Caribou Gear Tarp

I commissioned a piece of art!


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
I recently commissioned my first piece of art. Some time ago, my youngest son and I were driving in the car; specifically I was driving he was riding... :D We decided to come up with an imaginary pet that we named Jimmy-Steve. Here's the notables of Jimmy-Steve:
1. He's a purple dragon
2. He has white diamond shaped spots
3. He has multiple pigs tails as a tail.
4. His front feet are dogs paws
5. He has suction cups (like an octopus or squid) on his front paws/arms.
6. Instead of fire, he breathes soft serve ice-cream; but not chocolate as that'd look gross.

I reached out to forum member Big Sky, to see if his son would be interested in taking on this project. His son agreed, so I pretty much sent the notable list from above and waited to see what he came up with. Today is the pre-release of this masterpiece!

Untitled by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr

I think it turned out AWESOME! Thank you Hunter and Big Sky for helping me get this done for my son. I just hope I can keep my mouth shut until he gets the open and sees it for himself.

I'm having it mailed to the house under his name. There will definitely be follow up pics with him and Jimmy-Steve! I suspect I'll have one very happy/excited 8yo!
Truly a winning dad move!

Might want to have some video rolling as he opens the package. Could be a $$ winner on America's Funniest Videos.

And kudos to the artist. May he continue to grow his portfolio of commissioned work.
That's pretty dang cool! Creativity on the part of both the conceptualizer and the artist!!
Your son is going to be smiling like a Chesshire Cat in about 30 years when Hunter's originals are bringing thousands of dollars. Cool piece of art.
So you let your kid watch Shameless?!
I've never seen the show, so it's just coincidence. Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.

In showing the pic to a friend, he stated that a copy of the drawing may end up being my kids first tattoo... :eek: Hadn't thought of that!

So far I've been able to keep my mouth shut about it. Hope I can continue to hold out...
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