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How often do you change out your bow?

Buying used bows is the way to go. The prices on new ones is insane and the depreciation is unreal. A buddy of mine just sold his RX-1 that he bought for $1299 in 2019 for $650 on Archerytalk.
Yep, couldn't agree more...
I'll be honest...I'm really surprised at how many of us still shoot older model bows.

I mentioned that my uncle still uses my dad's first compound. I found out a little more about it. It is an outers astro purchased at Shopko for 53 dollars on sale from 85 dollars. My dad said he waited and waited for the bow to go on sale. One day he was in Shopko and it went on clearance and he said he couldn't pass it up.
Funny thing is every year the new bows are the lightest, fastest, most forgiving bow ever made until the next year.
Mathews and hoyts are not light compared to what they used to make. I think the first carbon hoyt put out was 37-3.8 pounds. This years carbon I think was around 4.5?
1974 bought a Browning recurve. 1977 a Bear compound. 1985 TSS compound.
2016 reverted to my Browning recurve...have more fun now than ever.
When I was a young man I got a new bow or sometimes even 2 a year, talking wheel bow. Stykbows I seemed to keep lots longer, I’ve had one since the 80s.
Even so I still seem to acquire them quite often, might be about a bow a year and custom styks aren’t cheap either. You’d be very surprised
I am still shooting a Matthews G or Z something or another from 2010 or 2011 that I traded a 120 dollar climbing stand for in 2012. I can't see my self changing anytime soon unless something goes disastrously wrong with the mechanics of the bow. It has worked too well to spend money upgrading.

Edit: Just went and looked. It's a Z7.
I bought a Mattews Reezen 12 years ago. I just put 400.00 into it this year. It will be good for 12 more years.
Wait you are suppose to change out your bow? I just learned about changing your strings🤪. I have bought a new bow when store was going out of business few years back. They forgot all the pieces to change draw lengths so haven't messed and my 20 year old bear bow does fine. It would be first thing I grab going out of house in fire. Especially this close to season. Dad shoots a 40 years old compound.
I have a Bowtech RealmX that I love. Can't imagine wanting to buy a different buy. I have too many other spending priorities to want to re-buy something I already have.

I do like the idea of having a back-up bow, but I don't want to spend money on something that just sits there in case I need it. I would rather buy my wife a bow or a bow for either of my daughters.

I would like to get a recurve though. I have an old one that my dad got from a college buddy back in the late 60s. His buddy made the bow and it is beautiful, but it is too small for me. I have a 29.5" draw and this is a 28" draw. I don't get anywhere near my anchor point when I draw it back.

That's probably a next year or maybe even the year after that purchase. By then my compound bow will be 4-5 years old. Should keep me happy hunting with it for 5-10 more years after that.
2014 Hoyt Faktor previous was a 2007 Diamond Triumph...neither known as top of the line but they did work. The Diamond got given to a new archer looking to get out of one of those super adjustable kid bows. I'm told his little brother is using it now.

Thinking that I'll hunt with my Hoyt for a few more years then I'll start shopping around but honestly I have zero interest in the overhyped flagship bows.
I went ten years on a bass pro $300 combo setup. It killed animals and shot well. Technically I think it was made by diamond. Last year I finally went in the bow shop to upgrade, shot every hunting bow I could with my draw length, 32” and change. I ended up with a vxr and love it, I also plan on keeping this bow for a long time!
I usually shoot them till something breaks that I cant fix due to parts being unavailable. Currently shooting a Elite Synergy I bought in 2015 and my buffalo but before that it was a Hoyt Trykon I bought in 2006 which replaced a Hoyt Heat that I bought in the 90s
I like to keep them around.
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Went in to my local pro shop today to look at what's new in the world of compound bows and I just about fell over with sticker shock looking at the prices for flagship bows. I haven't shot anything new since 2013. I know a lot of guys get the newest bow every year and trade off their old one in the process. Just curious, how often do you change out your bow?
Buy new bout every 4/5 years.. still luv my 2019 bowtech SR6
good timing for this thread, I just recently upgraded my setup this summer from my old 2007 Hoyt Vectrix, so about 14 years. I'm guessing my new Bowtech is going to last me many many years down the road.
I've upgraded my bow twice, in the past 35 years. My current Darton still shoots as well as I am capable of and see no reason to 'learn' a new bow when I know what I already have. I can peel off the fletching on my 1st shot with my 2nd shot all too often.

Besides.... I bought it in a Pawn Shop for $40. Granted, I did add some $ getting to tweeked to where I wanted it, but still, I couldn't replicate today for 500% of what I have in it.
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