Help! Sb 414 now


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Bitterroot Valley
SB 414, is getting a lot of attention. I just talked with one of my Representatives, he told me that he's recieving a ton of mail, all FOR this Bill. SFW and friends of the Yellowstone elk herd are swamping the system. We need help on this now. Send Alerts to every sportsmans group you know.

SB 414 does just the opposite of what we want. It will keep the wolf on the ESA for a long time. SFW, and Big Game Forever, same founder, wants this bill to go through to derail Montana, and Idahos chance at getting back into wolf management. Most of their members don't even know what SB 414 will do.

We (Montana) have a wolf management plan. It was approved by the USF&WS back in 2002 I believe. This plan has passed the courts, and has proven itself to not endanger the wolf as a species. So Montana, and Idaho each have approved, and court tested plans. Wyoming doesn't. That's the problem. SFW wants to push for the Rehberg's bill s249, and hr 509 in Congress. This also would be Rehberg's vault to the Senate, that's another topic. Those 2 Bills don't have a chance in hell of getting anywhere, has a lot to do with going through Barbary Boxers Committee. If you want to call me I'll explain why. Anyway SFW is working to throw Montana, and Idaho under the bus for a long shot on an inside straight.. They put all their eggs in one basket, and are looking at total failure. So their screaming as loud as the pro wolf groups are for one reason, the Simpson-Tester Language in the Continuing Resolution, or HR 1. Also known as 1713 and 1709,. Both sides see that the Simpson/Tester rider on the Republican budget will pass if SFW stays away. That's why the pro wolf groups decided to go to Molloy and ask him to reconsider his ruling. Then they decided to negotiate with us on a plan. We want the Simpson /Tester Bill, and if we could get s. 249 or hr.509 great. I just don't want to play my whole stack of chips for a hand that might not connect. Politics are being played and the elk and deer are at it's mercy.

Looks like SFW/BGF and the pro wolf groups are in the same boat here. They both want to keep the wolf money train alive. Both of their goals are to throw Montana and Idaho under the bus, kill the Simpson/Tester language, and keep the litigation on going.

SFW, thinks in 2 years congress will have a Republican, majority in both houses, and maybe a President. That may or may not take place. We don't have 2 years to throw out because of who wants what wolf bill. We are for all of them, SFW/BGF are just for the Republican ones. That speaks volumes in my opinion.

So if your following me, we're back at the point of Montana, and Idaho have approved plans ready to go. SB 414 does away with those plans and puts us on the same level as Wyoming. Just hoping that s.249, or hr 509 pass. We are done at that point. You can write any bill you want, and it won't matter. The wolf will not be taken off the list. This Bill will not pass the mustard of the ESA, the USFWS, or any court in the lands. It will kill us, 8 years of effort on the wolf, and our wildlife will be down the drain.

It has a fiscal note of $9,587,000 over a 4 year period.:W:

Call and leave a message for the whole committee at (406) 444-4800

On-line message form:

Meets Monday-Friday, 8 a.m., Room 102
Chair: Walter McNutt (R-Sidney)
Vice Chair: Bill Beck (R-Whitefish)
Vice Chair: Cynthia Hiner (D-Deer Lodge)
Duane Ankney (R-Colstrip)
Tony Belcourt (D-Box Elder)
Randy Brodehl (R-Kalispell)
Tom Burnett (R-Bozeman)
Rob Cook (R-Conrad)
Mike Cuffe (R-Eureka)
Champ Edmunds (R-Missoula)
Ron Ehli (R-Hamilton)
John Esp (R-Big Timber)
Steve Gibson (R-East Helena)
Roy Hollandsworth (R-Brady)
Galen Hollenbaugh (D-Helena)
Bill McChesney (D-Miles City)
Robert Mehlhoff (D-Great Falls)
Ryan Osmundson (R-Buffalo)
Don Roberts (R-Billings)
Trudi Schmidt (D-Great Falls)
Jon Sesso (D-Butte)
Staff: Jon Moe, 406-444-4581
Jaret Coles, 406-444-4026
Secretary: Sandra Sullivan, 406-444-4457

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
Just in, my Rep. says he has 30 calls all in favor, none against. Where are you guys? This is one of the single most important bills. If this passes, we can forget the ungulates in Western Montana, and you can expect me to be in your back pocket in Eastern Montana. Anyone for a foot race?
We have weighed in on this one multiple times.

It is another bill that imposes costs on hunters, and messes with the state wolf management plan. And now, requires the Attorney General to sue the Feds for a multiple number of events.

One of the named priorities is livestock damage control. I have no problem with livestock damage control, but am at a loss as to why livestock producers are not paying a penny for this bill.

So, once again they want hunters to foot the bill for a program that benefits many others. Rather predictable patterns I see in the M.O.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for wolf monitoring and control. It is outlined in the MT wolf management plan.

Just tired of paying for all this crap, and tired of legislators thinking they know more about wolf management than the citizen panel that put together the MT wolf management plan from thousands of hours of volunteer meetings, public comment, and listening to biologists.

Another unneeded bill that just messes up the works and takes money from hunters for others' benefit.
If this passes it will put us with Wyoming and not having an accepted wolf management plan. We can kiss delisting good bye.
We have weighed in on this one multiple times.

It is another bill that imposes costs on hunters, and messes with the state wolf management plan. And now, requires the Attorney General to sue the Feds for a multiple number of events.

One of the named priorities is livestock damage control. I have no problem with livestock damage control, but am at a loss as to why livestock producers are not paying a penny for this bill.

So, once again they want hunters to foot the bill for a program that benefits many others. Rather predictable patterns I see in the M.O.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for wolf monitoring and control. It is outlined in the MT wolf management plan.

Just tired of paying for all this crap, and tired of legislators thinking they know more about wolf management than the citizen panel that put together the MT wolf management plan from thousands of hours of volunteer meetings, public comment, and listening to biologists.

Another unneeded bill that just messes up the works and takes money from hunters for others' benefit.

Amen Randy. HB 363, SB 390, SB 348, HB 286, HB 470 - How much of our money will it take to satiate their thirst? I spoke with Jim Brown, the lobbyist for the Montana Woolgrowers Association, behind most of these bills,at the beginning of the session that we'd be happy to work with the ag lobby to find a stable funding source for wolf management. Only the Stockgrowers and Farm Bureau took us up on that offer, the result was HB 622. We never heard from Woolgrowers, and yet here they are taking our license dollars.

When I told Jim that if he keeps coming after license dollars, it'll get real pretty quick, his only response was "you're going to have to pay for them (wolves) sooner or later."

So, here we have the ag lobby working with the Republican legislature to stuff the pockets of the Federal Agency, Wildlife Services ( who was caught earlier in the session lobbying for specific bills, on federal equipment), with your license dollars. This is how your tax dollars are being spent.

Makes me proud to be a Montanan.
I sent mine to the entire committee. I think guys are wearing down, which is understandable but we need to see this damn thing through.
The word is out. Several groups are working this.

Heard a rumor that a few of the wolf huggers were writing in supporting too.
No, they are supporting SB 414. As in, they want it to pass because it would keep wolves listed.

Keep that money train going!
The word is out. Several groups are working this.

Heard a rumor that a few of the wolf huggers were writing in supporting too.

Yeah, the wolf huggers want to see the MT plan screwed up also. They want to see these changes made, so the USFWS will rescind their approval of the Montana wolf plan. That might put us right back to square one on the wolf issue.

Make no mistake, the wolf nuts are very excited to see MT and ID legislatures messing with these state wolf plans. That plays perfectly for their strategy.

Right now, the state wolf plans are approved and ready to go. If Simpson-Tester passes this week, those plans will guide wolf management in MT and ID.

If these legislatures pass these bills and the Governor signs them, the USFWS is probably going to take the MT and ID plans back to the drawing board and go through the entire process again.

Just that, in itself, is reason for the legislature to keep their hands off the Montana Wolf Management plan, at least for the time being.

But, many of the legislators are carrying water for the same hunter groups who want to see Simpson-Tester die, so they have even more motive.

If people understood how often the wolf lovers and some of these supposed hunter groups are on the same side of the table, trying to torpedo the MT and ID wolf plans, they would stop sending money to them.

This bill is another one of those attempts to do just that, and the wolf nuts have now joined the supporters of this bill. They are getting to be such good bed fellows in these wolf issues, they could save money by hiring joint legal counsel.

Amazing, absolutely amazing. And to think hunters are still sending them money.
Sent mine off.

I can't believe the politics going on behind the scenes. SFW is working overtime to screw us.

I know 5 guys sending SFW money, they are getting an ass chewing tomorrow. I am sick of this. This BS has got to stop.

Just watched "Young Guns" the other night. It just occured to me, I feel like this whole scene is like the final scene in "Young Guns". The SFW and BGF is Murphy Dolan gang, and Ben, onpoint, SS, and Fin, represent Billy the Kid, and all the rest of us(mainly those who aren't doing a damn thing, those not on internet sites), are represented as Charlie Bowdre, scared, upset, but not doing anything. Billy is yelling at Charlie, "If you don't stand up and start whooping some ass, you're never going to see her again". If we don't stand up and start whooping some ass, we aren't going to have crap to fight for.

Reap it- DKP,
Yeah, the wolf huggers want to see the MT plan screwed up also. They want to see these changes made, so the USFWS will rescind their approval of the Montana wolf plan. That might put us right back to square one on the wolf issue.

Make no mistake, the wolf nuts are very excited to see MT and ID legislatures messing with these state wolf plans. That plays perfectly for their strategy.

Right now, the state wolf plans are approved and ready to go. If Simpson-Tester passes this week, those plans will guide wolf management in MT and ID.

If these legislatures pass these bills and the Governor signs them, the USFWS is probably going to take the MT and ID plans back to the drawing board and go through the entire process again.

Just that, in itself, is reason for the legislature to keep their hands off the Montana Wolf Management plan, at least for the time being.

But, many of the legislators are carrying water for the same hunter groups who want to see Simpson-Tester die, so they have even more motive.

If people understood how often the wolf lovers and some of these supposed hunter groups are on the same side of the table, trying to torpedo the MT and ID wolf plans, they would stop sending money to them.

This bill is another one of those attempts to do just that, and the wolf nuts have now joined the supporters of this bill. They are getting to be such good bed fellows in these wolf issues, they could save money by hiring joint legal counsel.

Amazing, absolutely amazing. And to think hunters are still sending them money.

Wouldn't that make for interesting testimony.
Pro-Wolf activist says:"We're in Favor of SB 414 because if this Bill passes we know the wolf will stay protected."

Picture on the legislators faces. Priceless.:eek:
After a poor night's sleep, I've awoke unrefreshed with a new vigor to start the day. I plan to mount a call in campaign today.. If everyone would get all their family members to call in and ask the House appropriations committee to kill SB 414, we might have a chance. Thanks to all of you that take the time to make the call.
Billy is yelling at Charlie, "If you don't stand up and start whooping some ass, you're never going to see her again". If we don't stand up and start whooping some ass, we aren't going to have crap to fight for.

Reap it- DKP,

Good stuff right there... for those of us that are hitting this circuit for the first round, it has been a wake up call and to be honest... starting out with thunder leaves a first timer in this scene a bit worn out... Not really able to pace oneself... just gotta keep trudging on, I guess. :confused:
Well, after work, I'll spend my time shooting another volley of e-mails. This shit is getting old!

Cheers for the comment, Drahthaar... Half time ass chewing to get out there and "finish the game"... interesting enough, I think that is another line in Young Guns... Haha!
Our side has come on strong, we are at least equal to the amounts of pro 414 people. Thanks for all that called, and or wrote. Every family member,and every friend should send a message. It's was heard in committee this morning. They say they might lean towards SB 348 to favor that bill. I guess if one had to pass, I think I'd rather it be that one.

We rallied the troops is a really short time frame. Wonder what we could do if we had more than a 24 hr notice?
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