Sitka Pre Season Savings

Incoming Rant


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2022
Well I had a crummy hour this day....

I Wanted to reschedule my doctor apt and was told I couldn't get in until almost May. I said no, I will keep my current apt because I cant wait that long and will see if work will be okay if I skip out early.

3pm comes and it is time to go to my apt. I get to the office and they have no apt for me. They told me I rescheduled to April. I promptly said "NO!"

I specifically said I will figure it out and keep my current apt. I even got a check in notice for my 345pm apt. They said they clicked the wrong button and rescheduled for April. I was curious how they even rescheduled it because I never gave them a time I would be coming in for this imaginary April apt.

They said nothing could be done and doctor is booked solid. They had a cancellation next Thursday and booked me then....

That had me fuming and was heading back to work and I see some vagabond, green hair, raggedy human standing near the cross walk waiting for the light to change. And he THROWS A ROCK AT MY TRUCK!!!!!!!

He tries to be slick and acts like he is skipping a rock on the lake really quick and flings one at the passing vehicle which happens to me....I didn't hear a bang but decided I am in a bad enough mood, I will make this guy my therapy.

I flip a b*#ch in the dually and the kids eyes go wide...I wait until he crosses the street, drive past him and wait for him to walk past.

Eventually I get a better look at him and realize how young he is. Maybe 12. Green hair, clothes raggedy and dirty and looks like he has been on a Christopher McCandless adventure. So I calmed down realizing how young he is and just rolled my window down while he was making eye contact with me looking a bit nervous.

I said "threw a rock at me didn't you"

He goes " Ya but only one...…"

Like "WHAT!?" oh great, thanks kid, because I would've only gotten mad if its a 3 rock minimum?

I said "that can cause a lot of issues for you buddy, dont do that again, understand"

He said "okay..."


Rant Over...
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What's wrong with kids is that society has made it impossible to punish them for being shitheads. We allow them to be part of the "social media" and video games with horrific violence. There's generations of kids and adults that have become cowards behind a keyboard and think there's a magic button for a life reset. Spanking a kid can now get you sent to jail for child abuse. Bullshit!!!😠
What's wrong with kids is that society has made it impossible to punish them for being shitheads. We allow them to be part of the "social media" and video games with horrific violence. There's generations of kids and adults that have become cowards behind a keyboard and think there's a magic button for a life reset. Spanking a kid can now get you sent to jail for child abuse. Bullshit!!!😠

I remember the ass whoopings when I was a kid then I got to an age where I thought I could try and fight back. that definitely was not a good idea.
What's wrong with kids is that society has made it impossible to punish them for being shitheads. We allow them to be part of the "social media" and video games with horrific violence. There's generations of kids and adults that have become cowards behind a keyboard and think there's a magic button for a life reset. Spanking a kid can now get you sent to jail for child abuse. Bullshit!!!😠
Everyone who was a kid in the 50s and 60s did turn out great didn’t they. No crime ‘til just these last few years, there was no substance abuse, no domestic abuse, no racism. Hadn’t thought of that! You should write a book.
Everyone who was a kid in the 50s and 60s did turn out great didn’t they. No crime ‘til just these last few years, there was no substance abuse, no domestic abuse, no racism. Hadn’t thought of that! You should write a book.
I'd say the kids that turned to grown men at kid ages are some of the greatest American heros we have. WWII.
The Americans who turned their profit into war effort support were pretty fantastic.
The women who entered WAVES (Grandmother worked on war planes as a mechanic) are pretty epic as well.
Go back further.

Oh snap! There were those damn Italian mob bosses and booze runners.

There's a difference IMO though it seems everyone's mileage may vary.
with over 50 nights spent in a hospital, don’t get me started on how poorly managed healthcare is!
Any significant damage to your truck? I’m in complete agreement that him throwing anything at your truck is complete BS!
doesn't seem to be. I didn't hear anything when he threw it.
Though my #HeadsOnPikes movement is growing and has been effective where allegedly implemented….

It really doesn’t work well and may run into some ethical headwinds when it comes to utilizing it for minors. This is where we pivot to the #PubliclyFloggingTeenagers movement. As a father of a teen, I really think it may be a cheap and easy way to nip these shitheads in the bud.
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Funny how all those horrible kids of today that the great generation of us old farts complain about, end up becoming the great generation of old farts complaining about all the horrible kids of today. It seems that the lazy good for nothing members of the younger generation always complain about how stupid the older generation is right up until the time become the stupid older generation. Then they have to switch over and start complaining about the lazy good for nothing younger generation that is busy complaining about how stupid the older generation is, right up until the time they themselves become the stupid older generation complaining about the lazy good for nothing younger generation.

It's like we're caught in some kind of an endless loop with no way out.
Don't look at the 12 year old kid, look at his 30-something year old parents. Then, when trying to figure out how they became the parents they are, look at THEIR 50-something year old parents. A lot of 30-somethings rejected how they were brought up and tried something different. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not.
Don't look at the 12 year old kid, look at his 30-something year old parents. Then, when trying to figure out how they became the parents they are, look at THEIR 50-something year old parents. A lot of 30-somethings rejected how they were brought up and tried something different. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not.
Both my kids were raised with a firm hand. My old saying was "never let them win but always be willing to negotiate" . Both of them resented it somewhat. Both of them are very successful owning their own businesses. They raised their kids with a much looser hand. I'm guessing it's partially because of a negative reaction to their upbringing. All 4 of my grandkids are doing well. Although all four of them seem to have issues with authority. I commented on something the g kids were doing a while back. My daughter's reply was that she picks her battles. My reply was that "never let them win but always be willing to negotiate". After all, it seems to have worked for her.
In my experience the kids that “straighten up” after corporal punishment are the ones that probably were going to learn without it and the ones that don’t just get worse and resentful. There is zero actual proof that corporal punishment does any good. Just cherry-picked anecdotes and tough guy stories.

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