Hushin -kicked out of Idaho?


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2015
I heard those boys got on the wrong side of the law in Idaho and we’re asked to leave....anyone know about this?
details have been released

Forgot to buy the bow license, plead guilty and paid his money.

PS, this is 2018, they don't ask people to leave anymore.
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I ran a stop sign once... maybe twice.. . Crime of the century.. no bow endorcement.. gimme a break.. pretty low impact mistake.. doubt someone who purchases high priced tags in multiple states is out trying to save 20 bucks for the risk.. happens to guys who hunt multiple states all the time.. and I don’t even like those guys.l
Has anyone else ever been out of state hunting, driving around town asking all the locals where you might go to buy some redonkulous stamp or extra permit that should have been just offered when you got the tag in the first place? Always a fun, entertaining, painful time.
Has anyone else ever been out of state hunting, driving around town asking all the locals where you might go to buy some redonkulous stamp or extra permit that should have been just offered when you got the tag in the first place? Always a fun, entertaining, painful time.

Or buying OTC tags and the person at the counter having no idea what you do or don't need, or not knowing how to sell you the right stuff
These aren't some bubbas sitting on a bar stool and up and decide to go bow hunting the next day. You would assume with their schedule the planning for the hunt would have had to be done well in advance. Tags and license being secured well in advance. While not the crime of the century, I would call it more of a dumb mistake not an honest mistake.
These aren't some bubbas sitting on a bar stool and up and decide to go bow hunting the next day. You would assume with their schedule the planning for the hunt would have had to be done well in advance. Tags and license being secured well in advance. While not the crime of the century, I would call it more of a dumb mistake not an honest mistake.

Agreed. Obviously we are all human and anyone could make this mistake but is a real head scratcher when people that do this for a living make them.
No excuse for not having your paperwork in order. Flying to Africa? Some paperwork is not optional. Bowhunting in Idaho? Yep, some paperwork is not optional. Is on you to plan ahead and know exactly what is needed. Can't blame the person at the counter at Walmart. Can't say is not fair you would miss 1/2 day of your hunt window if have to go fetch up that paperwork two counties over from camp. Can't say you forgot to carry your hunter's ed card. Create a checklist and take care of all the items or risk not hunting in 47 states next year. Is it worth it being lazy?
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