Keep your bow in tent?


Active member
Apr 8, 2020
Last year while backpacking I kept my compound in the tent with me. With the rest of my gear and self, it was a crowded place. Wondering what you guys do? I was worried about mice chewing on it (I think, or big foot taking it)??. Trying to figure out all my questions from last year.
I use a 2 man tent.. I keep my bow and other gear in the tent to keep the mice/scorpions out of it.
I hang it as well as my rifle. I’ve had the moisture from the tent freeze the action on my rifle before and rolling over on a bow or rifle is never fun.
I have a cheap cabin tent that I use to cover gear. I am also buying a wall tent and going back to tent camping over RVs and campers. I keep my bows and rifles in the tent mainly to keep them dry if it rains, usually on a blanket underneath my cot or leaning against something in the gear tent.

I should add though, I don't do hardcore backpack camping anymore. The guys I hunt with and I are not in the best shape and getting up in the age bracket so we do base camping and return to base every night. We go out with our back packs but usually carry just enough to eat and take care of anything we knock down along with the general emergency items.
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Alone in the backcountry, do we really know what lurks?! Lol
Your comment suggests to me that you probably start making your way to your hunting area at first light, and are back at camp before dark. If so, I think you're missing 2 of the best hours of the day. As far as perceived lurking threats, there are ways to mitigate that. No worries, it's normal to have some heebie jeebies.

If my assumptions are wrong, I apologize.
Ive done both hang in a tree and in the shelter. I usually sleep in a floorless tarp, so gear can kinda get pushed out under the edges if need be.
I do recall one sleepless night fighting a pika off with my bow laying beside me. I whacked the little bugger a few good times, sending him scurrying. Then right about the time Id be falling back a sleep Id hear him again. I just knew he was gunning for my bow strings!

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