It's almost time......short hunting related stories!


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2012
Let's hear some short hunting related stories. Maybe funny, maybe heart breaking, maybe infuriating, but nonetheless entertaining while we wait anxiously for the seasons to start.

Murder??? I was elk hunting with my dad a couple years ago. I had a couple of Riesen's dark chocolate caramels in my side pouch. Day 7 of the hunt and I was down to those last two Riesens. All day long my challenge was to save those suckers for right before I had the highest, hardest hill to climb. I had saved them for days. I soooo was looking forward to their chocolatey goodness. Melt in your mouth happiness. An energy boost like no other. Pure pleasure before gutting out the big climb. I very reluctantly asked him if he wanted one. He said yes (Dang it!!). I reluctantly hand over one of my last two remaining little prizes. He pops it into his mouth...and promptly spits it out on the ground and says, "I don't like it". Closest I have came to second degree murder in my life.
In 2009 my son and I went to Wyoming and mule deer hunted with a friend from there. Opening day, we spot a nice buck and make a stalk on it, no luck it snuck out. When we get back to the truck we were both hot due to the climb in heavy coats. We both take them off while in the truck. A little bit later we spot a wide (really wide) buck in a draw, we all get out and make another stalk just under the top of a ridge with the buck hopefully on the other side. We get out to about where he should be and look over, nothing. So we continue on the ridge. There is a mild Wyoming breeze blowing and the temps are in the 30's, so wind chill was probably around -70 degrees. I had put my coat back on, but Jake didn't and he was getting cold. He decided to head back to the truck. We continued on. Shortly after that we spotted a different buck than originally scene, but he was acceptable to me and would have been to Jake as well if he would have been there. To this day I still joke with him about his decision that cost him a shot at a nice buck.

Thanksgiving 2018 I came home to Montana to hunt with my family. My mom stayed home to cook and I went hunting. Was going to climb to a huge ridge and hunt it’s fingers all day.
10 minutes out of the vehicle, while I was just climbing and not really looking for anything, I stepped by a pile of warm elk poop. I looked up to see an elk’s butt attached to a light yellow body that could only be a bull.
I quietly took my rifle off my pack, and put my ear plugs in.
he heard me chamber a round and when he swung his head around to look, I shot him in the neck at about 70 yards.
I deboned him, packed him the 600 or so yards to the road in two heavy trips, drove out, stopped at the store to get my mom a few ingredients for dinner and was home by the early afternoon. Easiest bull I’ve ever killed.
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