How many guns is too many? What is considered an "armory"?

Mine covers firearms, accessories, reloading equipment and loaded ammunition. No appraisal required on any single item under 10k.. It's a completely seperate policy from our homeowners insurance and VERY affordable
I was able to get an extra section of our homeowner’s policy where I could list individual items, including firearms, binoculars, my wife’s road bike, etc. I want to say it costs us less than $10/month, so well worth it.
Friendly reminder to everyone to double check their insurance coverage, whether it's under homeowners or additional policy, to make sure total value of firearms are covered.
Mine covers firearms, accessories, reloading equipment and loaded ammunition. No appraisal required on any single item under 10k. It's a completely separate policy from our homeowners insurance and VERY affordable
I was able to get an extra section of our homeowner’s policy where I could list individual items, including firearms, binoculars, my wife’s road bike, etc. I want to say it costs us less than $10/month, so well worth it.

I have Progressive renters insurance. Included is only $2,500 in coverage for "firearms and related equipment". I got a separate policy from Eastern Insurance for $50k of unscheduled firearms and collectable insurance at $150/yr that covers guns, ammo, reloading equipment at home and while traveling. I keep an excel sheet up to date (relatively) with make, model, serial numbers along with a short video showing the inside and outside of the safes in case I ever need to prove ownership. It helps me sleep at night...
I know a gentleman that has somewhere between 1000-2000 guns. I've seen them. Him and the ATF are on first name basis.
I know a gentleman that has somewhere between 1000-2000 guns. I've seen them. Him and the ATF are on first name basis.
So they want to keep track of his guns, but they couldnt keep track of a few thousand guns that they sold to drug cartels and allowed to cross the border into Mexico? Got it. Maybe they are in short supply for their extra-curricular programs.
For me the joy of collecting is found in the “hunt” for that specific make / model / caliber. I also find joy in owning firearms that have been passed down by family members, but only if they had special meaning to that loved one.
For example, I’ll probably inherit my Dad’s Ruger #1 in 270 Win that was used a bit to hunt with and originally bought it because of the nice walnut, and also a Remington 572 .22 LR that was only purchased by him because it was a good deal, but never really shot much. I’ll keep the Ruger and enjoy using it, while the Remington will go down the road.
As far as a legal limit, one word: ‘Murica!

Secondly… was there another question? I’m happy that you have the problem, it’s a good problem to have
From time to time in the media you see something about the cops apprehending a "criminal" with "4 guns and nearly 100 rounds of ammunition in his car" or something to that extent.

I'm over here like..

If you like guns and/or find yourself inheriting a bunch, keep em all and dont worry what the governing authorities have to say about it. They can pack sand when it comes to that.
So I've been thinking and maybe I'm starting to have a problem. My gun cabinet is completely overloaded and I'm building a brand new one with 3 times the capacity.

So first off, legally, is there a certain limit to where a person needs something special to own/possess over a certain amount of firearms and/or ammunition?

I have also come to realize with recent family members passing that there are a lot of guns out there with likely plans to end up in our household. My wife's grandpa passing lead to us receiving 3 guns. My uncle, my dad and stepdad all have well over 20 guns each (my uncle probably closer to 100) and all of those will mostly be eventually left to me.

I might need a 500 gun case in the future....I just have never sold a firearm and like to hang onto each one I get!
Need a brother? :)
Any standard homeowners policy i've seen doesn't cover more than about 1 nice rifle setup...
Yeah - I only have 8 firearms (no peanut gallery comments please) and I had to up my coverage after each one. At some point you just get a blanket coverage that covers the current count x 4 so you aren't updating every few months.
There was a time I thought I would own a pile of guns, didn’t happen and I’ve bought far less than I ever would have guessed. I just struggle to buy ones that duplicate what I already use one for. I’ve sold one and it was fine and I’d like to sell more but I struggle due to sentimental value. I can honestly see myself only buying a couple more in my life
There was a time I thought I would own a pile of guns, didn’t happen and I’ve bought far less than I ever would have guessed. I just struggle to buy ones that duplicate what I already use one for. I’ve sold one and it was fine and I’d like to sell more but I struggle due to sentimental value. I can honestly see myself only buying a couple more in my life
I've sold a handful, other than a few heirlooms if I don't use them I just as soon sell them for something I'm going to use. I own quite a few less now than I did 10 years ago in my 20's.
I've got a fairly well balanced variety of guns that would cover pretty much anything I would want to hunt. Given my current situation I could turn loose of a few. Clean up my gun cabinet and put a little money in my pocket at the same time. Bad part is they are nothing special and not worth a lot. I don't know any local FFL guys around here anymore and would probably have to go face to face to sell any. I do have an Encore barrel and scope I can unload and ship. Kind of goes against my gut to get rid of any guns but maybe it's something I need to look into.
I've got a fairly well balanced variety of guns that would cover pretty much anything I would want to hunt. Given my current situation I could turn loose of a few. Clean up my gun cabinet and put a little money in my pocket at the same time. Bad part is they are nothing special and not worth a lot. I don't know any local FFL guys around here anymore and would probably have to go face to face to sell any. I do have an Encore barrel and scope I can unload and ship. Kind of goes against my gut to get rid of any guns but maybe it's something I need to look into.
What caliber is the barrel Dave?
It's for a Pro Hunter, stainless and fluted. Has a Leopold scope mounted on it. I would say maybe 25 rounds through it.
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