HuntTalk Prayer list


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2018
We’re all going through some tough times right now, and I know I’m praying for a few people here. If there’s something you’d like myself and/or other HuntTalk members to pray about, feel free to post it here. I’ll try to update the list every few days so that you don’t have to read every post or page, but can just check the first post. I know I’ll miss a few, so if you post something and it doesn’t make it to the list, pm me. Does not have to be virus related.

Doublecluck- cousin had accident and suffered severe injuries.

Healthcare workers and first responders in general.

JohnCushman- Army buddy has tested positive for covid-19.

Rainer- tested positive for covid-19, as did two co-workers, brother, and brothers gf, who also lost a pregnancy.

Denny- long time family friend at our church who is battling cancer and now having difficulty receiving treatment due to travel restrictions.

Southern Elk- wife is a healthcare worker, and two members of his hometown have passed due to covid-19. One was a nurse.

ElkFever2- safety for their infant premie foster twins, upcoming court date determining their future, and figuring out telehealth since their in-person healthcare has been suspended due to the pandemic. Also, his wife worked at a long term care facility where her uncle is a resident. Many of her patients have now passed as a result of covid-19.

np307- prayers for family. His grandfather recently passed and was positive for covid-19.

Dr Jared Burks- Isolated from family during the pandemic and then lost his house in a tornando.

Bighornram- father is stuck on a cruise ship with covid-19 positive passengers.

Devon Deer- mother in law

Randi- grandfather

Bambistew- niece, plus family who are first responders and healthcare workers.

ajricketts- Eli Hernandez, evangelist, passed away after fighting covid-19.

FranklinME and family.

pointingdogsrule- Has had radiation treatment for prostate cancer in the lymph nodes, follow-up results Friday, May 29th.

Shangobango- employee David is fighting liver cancer and has to have a new liver. He has been struggling not only physically but mentally with this as he is concerned about the strain on his family and friends.

GBurk-sister is a nurse in NYC where almost her entire hospital has been converted to handling COVID cases. Prayers for her and coworkers are appreciated, that they can do their jobs well and with courage. The shortage of protective gear is a real problem

BigSlick-coworker that has cancer that was just furloughed from work. She is the most positive person I know that’s in her situation. She can use all the prayers she can get.

stealthy_bowman- neighbor, just had his uncle die of COVID 19. There will be no funeral because of social distancing and his aunt is wreck and on her own since she also likely has it and no one can go and give her a shoulder to cry on.

geetar-wife, sister, and mother are all in health care.

What Map- daughter is nurse in Bozeman.

Salmonchaser -SO. She is working long hours as a nurse.

DouglasR- 16 year old little brother has complications from a heart condition he’s had since he was born. Looks like he probably won’t make it. He and his family need a lot of prayers going forward.

Straight Arrow-101 year old Mom is trying to rehab from a cracked hip.


@Boomerusaf- out of brain surgery and “on the mend”

Redside- Uncle is out of the hospital! Had pneumonia, covid negative.

Bighornram- father WAS stuck on a cruise ship with covid-19 positive passengers. He’s home safe now. Still praying for him to stay healthy.

JohnCushman- niece released by doctor to go back to work!

no307- Aunt is improved and out of the hospital, but still tests positive.

ajricketts-Pastor's wife in Indiana. She's on immune suppression drugs. Tested negative for covid-19 and sent home with antibiotics. Still needs prayers for getting well. Also, 29yo friend of a friend is off the ventilator and doing better.
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Great idea. I will include all these folks in my prayer and fasting today.
there are several here on the forum whom my heart and prayers go out to.

All the Health care workers and first responders, which include so many. Police, Military, Fire, Nurses, doctors, TSA, and many others.

The truckers and airline pilots who are keeping the products needed, health care as well as food, etc., moving. As well as those who load and unload those trucks and airplanes

Those who are researching this virus. Those who are making masks, ventilators, etc, even hospitals

So many to thank and pray for.

Here on the forum

Bighornram- father

Devon Deer-mother In Law

Randi- Grandfather

Elkfever2--his twins--both for their health and I hope they stay with you

Bambistew-Niece. Plus he has several in his family who are health care and first responders.

ALL those previously listed by ImBILLT in his original post

I have three in the health care industry and one in law enforcement who are all still working, whom I thank and pray for daily

There are others here who are struggling with a variety of problems brought on by this virus and I wish them all the very best.
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thank you April and Imbillt. Our biggest concern is we are afraid he has just given up

I will add my prayers both specifically to those listed on this thread and to all who are fighting this on so many fronts.
Prayers to all!

Uncle was admitted to the hospital yesterday for pneumonia, tested negative for covid. Praying he can get healed up fast and not get the virus while in the hospital.
There is an evangelist that has visited and blessed our church many times who is now sick with Covid-19. His name is Eli Hernandez and lives up in Illinois. Additionally, a friend of a friend, a 29 year old father is also in Illinois in the ICU struggling with the disease. Any and all prayers are appreciated.
Just to update everyone. My grandpa's test came back and it was confirmed that he died of COVID-19. My aunt, who also has been confirmed to have CV, is currently en route to the hospital after her fever spiked this evening and she started to worsen. Thanks for those who have prayed and I would ask for continued prayer.

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