they don't last very long.

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