Is the ATV industry advertising sinfully?


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Henderson, KY
Round 37 of the ongoing ATV debate. Nothing below the belt; let's keep it clean, people!

An article by an ATV industry writer, published on the ESPN Outdoors website: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>
To read the IWLA's report on ATV advertising, click here.

Did you know there's a secret conspiracy among ATV manufacturers to brainwash people into becoming motorized barbarians bent on the destruction of nature sheerly for their own pleasure? Yeah, neither did I. But thanks to a report by the Izaak Walton League of America titled Caught in the Treads: Unethical Advertising in the ATV Industry, I have been enlightened to the truth.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

MY OPINION: The ATV issue aside, I see applicability of the complaints in this article to MANY published reports. As for the ATV issue, well....I'm sure there will be some opinions about that from both sides.
I don't watch much TV, but when I was back East in Sept. I was watching it almost every nite and I was amazed at all the ATV ads. I was appalled at the ads. They were clearly designed to appeal to young men wishing to tear around the countryside at high speed crashing thru streams and flying thru the air as they came off hills!

For an industry that claims to adhere to the Tread Lightly ethic the ads were completely the opposite of anything TL espouses!

I'm proud to say that my talk to the Idaho Fish and Game Commission last week on severely limiting ATV use during hunting seasons was very well received. It's just a matter of time, now, before they impose more restrictions. :D
I don't think they should be allowed to go anywhere a car or truck is not allowed to go, at least during hunting season. Maybe exceptions could be made for the retrieval of game, but of course only on already established roads or trails. And this would be something a game warden would have to be notified of in advance.
Ithaca, I have to admit, I've seen a lot of those ads and I tend to agree with you. While their explanations of how they are intended are certainly one way for the ads to be interpreted, they sure leave a lot to be understood on the viewer's part. If you read the very fine print on the ads they usually say the typical blurb about professional riders on a closed course, never ride in restricted areas, etc. But nobody can read that mess as small as it is and as fast as it goes by. But, they're counting on adults to be responsible and you can't blame them entirely for that.
Dgibson, I think the advertising is wrong.
I dont think they should be able to show bad behavor.
My view on the ATV advertising is no different that what I think of most advertisment's on TV.
Look at what they show some of car's doing,or the truck's.
Look at the beer ad's.
Most ad's are crap.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Most ad's are crap. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yep. :D

I agree with ITHACA (somebody revive MARS & DG). As a rider and owner of an ATV I am disgusted by the behavior portrayed in the ATV ads. Yet, as MD put it, I too am disappointed with the ads for truck, cars, and beer as well. I've owned, driven, and used trucks from all three american makers, and none of mine ever performed like the ads show them. I've drank beer by the keg, but nver had some fake breasted babe come swoon over me. Excuse me while I go get another glass of milk.
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