Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Just can’t have any fun these days…

My buddy is a deputy and sends me a Snapchat or 2 a week catching someone going over 100 on a 2 lane highway.

His best one was catching a soccer mom going 80 on highway 75. He said she was going 15 over and she argued it was only 5 over. She thought the highway signs were the speed limit. He asked her how fast she went on highway 2. 🤣
My buddy is a deputy and sends me a Snapchat or 2 a week catching someone going over 100 on a 2 lane highway.

His best one was catching a soccer mom going 80 on highway 75. He said she was going 15 over and she argued it was only 5 over. She thought the highway signs were the speed limit. He asked her how fast she went on highway 2. 🤣
IMHO... cops shouldn't pull folks over for less than 15 mph over.

Driving any of the big highways in this country is like...
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Eastbound from Eisenhower, a trooper got me at the chain removal lot (everyone knows the one). He told me I was the last car in a line going the same speed and he normally pulls over the first car and tickets them. But since I was last, just a warning. 😇
Eastbound from Eisenhower, a trooper got me at the chain removal lot (everyone knows the one). He told me I was the last car in a line going the same speed and he normally pulls over the first car and tickets them. But since I was last, just a warning. 😇
I got pulled over one time headed down to Denver... at the time the speed limit was 55 and I was doing 61, a month later they upped the speed limit to 65 in that section. :rolleyes:

Another time some rookie 23 year old flipped on the lights on me bumper to bumper just after Dumont, there is no shoulder so I just drove for a couple of mile to the next exit. He walked up to my window and I said, " What the hell were you thinking, were you going to shut down the highway or get hit? He looked at me sheepishly, and then I just told him to give me a ticket and use his head.

Speed limits are laws like any other, but there is no reason LEOs should be putting themselves in danger for those tickets. It's just stupid.
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I got pulled over in rural small town Montana going 75 mph in a 25 mph zone. I had just got off work and was daydreaming about fishing while headed to check my minnow traps. Sure was nice I knew the cop. He just told me to slow it down some next time. :LOL:
My buddy is a deputy and sends me a Snapchat or 2 a week catching someone going over 100 on a 2 lane highway.

His best one was catching a soccer mom going 80 on highway 75. He said she was going 15 over and she argued it was only 5 over. She thought the highway signs were the speed limit. He asked her how fast she went on highway 2. 🤣
If I was a cop, I would target the soccer moms. They drive wild as hell around here.
I once got popped going 107 in a 65. I had just bought a car and wanted to see how it handled on I25 going through Casper. I had it wound up & was just about to drop back down to 65 or so and I passed the cop, still at top speed. Immediately took the foot off the pedal and came to a stop safely on the shoulder and waited for him.

He came up laughing & said "It's a good thing you stopped, cause I was ready to go." And gave me a ticket for 85 in a 65 instead.

My sister, however, once got pulled over by a Wyoming State Trooper for speeding. When he saw the last name on the license he said "Are you related to Paul Lamb, by any chance?" She said yes, and he simply said "You can't help it, so you get a warning this time, but slow down and say hi to your dad."
I got my first ticket at 14 on a school permit going 72 in a 50 and it has been all downhill from there. The good thing is the older you get they just start issuing warnings because they realize it’s too late to change your behavior. My buddy got 2 tickets in a row, 15 minutes apart. That’s quite a feat. I got popped a couple weeks ago in a semi, passing someone on a highway. He got me at 85 in a 65 but knocked it down to 75 in a 65.
I got my first ticket at 14 on a school permit going 72 in a 50 and it has been all downhill from there. The good thing is the older you get they just start issuing warnings because they realize it’s too late to change your behavior. My buddy got 2 tickets in a row, 15 minutes apart. That’s quite a feat. I got popped a couple weeks ago in a semi, passing someone on a highway. He got me at 85 in a 65 but knocked it down to 75 in a 65.
Girl that I went to school with got a DUI on a Friday, got another in the next down over the next night. Her mom used to be on the local police force. Nobody in that family has ever been labeled as exceptionally bright. Now that I think about it I'm not even sure if she was of legal drinking age at the time.
My buddy is a deputy and sends me a Snapchat or 2 a week catching someone going over 100 on a 2 lane highway.

His best one was catching a soccer mom going 80 on highway 75. He said she was going 15 over and she argued it was only 5 over. She thought the highway signs were the speed limit. He asked her how fast she went on highway 2. 🤣
Canadian cops always get the, "the sign said 110m/h", "that's km/h sir". I wonder how often they are that stupid and how often they think that excuse will work.
A couple of years ago on Thanksgiving weekend some young jerk with a badge stopped me on Hwy 2 east of Kalispell for doing 57 in 55. I passed him on outside lane because he was messing with his phone and jackrabbitting. "You knew you were speeding when you passed me." Like I blew his doors off? After ten minutes of him hassling me I finally told him to write me a ticket and shut up. I'd be delighted to hang around long enough to watch a local JP shove that piece of paper up his arse! "You need to show me some respect!" I laughed. "Get your gawdam pen out or give me my license back." He opted for door number two.
My worst ticket was on Hwy 191 where it dips into WY and YNP just north of West Yellowstone. Speed limit drops to 55 in that section. There was a line of 3 cars ahead of me going right at 55, so when I hit a straight stretch with legal passing zone I punched it to get around them. By the time I noticed the lead car was a cop, it was too late. 🤦‍♂️ He tagged me at 91, but only wrote me up for 64. Great guy! 👍

I also got to learn that there’s no traffic statutes in Federal law, so if you get ticketed in a Federal jurisdiction like a national park, you’re getting a Federal misdemeanor that sticks on your record forever. Wasn’t too happy about that. I’ve never exceeded 60 on that stretch since.
I got one speeding ticket in fifty-five years of driving. In the eighties a local cop in Columbia Falls nailed me for doing 35 in a 25 on the way to day shift at the plant. The JP thought it was pathetic but I gladly paid then motioned for him to follow me outside. I pointed to my four-door '53 Chev Bel Air: 235 six, potbelly Rochester carb, and cast iron two-speed PowerGlide tranny. "She's been real peppy since that speeding ticket. Let's not ruin a good thing and deflate her ego."
My worst ticket was on Hwy 191 where it dips into WY and YNP just north of West Yellowstone. Speed limit drops to 55 in that section. There was a line of 3 cars ahead of me going right at 55, so when I hit a straight stretch with legal passing zone I punched it to get around them. By the time I noticed the lead car was a cop, it was too late. 🤦‍♂️ He tagged me at 91, but only wrote me up for 64. Great guy! 👍

I also got to learn that there’s no traffic statutes in Federal law, so if you get ticketed in a Federal jurisdiction like a national park, you’re getting a Federal misdemeanor that sticks on your record forever. Wasn’t too happy about that. I’ve never exceeded 60 on that stretch since.

Makes me really glad that the YNP ranger that pulled me over when I was in college didn't express too much concern for the pungent aroma emitting from the vehicle.
A couple of years ago on Thanksgiving weekend some young jerk with a badge stopped me on Hwy 2 east of Kalispell for doing 57 in 55. I passed him on outside lane because he was messing with his phone and jackrabbitting. "You knew you were speeding when you passed me." Like I blew his doors off? After ten minutes of him hassling me I finally told him to write me a ticket and shut up. I'd be delighted to hang around long enough to watch a local JP shove that piece of paper up his arse! "You need to show me some respect!" I laughed. "Get your gawdam pen out or give me my license back." He opted for door number two.
Wonder if the speedometer in your jimmy is broken?

You sound like you need kicked in the Jimmy...that's for certain.

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