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Oct 17, 2016
What headlamp does Randy use on the show? Any other suggestions for headlamps? I'm currently in the market and there are a quite a few choices. Any help is appreciated.
I know Randy likes having a red/green option, but for pure headlamp light your way use, I really like the Petzl Nao. Very bright for navigation, comfortable (I run in the dark quite a bit), rechargeable but will run on a very dim mode for quite a sometime even when empty (I have other headlamps that blink twice then go dark), good run time but you can also by spare batteries.

It is a bit heavy, so if you're looking for something to have in the pack just in case, I'd try other options.
I don't know the model Randy uses, I really like the Black Diamond Storm. You can lock it off so it doesn't get turned on accidentally in your pack. It's waterproof. It has a low battery indicator. It has several brightness modes and a red mode. I keep two of them in my pack rather than carrying extra batteries. Looks like they've got a newer model out that I haven't used.
I don't know the model Randy uses, I really like the Black Diamond Storm. You can lock it off so it doesn't get turned on accidentally in your pack. It's waterproof. It has a low battery indicator. It has several brightness modes and a red mode. I keep two of them in my pack rather than carrying extra batteries. Looks like they've got a newer model out that I haven't used.

+1. The DB is a nice light, and a decent value.
I currently have 2 of the newer versions of the BD Storm. They can get turned on in your pack even if locked... just have to put pressure on the button for 5 seconds or something. It happens to me quite often. I don't like the button on it either. It gets frustrating when trying to switch between modes at times. The old version was much better IMO, but I lost mine on the trail.

It is very bright and works well minus the ergo issues.

I'm looking for a new one as well.
I have a zebra light. It's built to last and has a great range from super dim to spotlight bright, but it is only white light. For that reason alone, it gets used less than my petzl because most of my hunting is whitetails out of a deerstand. I like the red light to be less visible walking in and out.
I currently have 2 of the newer versions of the BD Storm. They can get turned on in your pack even if locked... just have to put pressure on the button for 5 seconds or something. It happens to me quite often. I don't like the button on it either. It gets frustrating when trying to switch between modes at times. The old version was much better IMO, but I lost mine on the trail.

It is very bright and works well minus the ergo issues.

I'm looking for a new one as well.

Aw come on. I just bought one of those. Why did you have to go and ruin it for me?
After reading this my next will be a black diamond.

Op-ed: Time for Outdoor Retailers to leave Utah and its anti-recreation politics

By Peter Metcalf

Over the past several months Utah's political leadership has unleashed an all-out assault against Utah's protected public lands and Utah's newest monument. It's time for Outdoor Retailer to leave the state in disgust.

Over 20 years ago, I successfully led the effort to relocate the Outdoor Retailer Trade show to Utah. The state has some of the country's most beautiful, varied, wild and iconic public lands that personified our industry's values. Utah's public lands also formed the underpinnings of the state's great competitive advantage — an unmatched quality of life unique to much of America that has attracted some of the best and brightest companies and their employees to the state.

This is precisely why I relocated the business I founded, Black Diamond (BD), to Utah in 1991. Thanks in part to both Outdoor Retailer (OR) trade shows and BD's arrival in Utah, the outdoor, ski, sportsmen and recreation industries have had mercurial growth here and have become one of Utah's, and the country's, largest economic sectors. Today, the outdoor industry generates nearly $650 billion nationally in gross national product (GNP) activity and, in Utah alone, nearly $12 billion with over 120,000 jobs. In addition, the twice-annual OR show brings nearly $50 million in direct spending to Utah, which boosts the prosperity of many small businesses in the state.

Our trade show, Utah's outdoor recreation industry and the relocating of many high-tech businesses to the state are predicated in great part on the thoughtful public policy that includes unparalleled access to well-protected, stewarded and wild public lands. Tragically, Utah's governor, congressional delegation and state Legislature leadership fail to understand this critical relationship between our healthy public lands and the vitality of Utah's growing economy.

Gov. Gary Herbert and Utah's D.C. delegation are leading a national all-out assault on the sanctity of Utah and the country's public lands. Together, Utah's political leadership has birthed an anti-public lands political agenda that is the driving force of an existential threat to the vibrancy of Utah and America's outdoor industry, as well as Utah's high quality of life.

Specifically, Utah's top elected officials' stated strategy is to take down our newest national monument, Bears Ears, gut the Antiquities Act, starve funding from federal land management agencies and transfer our country's public lands to state ownership, where the state will sell and prioritize extractive use over all others. Doubtful? Just look at the recent selling and purchase of a 391-acre parcel to the Lyman Family Farm that now has gated and padlocked access to a popular county access road to Comb Ridge.

Political officials rationalize their actions with false truths, fictional ideologically based narratives and fear-mongering. They neglect the critical role public lands play in boosting Utah's economy, making the state a great place to live, work and play. They even fail to understand that four of Utah's five iconic national parks, which are the economic engines of their regions, were created through use of the Antiquities Act — as was Bears Ears National Monument.

This agenda is antithetical to our industry, let alone the majority of our citizens regardless of party affiliation. By our industry's twice-annual trade show remaining in Utah, we are actually complicit collaborators in our own demise. It's time for the industry to again find its voice, speak truth and power to power while making it clear to the governor and the state's political leadership that this trade show will depart with the expiration of the current contract in 2018 unless the leadership ceases its assault on America's best idea.

We are calling on Herbert, Utah's congressional delegation and other state leaders to drop their efforts to take down Bear Ears National Monument, to gut the Antiquities Act, to transfer our public lands to the states and to gut funding for these monuments, parks and public lands. If they don't, the Outdoor Retailer shows must leave Utah.

The Utah delegation has wasted no time in the first days of 2017 to enact their destructive agenda, and now the outdoor industry, too, must respond boldly and unified while we are here in Salt Lake.

Peter Metcalf is founder, former CEO and current brand advocate of Black Diamond Equipment, as well as an outdoor industry and Utah business leader.
I take one battery out of my headlamp and put it all in a Ziploc. This also keeps the batteries from leaking.
Wal Mart Energizer. I have had several high priced, high end headlamps, used for both work and hunting. IMO the Energizer units are the best value and a very good product.
i just have a few princeton tech fuel headlamps, use them daily when feeding the horses through the winter, then while camping and take them hunting and snowmobiling for $15 and 6 AAA batteries/year I can't complain

have broken two so far in about 4 years by dropping them when I go to hang them but at $15 i can't really complain, one still works just taped together to hold the pressure on the batteries for contact so it's just a spare. no red/green light though that will be on my next headlamp upgrade
I have a zebra light. It's built to last and has a great range from super dim to spotlight bright, but it is only white light. For that reason alone, it gets used less than my petzl because most of my hunting is whitetails out of a deerstand. I like the red light to be less visible walking in and out.

Which one do you have? There's like 30 diffent ones and they all look the same but have different model numbers etc. After reading the specs on each, I was even more confused then when I started.
I have the H52W. It was important to me to keep everything running on AA batteries since that is what the rest of my stuff runs on so I can steal batteries for whatever is the most important if I run out. The other models have brighter lights and bigger batteries which is nice for burn time, but you're SOL if the batteries die and you don't have a spare.

I have the regular (non floody) version. It is the traditional headlamp beam with the middle of the light cone having more/brighter light. The floody version spreads out the light evenly throughout the whole cone.

Which one do you have? There's like 30 diffent ones and they all look the same but have different model numbers etc. After reading the specs on each, I was even more confused then when I started.
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