HB 73 - Wolf Bill

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
I was able to go to the signing of HB 73, the wolf bill that sailed through the Legislature.

Representatives of MWF, MSA, MBA and a few others like Helena Hunters and Anglers and Hellgate Hunters and Anglers were in attendance. All of these groups did great work ensuring that the bill didn't go off the rails and maintained a balanced approach that wouldn't lead to a status review, relisting, or screw things up in General.

These were the groups that made this happen. If anyone else tries to take credit for it, know that they're full of it. ;)


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 13, 2013

SCI Thanks Montana Governor and Legislators for Passing Improved Management Regulations for Wolves

Washington, DC – Governor Steve Bullock of Montana signed House Bill (HB) 73 into law today, a decision that has been strongly supported by the Montana members of Safari Club International. The law will improve multi-year management for wolves which is needed to achieve management objectives that have been set forth by the biologists of Montana’s Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Department.

“This is a victory for SCI’s Montana membership, which has been extremely vocal in their support of HB 73. We thank Gov. Bullock for recognizing that the recommendations from the professional biologists at the Fish, Wildlife, and Parks department out-weighed the special interest demands from outside Montana,” said SCI President John Whipple. “We hope that more governors and legislators will listen to the professional wildlife management community when making policy decisions about wildlife conservation.”

Over more than 10 years, Safari Club International has been involved in dozens of battles with animal rights’ activists who impede scientifically driven wildlife management objectives through the use of court injunctions and stall tactics. Safari Club International and colleague organizations were instrumental in passing legislation to finally return wolf management back to the state wildlife agencies like the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Department.

“If history has taught us anything, it is that special interest radicals will once again head to the courts to impede the science behind wildlife management, but we will be there to meet them on the courthouse steps,” concluded Whipple.

MEDIA CONTACT: Nelson Freeman; [email protected]

Safari Club International – First For Hunters is the leader in protecting the freedom to hunt and in promoting wildlife conservation worldwide. SCI’s approximately 200 Chapters represent all 50 of the United States as well as 106 other countries. SCI’s proactive leadership in a host of cooperative wildlife conservation, outdoor education and humanitarian programs, with the SCI Foundation and other conservation groups, research institutions and government agencies, empowers sportsmen to be contributing community members and participants in sound wildlife management and conservation. Visit the home page www.safariclub.org or call (520) 620-1220 for more information.

Looks like SCI wants part of the credit Ben:D
I've found that the groups who crow the loudest are usually the ones who did the least. ;)
It sure looks good on their website for pimping new members though.
It sure looks good on their website for pimping new members though.

Yep. SFW and BGF were first out of the gate taking credit for it.

SFW testified in support of HB 31 which would have caused relisting, but left House FWP before HB 73 came up - no testimony.

BGF - I haven't seen their smiling faces at the Capitol at all this session.

MOGA did help on this bill, and they deserve credit for their efforts.

SCI - They were at the Senate Fish and Game hearing, after everything had been greased.

I think that all of the groups had members sending in emails, etc, in support - but those who worked the halls and committee members deserve the credit.

No one deserves more credit than Representative Kelly Flynn though. He had a solid head on his shoulders and proved to be a leader on this bill.

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