Have tag, but ranch sold so nowhere to hunt in Montana


Active member
Jan 5, 2001
Omaha, NE usa
So, my best friend's wife has an Elk and Deer tag to hunt in Montana, but the ranch they've hunted for years and were to hunt was sold a couple of months ago and now she has no place to hunt. So if anyone knows of a rancher around Bozeman that will accept a trespass fee or if you guys have any suggestions please let me know and we can put the wheels in motion so that she can use her tags. She may shoot a cow elk or whatever as she's taken some good bulls over the years and she understands what she's up against. So again she's all ears to any and all suggestions.

I actually asked him if it was a General Tag and according to my buddy, it's a general tag, but with being said, the ranch owner was the outfitter & I don't believe they even used him for the tag. I don't know if the Montana rules have changed concerning outfitters signing your application these days, but I seem to recall everyone has to draw a tag, whether you're hunting with an outfitter or not, but I could be wrong. It's been 20 yrs since I last hunted with an outfitter(same ranch) in Montana, so I'm not up to speed with the rules there anymore concerning outfitter tags. My buddy has been hunting this ranch(it's a big ranch) for 21 yrs and one of my other buddies has hunted it for 35-40 yrs if memory serves me right, so there was a very good relationship with ranch owner, but he just decided the offer was to good to pass up at this stage in life and sold it and the hunting came to an abrupt end.

Again any help from you lads around Bozeman would be much appreciated.

I was first thinking that the tag was a general tag and "why not hunt public" Now I wonder if this isn't one of those special for outfitter client that didn't draw tags passed by the last legislature. If that is the case your friend may be out of luck. Your outfitter/landowner may have bent you over. I had been him I would have insisted that booked clients get to hunt.
I don't believe it's that type of tag. And they hadn't signed anything with the outfitter/ranch owner, thus there's no recourse. I will have him double-check the tag, but it's not like him to be wrong on this, but you never know. I know he put in and didn't draw, so again I have to side with him that's it's a General Tag.
They're not asking for the honey-hole spots, they're asking if someone knows a rancher or even an outfitter that allows access or has an opening due to cancellation and they're willing to pay. They may have to go the Public Land route, but right now they want to pursue the other route cuz time is running out.
Ive been on the other side of that kind of deal. Trying to buy a decent size place to keep a few elk on, thought I found it but they wanted to keep access for their friends and the LOP tags for five years.
They're not asking for the honey-hole spots, they're asking if someone knows a rancher or even an outfitter that allows access or has an opening due to cancellation and they're willing to pay. They may have to go the Public Land route, but right now they want to pursue the other route cuz time is running out.
Sorry, but this comes off as they are too good to hunt with us unwashed masses.

Good luck on your search.
They're not asking for the honey-hole spots, they're asking if someone knows a rancher or even an outfitter that allows access or has an opening due to cancellation and they're willing to pay. They may have to go the Public Land route, but right now they want to pursue the other route cuz time is running out.
This is the wrong forum to be asking for referrals to outfitters . Just saying ....
Well they're coming from out of state, so having to switch plans makes it a bit tough when you find out a month or so before the hunt that you have nowhere to hunt.
I understand that too but don’t panic there’s lots of great hunting on public and block management
Call up The Montana Hunting Company or Huntin Fool
If they’re intent on hunting private land, they should be able to come up with something for you. It just takes $
Good grief guys, @csutton7 has been on here for over 20 years. It's a perfectly reasonable question to ask. The pretentiousness of hunt talk at times is pretty incredible.

I'd call Rob Arnaud first. If he doesn't have availability I would think there's a good chance he'd have a direction to point you. I'm sure if they've got the money and keep calling around they'll be able to shake something loose.
I actually I agree but cmon man .... call a outfitter !!! If he/she is full I’m pretty sure they could point you in right direction . Few phone calls would go a lot further than any info you’ll get here is all I’m saying

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