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I’ll miss you, Lilly


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2022
Fort Collins, Colorado
Well, yesterday my parents and I had to make that tough decision we all dread making. We decided to put down our 15 year old lab Lilly.
6CA267CC-CF9E-4FB5-9B90-257EA13571F5.jpeg She was my childhood dog and was around for so many good hunts and big life moments. Our family lucked into Lilly when a friend of a friend had a young lab that they were getting rid of because she “couldn’t hunt”. My dad met her once and figured it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. A free lab pup?? He brought her home that day.
I think as a hunter, she turned out alright.
She hiked mountains in search of grouse, she flushed upland birds, she wrestled giant Canada geese, she braved freezing rivers to retrieve greenheads, she did it all. She had more heart than any other dog I’ve hunted with. I always think back to a time that she was chasing a particularly quick crippled duck, she leapt off of a 5’ tall cut bank and dove head first into a flowing river chasing that bird under the water. She came up after being fully submerged for a second or two, soaked from nose to tail and holding that bird in her teeth with a triumphant look in her eyes.
Of course, Lilly was more than a hunter. She was a family dog. She used to sleep in my bed with me, even though she “wasn’t allowed on furniture”. She accompanied the family on countless camping trips.
9F1BAA09-D781-44E3-8919-A017A0D8E9E6.jpeg She was there on my first date with my cute friend from school, when we walked from our neighborhood to Dairy Queen. I ended up marrying that cute friend from school many years later.
She was there every time I came home from the dorms to get a home cooked meal and do laundry.
She was around for it all, and I’ll miss her dearly.


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my man, I am so sorry. Can only imagine what you are feeling right now. We have a 13 year old black lab and we are dreading that day. But it sure looks like you gave her one hell of a fun and adventurous life!
Very sorry to hear, dogs truly are family. It sounds like Lilly was a great one and that you shared some wonderful times together.
I know what you're going through and it never gets easier. My condolences. She looks like she had a great life thanks to you and your family.
"Maybe the reasons I love animals so much, is because the only time they have ever broken my heart, is when they've crossed that rainbow bridge" -Unknown

I’m so sorry for you loss.
My daughter's ex boyfriend had to put down his Lab last night. I drove him to Nipigon to pick her up at age eight weeks after he broke up with my daughter. He missed my two Labs too much. Sydney was a great dog. Wonderful companion who traveled with him on many jobs in the far north. It goes so fast.
my man, I am so sorry. Can only imagine what you are feeling right now. We have a 13 year old black lab and we are dreading that day. But it sure looks like you gave her one hell of a fun and adventurous life!
Thanks. I hope you still have many good years with your pup. My buddy had a lab that lived past 17 I think
My condolences man. Looks like you two made a hell of a pair, and had a great run.

I should know better than to read these types of post. Gets me thinking about all the gray dogs I’ve had the pleasure of spending time with.
You're in good company. A dog's love never ends. Looks as though Lilly had one heck of a great time!
We're all mortal. 15 years is a full life.
Memories will remain - wish you the best through this time.
That is the worst part of owning a dog or dogs,...... sorry for your loss. Daisy is 2 and Ivy is 7, I dread the day.


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Few things in Life that can choke me up. Loosing a good dog being one of them. Sorry for your loss.
Dogs help teach us how to be the people we should be. Sounds like Lily was a great pal. I'm very sorry for your loss. What great memories, cherish those.
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