NEW SITKA Ambient 75

KHunter NM Pronghorn 2022


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
western Colorado
Today make the long drive to SW NM to bowhunt pronghorn in the land of giants.

Pulled the only nonres tag and looking forward to spotting, stalking, scheming and getting schooled on reapeat all day for a week if needed. Stalking pronghorn with a bow is an absolute fave. Have never hunted them this early in August so not sure what techniques will work. Apparently a lot of water lying around with recent rains around so not expecting popping up a blind wil be productive so going in open to any and all methods.

Hope to be patient and spend some days shopping for and filming the kind of giant lope this unit I will never draw again is famous for. But probably crater and start chasing the first mid 70s buck in stalkable position.

Hope to post some cool pics and share some semi live action along the way if have cell service.

Great to have my brother @abqbw along for the fun. He beat me there by a day and sent this initial photo “8 minutes into that area we discussed”

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It's interesting, I value typical for elk and deer though really value non typical pronghorns. That one is sweet!

Following. Best to you and your brother! Looking forward to the story and pics.
Good luck! Always great to see the hunt reports start coming in.
And I really like that weird looking buck.
Long way to go for me and my backseat driver Angus….

Really he’s @Dinkshooter backseat driver and he’s just on loan to me for this hunt. Every year is one of these bowl amount of decoys so looking forward to seeing how badly they scare of the bucks or not. Have any hair comment suggestions for anybody who used these in the past

I used a decoy last year and it didn't seem like it was much help. I think it was earlier enough in the year that bucks wernt wanting to be aggressive yet