Idaho Wildland Fires


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2015
For anyone who doesn't know about 2 fires in Idaho one is called the Highline fire burning in around Chaimberlain Basin. It's spreading W-E and South now. They protected Chaimberlain airport, Stonebreaker ranch and the guard station. It grew by a couple thousand acres a couple days back.

Then there is the Ibex fire just west of the Twin Buttes lookout west of Challis. It grew the same day as the Highline fire. It's moving E and south now.

Some of you probably already know of these fires and some probably don't. Just a heads up for those of you planning on hunting in these areas. Since they are in the Wilderness there is little action taking place to control them they will burn until fall rains and winter snows arrive.
Ibex torched Friday big time that was when it started moving E by S. It behaved itself yesterday but couldn't see a lot due to smoke that filled into my area. I'm way west of that area on a lookout myself.
New fire in Bear Valley called the Bearskin fire. It's now approaching the Bearskin road and the Landmark Stanley road. They'll have the whole country shut down probably.
There is many wildfires in OR as well, about 300,000 acres on fire now, high temperature and smoke makes hunting very tuff in some areas.
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Thanks for the info! I am flying into cold meadows at the end of the month, hoping it burns out quick or stays to the south or west. I am guessing anyone who was planning on hunting chamberlain will end up changing their plans to cold meadows. Maybe the fire will push some elk to the east.
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