Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Hunting Video! Want to see?


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2004
Guys and gals,

I just put together a video on some of my hunts this year (DVD Format). It has somewhere around 6-7 kills with some other still pictures added to it. This is my first attempt at videoing and editing all of it, so don't expect anything fancy. It runs a little over an hour long.

Any advice to better it would be appreciated. Besides the tripod, better quality video, etc... It's dang tough in hunting situations to do all that but I'll try. :( I may look into getting a better camera this year if I decide to play with this a little more.

So this is what we will do. Kind of the same format at Schmalts did with his DVD. We will start a list here of the people that want to view it. I will send a copy out to the first guy on the list and then it will be his responsability to send it to the next guy, all the way down to the last guy. Just like Schmalts we will start out with the regulars first so the guys with 100+ posts will get first crack. After that anyone is available as long as they are registered here. Let's try to keep it moving as best we can.

Hope you enjoy,
Hey Don't worry about Moosie.... I don't need to see it first.............I'm guessing I was filming 2 othe the Hunting scene to boot and you didn't tell me..... thanx .... :(
Guys in the video get their own copy. I'll give you yours tomorrow. MT what's your addy and I'll send it your way.

Could you possibly send that down to Florida when you're finished?
I wouldn't be against seeing it. Watching hunting is almost as good as actually hunting.
All I have to say is this editing chit is for the birds. This dam video has been a pain in my arse for the last month. Which includes losing hours of editing time with lockups, unable to open the projects, switching programs, etc. Just tonight I put in a perfectly good dvd and about 30 minutes in it starts skipping. I played this same dvd yesterday and it worked fine. I about came un-glued. I put in another that was also checked yesterday and it was fine. Only difference was a dvd label I created and put on the dvd. You guessed it that little sticker caused the damn thing to f-up. I wish I new that 2 days ago when I threw away 8 freshly burned dvd's (with new labels) in the trash because I thought my recording speed was to fast. |oo Anyway no cool labels on the dvd but atleast it should play. I'll get it sent out tomorrow if MT gets me his addy before the post office closes.


Goph Dang nabit Cap locks !!!!!!!!!!

Call me in the Am Gunner.... (Like in a couple HOURS....|oo |oo |oo ) I'll still be up for a Few more hours doing DHI banquet stuff.........:eek:
schmalts said:
me next, move over Miller
I believe it's on the way to Montana now lickbag and there is a line. No cutting. :D

Next on the list is B-killing and I will get it out as soon as possible.
I got my copy yesterday...... I like it. Mostly because I'm in it. :) One of my favorite pictures is were you can't tell it's me and 'Bugler but we're looking over some deer and it's almost dark.

BIG bulls.... Big Bucks..... Moutain air and Pickup trucks !!!!

I actually only seen the Intro, but it was cool to see. I'm going to watch the rest today...As I spend the day Sitting around doing nothing !!!!!!!!!! YAHHHHH !!
Well I got the critics review from Moosie today. He couldn't believe I sent out something so chitty. He said the narration sucked. I couldn't agree more. I tired using a microphone.. Bad idea.. I was almost just going to use subtitles in a lot more places then I did but I decided actually narrating some parts might be better. Obviously not!!! :BLEEP: :BLEEP: Moosie did say the only thing that saved it was that he was in it. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: