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I should apologize to Randy for this

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And a lot of other folks would say the exact same thing about gun rights. So there you go…
Yep and it gets folks involved and discussions are happening. I may not agree and I voiced my opinion, However, some change is being made which is more than we had before. Michigan is on the verge of passing a bundle of not great gun laws. Even though some of the change is ridiculous to me time will show if it works. Just like creating these laws they can be uncreated in a new administration if they fail.

But never trying them because of narrow views keeps us in the same boat of doing nothing and expecting change.
I wish that would work, but up till now none of it has and kids keep dying. Something different has to happen and hoping for those changes won’t do it.
We’ve done medieval, didn’t work. And many of the things on my list are way more likely than the suspension of the Bill of Rights your plan requires.
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We’ve done medieval didn’t work. And many of the things on my list are way more likely than the suspension of the Bill of Rights you plan requires.
I offered an optional plan besides mid evil you seem to of missed.

However, you and I are right that this Gov is more likely to throw more money at it than to do anything meaningful.
Lot's of good questions, but by any account we need to do more - and maybe by doing more we may gain additional insights or see some improvement. We cannot let good (or disingenous) questions result in doing/spending nothing. I think Americans, especially my fellow conservatives have turned "what about", "or we just don't know" into very successful tropes to prevent any spending or any attempts towards positive change. There are places our govt wastes money - and I am sure their are pockets of waste in the mental health field as well, but there is no doubt that both private and public expenditures on mental health are shockingly stingy -- and result in far more expense consequences.
I agree that mental health is woefully underfunded.

The school shooting issue is just one facet of a fairly ominous problem, which is apparently a growing number of young men who are completely adrift. This is probably going to have significant economic impacts as well in the not so distant future. That's the problem I'd like to see worked with, although I'm a little short on details of how to do that on a macro scale.

I was fortunate beyond words to grow up in a highly functional home. That has had a huge impact on my life. Perhaps I'm biased but I think there is likely no single more important factor in a young persons life, especially young men, than a home situation with love, structure, and accountability from the ages of 1-15. I'd also add that there is no replacement for a 2 parent home, as long as its functional. This is not a dig at single parents, many of them love their kids and are doing the best they can, but its a bandwidth issue. Unfortunately there are only a few people in a given person's life that can practically supply that. Anything the rest of us try to do, while worthwhile if it helps, is a distant second.
The tough guy thing has never worked and never will.

Say what you want but my dad controlled the fear in my home town…he may not have been the best dad but he ran a no bs tight ship…still does at age 73….

And people sure as hell respected him. We had little issue with anyone…..

I’ll never forget when he told my siters boyfriend on prom night that if he got her pregnant that he would get him pregnant….lol
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I haven't read all the posts in these 13 pages but it amazes me that each city hasn't already put police officers in each school. Heck I don't even have any kids in our school system but I'd be just fine paying more in taxes to help offset the cost of additional policemen and policewomen for the schools.
it amazes me that each city hasn't already put police officers in each school. Heck I don't even have any kids in our school system but I'd be just fine paying more in taxes to help offset the cost of additional policemen and policewomen for the schools.

Agree, though recall that in 2020 school districts like in Portland and Denver, voted to remove safety officers from schools.

Maybe they'll reverse those decisions at some point (if they've not already). If so, then another issue is whether there are enough qualified and willing people to serve as safety officers.
That and the fact that politicians on both sides would rather use these situations for more leverage for more votes than to do anything about it. No different than any other subject I guess.

Not to mention most of them are bought and sold by the pharmaceutical companies. Drugged up kids, seem to be the only thing like 99% of these shooters have in common.
Has there ever been a school shooting in Wyoming? Most guns per capita by 2.5x according to my Google search. Just dumb luck or what is happening there that isn't happening somewhere else?
Has there ever been a school shooting in Wyoming? Most guns per capita by 2.5x according to my Google search. Just dumb luck or what is happening there that isn't happening somewhere else?
I think having less than 600,000 people just keeps the chances low and the pool of crazy people lower than places with millions of people.

Could happen anywhere unfortunately. The kids nowadays are different to say the least....I say age 21 minimum for social media lol. :ROFLMAO:
This entire thread is a poster child for why nothing is going to get done anytime soon to change anything.
I was going to post something similar earlier but took some time with the family. Even on this forum where most of us have a lot in common the difference in opinions brings out hate and disdain.

The wife and I had a good discussion about social problems over the past few days. She’s a teacher and fills me in on what’s going on with her kids. Currently she has one in trouble with the FBI for taking pics and videos of boys in the locker room, another for sharing pics of the girls who were sending him nude pics and yet another who withdrew from school after it was discovered he was posting videos of himself in women’s underwear.

I’ve been thinking on this much lately, even before the Nashville shooting. Our kids are getting bombarded with sexual stuff, violence, hysteria and misinformation from all form of media. It’s no wonder they are confused.

I made the mistake of watching the body cam footage of the Nashville incident. I recommend none of you watch it, especially the unedited versions. Seeing that little girl dead on the floor while officers had to push past her made me cry out loud like I haven’t done in a long time.

There are no easy answers to this.
An analysis of FBI and law enforcement agency records showed that school day arrests for youth peaked between 2-6 p.m. in 36 of the 46 states with data available. The arrests were mainly for assault, theft and crimes related to drugs.

These statistics back up what law enforcement officers have observed over the years — juvenile crime spikes during the time when youth are traditionally unsupervised due to parents being at work.

Jr High and High School students should be required to participate in at least one extracurricular activity per semester. This will help them to feel a part of the school community instead of an outsider. If they have positive experiences with school, they’ll be less likely to attack it later on.
Archery in Schools is a great example of a program that reaches students who might not be involved in other activities. Archery in Schools has proven to increase school attendance.
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