Yeti GOBOX Collection

High, Wild and Free


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2019
Had a weather day at work and obviously outside isnt a pleasant place to be so I stumbled onto this. I put it on while I was doing some stuff around the house. Seemed really interesting. I think I'll rewatch it with my full attention tonight. Its it's not HD4KsuperHD8K for you youngins, but this was high quality footage for the era.
IIRC a pard of mine got to stay in a couple of the cabins built during the making of that for his Stone's Sheep hunt. Very cool, old school video!
Very good to watch. It used to be on Netflix but I believe it’s only on Prime now. Mr. Eastman was definitely a pioneer of modern hunting/conservation.
I grew up watching Gordan Eastman films. Savage Wild, North of the Sun, The Phantom Ram, Challenging the Northwest Territory.......on and on. My dad was a huge fan of his films, so I became one by proxy.
My six and four year old sons can pretty much quote High Wild and Free start to finish and the two year old can sing the theme song if not perfectly then very recognizably. Much better kids entertainment than Disney!