Caribou Gear Tarp

IRS Visit

he didn't say they only confiscated the 4473 forms, just that they confiscated all of the 4473 forms. there's a difference there.

i'm sure there is more to this story than rosendale would like to have meeting the eye. but i dunno.
A news article about the search offered more details than Rosendale did, including that the FBI was present as well and that the Great Falls PD provided security. Sounds less conspiratorial that way.
Yeah, but, well, ugh
His accent is so great. The most ‘Balmor, hon’ manner of speech I’ve heard in years, since I lived in the general vicinity of Baltimore. Makes me want to pick some crabs or drink a Natty Boh.
clicking on the twitter link has me feeling cross-eyed... and not so hopeful about the future of our country. But damn if it didn't do exactly what he wanted, whip his masses into a frenzy
The first time I heard his voice on the glowing rectangle on one of the local news stations I nearly broke my neck from whiplash. Immediate, ‘that’s the most Balmor yokel accent I’ve heard in a loooooong time’ only to realize it’s coming from Maryland Matt. I’ve heard him called Maryland Matt for years, but I guess I’d never seen it.
Wondering if Matt shot at any drones while he was here.

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Matt's nothing if not normal.:ROFLMAO:

The other photo is a hoot as well. He is still sporting the shades while wearing a different pair of glasses. He's my congressman, one of my many blessings.
In one thread we read about Rosendale being irate about the "weaponization of the government" and in another we read about wanting to arm teachers. Oh, the irony.

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