Yeti GOBOX Collection

Hunters Killing Goats in Grand Teton Park at Alarming Rate!


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
"Land of Giant Rams"
Got to love the idiots in the mainstream media!

And a link to the article that inspired the dingleberries at NBC to report such a story, which was then dutifully picked up by and spread to the rest of the world by the clowns at the Associated Press. Dandy!

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The alternative.

“A final version of a federal planning document that would authorize the National Park Service to relocate mountain goats away from their Tetons haunts and shoot them from aircraft is due out this week”
Nice spin by the ever ignorant haters. The line about shooting just to see them tumble is so misleading.
My hunch is Heidi wrote this story. She is dumber than a post, but for some reason NBC Montana keeps her on the payroll.

Nice spin by the ever ignorant haters. The line about shooting just to see them tumble is so misleading.
The biggest ignorant mistake is where NBC claims they are being hunted in the Park, and they are not. Fake phony news. Comprehension by these so called journalist is abysmal.
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The biggest ignorant mistake is where NBC claims they are being hunted in the Park, and they are not. Fake phony news. Compression by these so called journalist is abysmal.

Yeah, no kidding. It’s like they’re painting it as blatant illegal activity. Stuff like this makes my blood boil.
I’m sure this was just an oversight and the person who wrote it didn’t know damn well what they were doing. 🙄

AP Correction
The Associated Press originally reported erroneously that mountain goat hunting took place in Grand Teton National Park. The hunting occurred near but not within the park. The story has been corrected to reflect this.
Have any of you guys ever tried to contact the reporter to correct or help him/her understand a bit better? You might actually be surprised when you do it.
Have any of you guys ever tried to contact the reporter to correct or help him/her understand a bit better? You might actually be surprised when you do it.

Great point...I get several calls a year by various reporters on issues. Once they realize you’re a reliable source that has the facts straight, they call more often. I have also called and explained story inaccuracies with favorable results.

To some, a mistake or lack of understanding always turns into a conspiracy.

As to the article, it should come as no surprise that hunts designed to eliminate a species, are going to find negative press. It’s tough to reconcile the argument of the hunter/conservationist on one hand, then using those same hunter/conservationist to wipe out goats on the other.

Anyone with 2 firing brain cells could see this coming from a couple miles away.