I’m in a pickle…


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2021
So I have recently acquired a new piece of private land to hunt that is directly connected to national forest land. Needless to say it’s a $1 million spot and it’s been hunting like I’ve never seen before… When I met the gentleman he told me of other makes and models to look out for and kick them out if I see them so i knew I had a foot to stand on, in that regard. I have told a few recreational shooters and others, hey this is private land you have to go two more miles up the road to shoot, with no qualms. Today I was hunting my usual little spot when some Elk calls were made and two gentlemen come walking down the trail, When we seen each other they tried to turn around and go a different direction like polite hunters but I waved them down and asked them if they had permission to be hunting there To which they responded yes and rattled off a few names I didn’t recognize but I know I’m on a Homestead with many brother sisters nieces nephews, what have you… they said they didn’t know the gentleman that gave me my permission either. While we were speaking to each other the gentleman that gave me my permission came barreling through the trees and told us all we needed to get the F out! I told him I had permission from you and he said no you don’t get the F out so we all agreed and grabbed our things and started walking. At which point, he said we’ll talk later then. I acknowledged him and we went on our way.

I think he was just mad there was so many Fellers on his land and I didn’t get a chance to tell him I don’t know those guys I was prepared to kick them out. I don’t have the landowners phone number I only see him in passing on the way by his house…

The elk are hammering there! What do I do?? He’s told me on MULTIPLE occasions I’m good anywhere there, should I go back tonight? My face was painted up like a luke bryant deer hunting video so I don’t reckon he recognized me in his frustration… I’m just so lost right now haha any helpful input is appreciated

Edit: forgive me for the poor punctuation, it was all talk to text.
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Sounds like every other private land experience I’ve had. LO forgets who I am, who else they gave permission to and when, forgets what they gave me permission to hunt and when, didn’t tell me some rule they had about access or use that I never imagined would be a problem, etc.

I don’t have a good answer for you - I pretty much hunt all public now. Got tired off all the ups and downs of navigating private permission.
Just go talk to him and explain it like you did here. Hopefully you catch him in a better mood and it works out.
Easier said than done, finding him. Lmao but that’s what I figured I’d have to do, in time, is try and see him again and ask what that was all about… 😕
If he said, "we'll talk later," hopefully that means he didn't recognize you at first and you can work it out still. He's probably a gunny-sacker like me and when you're mad you dump that whole bag at once and calm down later.
I’m the same way, and I figured as much! 😂 I just know it’ll likely be awhile before I see him again so for the immediate hunting future I don’t know if I should go with the 4-5+ times he told me I’m good, or the one time he told me to gtfo! 😂

FWIW, it’s a pretty big property…..
Unfortunately now a days any good private that is not leased up is not leased up for a reason. Usually the owner is too crazy to deal with or just flat don't allow hunting period.
He may have portrayed that way so as to not let the other guys know he did allow "some" hunting. Maybe that's why he said: "We'll talk later".
I used to hunt a large private ranch and the land owner asked two things of me: 1. Don't tell anybody and 2. Pull through the gates and park my vehicle out of sight. He did not want a bunch of other folks asking permission.
Written permission ,for each year, is the only legal way to hunt land. In NM now.
I had written notes for 2 ranches and kept them in my truck when hunting. Best have them with you now.
I give each hunter the same when they are on my place.
You’ve been bamboozled my friend. If I can read into the mind of a madman, maybe he thought those two were your buddies and he saw you chatting with them. So maybe he thought you gave them permission, therefore he felt it best to kick all of you.

Like most say above, chat with him and try to understand where his issues are. Expect the worst and hope for the best.
It sounds like the supposed land owner is a little bit off. I wouldn’t go back. Who knows how many people he’s giving permission to and he’s probably told everyone of them to kick others off the property.
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