Caribou Gear Tarp

Hunting gear that punches BELOW its price point


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2018
We have a thread about hunting gear that punches above its price point, so I figured we needed one about gear that punches below!

What gear have you bought over the years that was a complete waste of money or gimmick.


I'll start, deer pheromones. Growing up hunting Eastern Canada where deer density was low, I was ready to try anything to get a shot at a buck. The commercials for those deer pheromones were making it seem like a done deal... It was not a done deal... If I remember correctly it used to be something like $40-60 for three tiny vials that you had to mix with doe urine. I had more luck not wasting my time with such gimmicks.

I'd also add the Butt-out tool, but I've never wasted my money on that.
Killer commando knife. The one with the compass for the cap and hollow handle full of matches and saw. One cut and the blade was useless. Even at $10, I got screwed.

Hunting solo I figured I needed help getting an animal off the ground so I bought one of those block and tackled rigs connected to a steel hanger thingie. Cost me about $30. Ever tried to hang an elk in a Juniper tree? A fool and his money...

God bless Randy for the "gutless method " video!
When i was a teenager i bought the helicopter and flying lure. Don't think i ever caught a fish on the helicopter lure and i did catch a few in the flying lure, but nowhere near as many as the infomercial said i would
This one will shock a few folks: Kent FastSteel. In Montana I recently had to pay $30/box for the last two boxes of steel shotgun shells in the state. Now, I've used Kent in the past with, how should I put it ... vastly contrasting results. For a long time those were my go to ammo for geese. Then about ten years ago I bought my usual two boxes of 3 inch BB @1550 fps. The first box yielded only two honkers. I mean, on a BAD day I might bat .500 shooting geese with Kent. What the ...? Next box maybe two shells DIDN'T bring down geese. It was NOT me. Something was wrong with that first box. Thereafter I stuck to Walmart Winchester ammo and did just fine. Fast forward to this year. These two thirty dollar boxes were 3" #4 @ unknown fps (Kent did not lable velocity or drams eq anywhere on the boxes). Three inch shells are overkill for pheasants but I had to have steel on the refuge and no 2 3/4" steel shells were available anywhere. My buddy gave me a box of Federal 3" #4 and I cleaned up with them till they were gone. Opened up the Kent shells and again back to getting one bird in eight shells ... maybe. Before that I was MISSING pheasants on average 1 of every 4.5 shells. Man, something is wrong! Luckily in my ammo box I found half a box of Super X steel #5 shot 2.75" left over from last year and finished up the season with those. Back to my 1/4.5 miss per shots average. I tried everything with those Kent shells: changing my lead, changing chokes, changing LOP. Nothing worked. Some shots were total gimme and as far as I could tell those shells never dusted a feather. Wish there had been a patterning board somewhere so I could see what the hell was going on. I gave the unopened second box to my buddy who donated the Federal shells. He almost soiled himself when he saw the price tag.
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When i was a teenager i bought the helicopter and flying lure. Don't think i ever caught a fish on the helicopter lure and i did catch a few in the flying lure, but nowhere near as many as the infomercial said i would
Ahh this reminds me of the good ole Banjo Minnow. Pretty sure I still have them in a box somewhere...

10 year old me was convinced it was the ticket!

Fishing gear, but still not worth the $ lol.
Ahh this reminds me of the good ole Banjo Minnow. Pretty sure I still have them in a box somewhere...

10 year old me was convinced it was the ticket!

Fishing gear, but still not worth the $ lol.
I think I have some of those plus Flying Lures designed to “swim” back under cover

My friends and I are often joking about crummy hunting products. The Cape Keeper and Gut Rake were worth more than a few laughs
Havalon knives, vortex diamondback binoculars, and Danner boots (I used to love them, but the quality isn't what it was).
Fortunately I haven’t bought many gimmicks, but I have spent an ungodly amount of money on Walmart camo trying to stay warm, it’s all we used growing up. I could have hunted in the just the base layers I have now and had a better experience (for me, not anyone else 😂). Anytime someone brings up crazy stuff hunters buy this stupid thing always comes to mind, let’s imitate deer eating acorns??? EC2F2B7F-C30E-4F83-B87E-35DE83A20859.jpeg
Ahh this reminds me of the good ole Banjo Minnow. Pretty sure I still have them in a box somewhere...

10 year old me was convinced it was the ticket!
Same here! Except after X number of failed trips I think I through the whole container in the garbage at the trailhead!
Same here! Except after X number of failed trips I think I through the whole container in the garbage at the trailhead!
I caught a fish first cast... But then realized how slow you have to fish them and they caught weeds like mad. Haven't touched them since then!
Benchmade. Broke the first use. They're claiming it was "abused" and therefore not under warranty.
Keen Boots, it's like the stitching is made of strands of sugar, they get a little wet and pop, gonzo.
Most pataguchi (except their fleece, which I do like)
My 90% jacket from Sitka
Anything made by Vortex (unless you like that you're always returning it to be fixed)
First lite socks, nothing special about these but the 2x price.
Havalon knives, vortex diamondback binoculars, and Danner boots (I used to love them, but the quality isn't what it was).

Wouldn't have guessed those first two. My buddy uses Havalon replaceable blades and loves them. I have the Diamondback 12x50's and have been happy so far for the price point, but I got them on a pro-deal.

My contribution would be La Sportiva boots. I absolutely love them in terms of function and comfort...but the durability has been shockingly poor for a technically-focused company between 3 separate pairs.
the new version Salomon 4d gtx boot, leak like a sieve, about half as stiff as the predesesor, clearly the arent made on the same last, ive owned 8 pairs same boot same size till this year, i wear them virtually everyday and buy a new pair right before hunting season ea year,, the 3d version is even worse,,,,